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【Graeber & Wengrow】
The Dawn of Everything - Justin E. H. Smith's Hinternet
The Roots of Inequality: An Exchange | by David Wengrow | The New York Review of Books
U.S. Political Party Preferences Shifted Greatly During 2021 (gallup.com)
Opinion | On immigration, Biden continues to keep some of the worst Trump policies in place - The Washington Post
Biden Administration’s Foreign-Policy Initiatives Hindered by Domestic Troubles - WSJ
Biden’s year of living dangerously | Financial Times
Opinion | The rush to label Biden a failed president is wildly premature - The Washington Post
Hispanic Voters Now Evenly Split Between Parties, WSJ Poll Finds - WSJ
解读|中国去年出口增速创十年新高,12月同比增20.3% (eastday.com)

中国12月社融增量2.37万亿 新增人民币贷款1.13万亿 - 华尔街见闻

连跨5万亿、6万亿美元两大台阶!2021年我国外贸进出口规模达6.05万亿美元,同比增长30% | 每日经济新闻
中国12月进出口继续高增 全年进出口总额首超6万亿美元 - 华尔街见闻
Iron ore price slides as China’s economy slows - MINING.COM
Iron ore price down on demand uncertainties - MINING.COM
Google, Amazon, Meta and Microsoft Weave a Fiber-Optic Web of Power - WSJ
Tax the Rich in Country With Biggest Poverty Surge, Oxfam Says - Bloomberg
Transcript: Inventory Vanishing and Bidding Wars Exploding in Crazy U.S. Housing Market - Bloomberg
Why Home Prices Keep Rising - The New York Times
Yellen rebrands Biden economic agenda as 'modern supply-side economics' (yahoo.com)
They Were the Pandemic’s Perfect Victims — ProPublica
South Korea Will See a Massive Labor Uprising on January 15 - In These Times
China’s Foreign Firms Are Running Out of a Key Resource: Foreigners (sixthtone.com)
 As many as 100,000 foreigners may be waiting for permission to return to Shanghai alone, local media outlet SmartShanghai estimates
This month, China’s Ministry of Finance abruptly announced it would extend tax exemptions for foreign workers till the end of 2023.
China’s 11th-Hour Tax Reprieve Cheers Foreign Workers—For Now - WSJ
China stands alone in its attitude towards the pandemic | The Economist
A Covid Contact-Tracing Contrast Lays Bare China’s Inequalities - WSJ
China Holds the Line on ‘Zero Covid,’ but Some Wonder for How Long - The New York Times
China's success taming virus could make exit strategy harder | AP News
Niall Ferguson: China's Covid Victory Over America Is Pyrrhic - Bloomberg
Food shortages, medical negligence and online dissent: The growing cracks in China’s zero-covid campaign – Grid News
China Should Prepare to Live With Covid-19 - Bloomberg Editorial
China’s Zero-Covid Policy Is a Pandemic Waiting to Happen - New York Times
COVID-19:抗疫的回顾与未来 (兔主席)
‘I cried all day’: the anguish of people locked out of Japan by Covid | Japan | The Guardian
The Great Hamster Rescue Sends Hong Kong Into a Furry Frenzy - WSJ
Killing Hamsters Drives Hong Kong to New Low in Meeting China's Zero-Covid Dream - Bloomberg
Thousands in Hong Kong volunteer to adopt hamsters amid COVID-19 fears | Reuters
Hong Kong hamster cull: Outrage as 1,200 small animals culled over Covid-19 fears - CNN Video
Hong Kong seizes hamsters from pet store for mass cull - BBC News
Fury over Hong Kong's mass cull of hamsters and small pets (france24.com)
壹快评︱“恶意返乡”说法是对法律法规的“恶意曲解” (第一财经)
天天学习|如何战胜疫情、建设疫后世界?习近平“典”明方向 (国际在线)
Hong Kong hamster massacre: Residents vent fury over ‘zero covid’ city’s pet project - The Washington Post
CFLkane:一有疫情就喊停止进口冷链,为什么行不通? (guancha.cn)
Where are the Variant Specific Boosters? - Marginal REVOLUTION
科兴疫苗到底有没有效力?发国难财?去年利润暴增 (wenxuecity.com)
Omicron thwarts some of the world’s most-used COVID vaccines (nature.com)
Stock Market: U.S. Corporations Hit Record Profits in 2021 Q3 Despite Covid - Bloomberg
Inflation Story Spun by CEOs Is Debunked by Fat Profit Margins - Bloomberg
Earnings results so far show companies are effectively navigating supply issues and rising costs (cnbc.com)
The U.S. Manufacturing Economy Hums Along. Profit Margins Are Holding Up. | Barron's (barrons.com)
World's Largest Shipping Co. Sees Highest Profits in 117 Years (businessinsider.com)
Why Truck Driver Pay Has Decreased by As Much As 50% Since the 1970s (businessinsider.com)
What made peak shipping season a success? - FreightWaves
Allies wait on U.S. approval to arm Ukraine as invasion worries mount - POLITICO
Under Secretary Victoria Nuland: "Russia has created this crisis out of whole cloth and will have to justify to its people why it is stoking a potentially very bloody & costly conflict for Russia, rather than focusing on its own citizens’ health and on Russia’s own significant challenges in building back better."
Ukraine crisis: Blinken to visit Kyiv, then meet Russian foreign minister - Axios
U.K. Officials Told to Be Ready for ‘Crisis Mode’ on Russia - Bloomberg
Psaki: ‘Russia could at any point launch an attack in Ukraine’ - POLITICO
Germany’s Baerbock faces down top Russian diplomat Lavrov in Moscow – POLITICO
The US-Russia Crisis Over Ukraine: All Options Should Not Be On the Table (justsecurity.org)
How to Reach an Agreement on Ukraine | RealClearWorld
Oil prices hit highest level since 2014 over supply concerns | Financial Times
Ukrainian president tells senators post-invasion sanctions are no help - Axios泽连斯基脑子僵了?
Washington’s Missing China Strategy | Foreign Affairs
China likely to step up pressure on Taiwan in 2023: Niall Ferguson - Focus Taiwan
Text of Speech by Robert Gates on the Future of NATO - Atlantic Council
What John McCain Would Say About Putin and Ukraine - The Atlantic
Fear of Russia Brings New Purpose and Unity to NATO, Once Again - The New York Times
Opinion | On Russia, NATO and Ukraine, the U.S. Must Stop Lying to Itself - The New York Times
As Ukraine tensions mount, US vows ‘decisive’ response if Russia deploys to Cuba, Venezuela | South China Morning Post
SOS OPEC+: Suddenly, The Western World Needs Russian Energy Amid Sanctions (forbes.com)
The most likely military scenario (of several) is some kind of repeat of the 2008 punitive action v. Georgia. Can Russia do this? Yes. Immediately? No. Within the next month? Yes. The tells? Track the logistics units and forward deployment of aviation
乌克兰人对北约的态度在转变:Dr. Olga Onuch
乌克兰人也担心:Timothy Ash: Putin is preparing for war (kyivindependent.com)
Christopher Miller: "Ukraine Prez Zelensky plays down the Russian threat: “What’s new? Isn't this the reality for 8 years? Didn't the invasion start in 2014? Did the threat of a large-scale war appear only now? These risks existed…they haven't become bigger. The excitement around them has grown.”"泽连斯基:你们瞎扯,什么是也没有
Leonid Ragozin "Zelensky clamped down on Medvedchuk exactly a year ago, right after president Biden entered office. Rather than suing him in court, Zelensky put Medvedchuk and TV channels associated with him on sanctions list. Despite dubious legality, the move was applauded by the DC blob.>>>"
FACT SHEET: U.S. Diplomatic Engagement with European Allies and Partners Ahead of Talks with Russia | The White House
Emily Horne: "ICYMI: Nearly 100 meetings, calls, and engagements between @POTUS, @SecBlinken, @SecDef, @JakeSullivan46 & other senior ???????? officials with our European allies and partners in run-up to this week of intensive diplomacy"
Stephen Wertheim: "Russia may turn out to be bent on further aggression in Ukraine, but diplomacy is well worth the effort and may yet succeed. What can the United States offer to diffuse the crisis and avoid getting drawn into a larger war?"
Dmitri Alperovitch: "In the last few weeks, I have become increasingly convinced that Kremlin has unfortunately made a decision to invade Ukraine later this winter. While it is still possible for Putin to deescalate, I believe the likelihood is now quite low. Allow me to explain why ????"(2021.12.21)
Dmitri Alperovitch: "My original thread on the high likelihood of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the next 2 months has sparked a lot of great conversations and debate, so I now want to follow it up with another that discusses a potential solution to resolve this crisis peacefully????"(2022.01.04)
German navy chief’s Crimea comments lead to diplomatic row | Financial Times(俄国是白人,干嘛不集中在中国)
夸了普京一句话,德国海军总监道歉,随后辞职 (guancha.cn)
US in talks with Qatar over gas supplies to Europe in event of Ukraine invasion | Financial Times
Opinion | The Russia Sanctions That Could Actually Stop Putin - POLITICO
Russia needs a ‘Finland option’ for Ukraine | Financial Times(Zbigniew Brzezinski,2014)
Opinion | Ukrainians can’t afford to be afraid - The Washington Post
Volodymyr Zelensky interview: ‘Everyone will lose’ if Russia invades Ukraine - The Washington Post
Opinion | Biden’s misstep on Ukraine was telling the truth - The Washington Post
Opinion | In Ukraine, the mood is calm defiance in advance of Putin’s decision to strike - The Washington Post
Russia and China’s plans for a new world order | Financial Times
China and Russia test the limits of EU power | Financial Times(同上作者)
Opinion | How to Retreat From Ukraine - The New York Times(友善建议体面撤退)
Can Russia back down in Ukraine? - Vox
U.S. threatens use of novel export control to damage Russia’s strategic industries if Moscow invades Ukraine - The Washington Post
Mark Galeotti: "I’m really not sure what to make of the current spate of claims of Russian-organised coups in Ukraine, most recently the UK’s. A thread."
Leonid Ragozin: "It’s not just the American attempt to change equilibrium in Ukraine, but the entire US policy of isolating Russia in Europe, pursued in the last 30 years, which hit the wall at the end of 2021. My piece for @bneintellinews"
Britain Pursues More Muscular Role in Standoff With Russia on Ukraine - The New York Times
英国情报声称俄将扶持他在乌建立傀儡政府,本尊笑了:我可是被俄制裁了四年 (guancha.cn)
Leonid Ragozin: "It’s been many hours since Britain proclaimed Murayev a coup leader, but no one in Ukraine is rushing to arrest him. Zelensky must have already developed a neurosis by now waking up in the morning and asking: “What did the Americans or Brits say today?”"
Biden Weighs Deploying Thousands of Troops to Eastern Europe and Baltics - The New York Times
What Would War in Ukraine Mean for Europe’s Energy Crisis? - Bloomberg
Germany’s Reliance on Russian Gas Limits Europe’s Options in Ukraine Crisis - WSJ
Russia Incursion In Ukraine: Anger Over US Departures (buzzfeednews.com)
Russia’s Central Bank Steps In to Halt Ruble Slide as Markets in Freefall - The Moscow Times
A divided Europe gazes at its navel | Financial Times
America’s Generation Gap on Ukraine - by Peter Beinart (substack.com)
Opinion | Fiona Hill: For Russia’s President Putin, It's Not Just About Ukraine - The New York Times
How the west went public to stop a war in Ukraine | Financial Times
Pentagon defends its preparation for Ukraine crisis, details military forces that could deploy - The Washington Post
What It’s Like in Ukraine as the Russia Crisis Unfolds | Strengthening Transatlantic Cooperation (gmfus.org)
China’s capital concerns prompt calls to prevent ‘disorderly expansion and barbaric growth’ | South China Morning Post
Alibaba Employee First Spotted Log4j Software Flaw but Now the Company Is in Hot Water With Beijing - WSJ
How China's CATL Became the Top Electric Car Battery Maker - The New York Times
China Wins Number-One Rank in Annual Shipbuilding Orders for 2021 (maritime-executive.com)
China needs a new growth model, but that requires serious reform | Financial Times
Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins: U.S. Needs to Find a Way to Coexist With China - Bloomberg
US lawmakers urge Biden trade chief Katherine Tai to expand tariff exclusions on Chinese goods | South China Morning Post
Joe Biden says he won’t lift tariffs on Chinese imports since Beijing hasn’t abided by phase one trade deal | South China Morning Post(误读)
The China story behind Apple’s $3 trillion valuation with Doug Guthrie – SupChina
Former Chinese vice-premier calls for cooperation with US over technology | South China Morning Post(前副总理曾培炎)
Official Beijing 2022 Olympics Mobile App Is Marred by Security Flaws, Researchers Say - WSJ
IOC disputes Citizen Lab's security concerns about Chinese Olympics app | ZDNet
China Seeks to Cushion Blow of Economic Pain as Momentum Slows - WSJ
In China, the Economic Buzzword for 2022 Is Stability - WSJ
How Bad Are Things in China’s Property Market? - WSJ
Omicron in China: New Variant Weakens Xi Jinping's Covid Policies - Bloomberg
China’s record trade gap a symptom of struggle to rebalance its economy | Financial Times
Is China’s Investment Really That Unproductive? (yicaiglobal.com)
Under Secretary Jose W. Fernandez? Keynote Address for the U.S.-China Business Council’s “Gala 2021: The Way Forward” - United States Department of State
A Transatlantic Strategy to Check China’s Belt and Road Initiative (nationalinterest.org)
Securing Taiwan Requires Immediate Unprecedented Cyber Action - Lawfare
Tell me how the US-China war ends | TheHill
Koreans see China rising, but much prefer Uncle Sam (joins.com)
外交部副部长乐玉成:台所谓的“邦交国”清零是早晚的事 (eastday.com)
外交部副部长答封面新闻:“台独”终将走向穷途末路 成为孤家寡人_中国_乐玉成_台湾 (sohu.com)
Yesterday’s Men | Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins (thebaffler.com)
The Construction of an Originalist Constitution - Constitutional Law (jotwell.com)
The Past's Transformative Power by Zheng Wang — Fall 2020: The Ends of History | The Wilson Quarterly
They Saved the Church, but at What Cost? - Tocqueville21
Marx, Hegel, and the Critique of Religion: A Response (lareviewofbooks.org)
It’s a Trap! Re-Thinking Samuel Moyn’s Humane Beyond the North Atlantic in: Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies Volume 12 Issue 2 (2021) (brill.com)
The Unserious Generation (wisdomofcrowds.live)
Ten Years of Debate on the Origins of the Great Divergence | Reviews in History
Race and racism in the founding of the modern world order | International Affairs | Oxford Academic (oup.com)
The Rise and Fall of Civilizations: A Reader Course – The Scholar's Stage
Wagner and the Anti-Semitism of ‘the Ring’ - Eric Nelson, Commentary Magazine
听中医大师们诊断新冠,我整个人都裂开了 (科学公园)
How Bush and Blair plotted war in Iraq: Read the secret memo in full | Middle East Eye
Afghanistan's conflict in 2021 (2): Republic collapse and Taleban victory in the long-view of history - Afghanistan Analysts Network
China Is Haunted by Its One-Child Policy as It Tries to Encourage Couples to Conceive - WSJ
Bond Market Forecasts Bad Economic News - WSJ
What is Common Prosperity IB 2021 (atlanticcouncil.org)











































Why Is Russia Threatening to Invade Ukraine?(2021.12.16)
For Putin, the current standoff is a chance to overturn what he sees as an unjust post-Cold War order—and create a new one in its wake.

For the moment, a video call on December 7th between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin seems to have avoided, or at least delayed, war in Ukraine. In the weeks prior, Russia had amassed an alarming number of ground forces and support personnel at the border, raising concerns of a looming invasion. As was the case before the first in-person meeting of the two Presidents in Geneva, in June, a cycle of escalation has seemingly given way to an opportunity for dialogue. Putin called the latest talks “open, substantive, and constructive.” But rather urgent questions remain: Why was a new round of conflict a possibility in the first place, and has the danger really gone away?

For Putin, Ukraine seems to be key not because he dreams of resurrecting the Soviet Union or enlarging the territory of modern-day Russia by force; rather, Ukraine presents an opportunity for Russia, once and for all, to reassert its geopolitical relevance. As Putin sees it, only the threat of war can reopen a conversation that, to many in the West, has long felt like settled history: the expansion of NATO eastward, the denial of a Russian veto on questions of regional security, and the underlying sense that Russia lost the Cold War. If Ukraine joins NATO, or is drawn into a de-facto military alliance with it, then Putin’s project has failed; if Ukraine is kept from doing so, Putin has fulfilled his historical role.

“After so many years in power, Putin sees himself, not Gorbachev or Yeltsin, as responsible for formulating the ultimate post-Soviet order,” Alexander Baunov, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Moscow Center, said. “In this sense, many events or facts that may seem to be historically irreversible are, from his perspective, mistakes that remain to be corrected.” For Putin, the United States is the counterparty with whom he can seek to fulfill this promise; Ukraine, as it were, is the host venue.

The current cycle of tensions with the West regarding Ukraine dates to 2014, when, in the wake of street protests that toppled Ukraine’s venal President Viktor Yanukovych, whom Putin backed, Russia annexed Crimea and sparked a would-be war in the Donbass, in eastern Ukraine. Although the conflict continues today, albeit at a low simmer, its most deadly phase, following an outright Russian incursion, was brought to a temporary end by the Minsk agreements, a set of peace accords reached in 2014 and 2015. Those agreements, signed at a moment of acute weakness for Ukraine, call for measures that, if fully implemented, would allow a large degree of autonomy for the Russian-backed enclaves in the Donbass. As a result, Kyiv would be hamstrung in pursuing an independent foreign policy—which is exactly what Russia wanted.

For this same reason, the Minsk agreements were destined to be a tough sell for Ukraine itself. Relations between Russia and Yanukovych’s postrevolutionary successor, Petro Poroshenko, quickly soured, especially as Poroshenko staked his legitimacy on an uncompromising and militaristic position in the Donbass. In 2019, Volodymyr Zelensky assumed the Presidency, promising peace. His earliest moves were aimed at easing tensions with Russia and withdrawing forces from frontline positions. The Kremlin viewed him favorably, at least compared to Poroshenko. Since then, as Zelensky was forced to deal with Russian intransigence, the fundamental impossibility of enacting the Minsk agreements, and pressure from nationalist factions and paramilitary battalions in Ukraine, he has adopted a more bellicose posture.

“If, for a while, the Kremlin saw in Zelensky the possibility of reaching an agreement, over the last year, it has become convinced this is not the case and that he’s no different than Poroshenko,” Andrey Kortunov, the director general of the Russian International Affairs Council, said. Having grown disappointed in two successive Ukrainian Presidents, the Kremlin became convinced that the only interlocutor with whom it can speak is in Washington, not Kyiv.

In February, Zelensky moved against Viktor Medvedchuk, an oligarch widely seen as the Kremlin’s point person in Ukraine. (Medvedchuk, who has a long-standing personal relationship with Putin, was appointed one of Ukraine’s chief negotiators for the peace talks in Minsk.) Zelensky’s administration ordered three television channels linked to Medvedchuk taken off the air and sanctioned Medvedchuk and his wife. A few months later, Ukrainian prosecutors charged Medvedchuk with treason and a court ordered him held under house arrest. The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv spoke favorably of Zelensky’s decision to shut down Medvedchuk’s networks. It’s possible to see Medvedchuk’s role as entirely pernicious and his removal from civic life as a long overdue turn of events for Ukraine. But, if you’re Putin, it might seem like a clear violation of the delicate status quo governing relations between the two countries, and a sign of the West’s hypocrisy on questions of rule of law.

Perhaps the most worrying development of all for the Kremlin was the slow creep of military equipment and weaponry from NATO states into the Ukrainian arsenal. Since 2018, the U.S. has sold hundreds of anti-tank Javelin missiles to Ukraine. Last March, the Pentagon announced a hundred-and-twenty-five-million-dollar military-aid package, which included armored patrol boats. Turkey has supplied the Ukrainian army with the same type of armed drones that proved decisive in Azerbaijan’s victory over Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh last fall; this October, Ukrainian forces used such a drone to destroy rebel artillery in the Donbass. In November, Ukraine signed a treaty with the United Kingdom that would allow it to buy British warships and missiles—an announcement that followed a tense moment last June, when the Royal Navy sailed a destroyer in the Black Sea, close to Russian-held Crimea, angering the Kremlin.

At a certain point, Russia came to fear that Ukraine, in its accumulation of NATO weapons systems, was becoming the equivalent of an unofficial member state. Given all that weaponry, what would keep NATO armies from establishing bases? And, with bases in place, why couldn’t they host NATO missiles, even nuclear ones that would directly threaten Russia and undermine its deterrence capabilities?

“The Kremlin has long ago accepted that Kyiv’s political line is going to differ from its own,” Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs and a respected voice in Moscow foreign-policy circles, said. Even if they don’t admit their own responsibility, officials in Moscow are not blind to the fact that, in the wake of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its role in propping up the war in the Donbass, Ukraine’s political culture will surely retain a strong anti-Russian element for some time to come. “But that doesn’t mean they don’t take very seriously the importance of insuring Ukraine’s neutral status, which, as they see it, means it cannot host any NATO military infrastructure,” Lukyanov said.

From Putin’s point of view, the real nightmare scenario is formal NATO membership for Ukraine. (As with so much of what Putin finds discomfiting in Ukraine, he has only himself to blame—in 2014, a poll showed that the idea of joining NATO had around fifteen to twenty per cent support among the Ukrainian public; today, that number is more than sixty per cent.) Since Biden became President, Zelensky and other Ukrainian politicians have been more vocal in pushing the matter. In January, Zelensky told Axios on HBO that he had one question for Biden: “Mr. President, why are we not in NATO yet?” Even if Ukrainian membership is not on the immediate agenda, the official position of NATO member states, the U.S. included, on the question of future expansion is unchanged: if potential new members meet the requirements and are interested in joining the bloc, no outside powers have the right to tell them they can’t.

“From the perspective of the West, the end of the Cold War gave way to the rise of a certain geopolitical order, with which everyone more or less agrees—except Russia, which every now and then gets upset for seemingly no reason,” Lukyanov told me. Only that’s not the view in Moscow, he explained. “The issue is not so much Ukraine but the underlying principle: if a military alliance seeks to expand, it has to consider the interests of those who are opposed.” Russia, in other words, can’t be expected to remain a passive observer of actions that it believes violate its core security concerns. “That’s the red line, and, if crossed, Russia will respond,” Lukyanov said.

For the first two decades of his rule, Putin saw his own geopolitical maneuvering as essentially reactive, a response to what he and the Russian policy élite viewed as long-standing Western efforts to weaken Russia. “In Putin’s reality, Russia was encircled and under threat, and was required to defend itself,” Tatiana Stanovaya, head of the analysis firm R.Politik, told me. But, throughout the past year, that dynamic has undergone a fundamental transformation. In mid-November, Putin gave a speech at the Russian Foreign Ministry in which he said that Western states do not respect Russian interests or ultimatums, and the only way to get them to do so is by keeping tensions high and threatening force. “He made clear that Russia will no longer stand around whining and complaining about the injustices of the world,” Stanovaya said. “It is ready to act, to use force to stand up for its position. This is a principally different Putin, and a different Russia.”

The current Russian military buildup along the border with Ukraine far exceeds the scale of what worried Western governments over the spring, in advance of the Putin-Biden summit in Geneva. U.S. intelligence officials told the Washington Post they believe Russia will, by early 2022, have in place a hundred battalion-tactical groups, equalling a hundred and seventy-five thousand troops. Citing a Western intelligence official, the Financial Times reported that Russia’s military deployment is “still missing some critical equipment and capabilities typically required for a sustained offensive” but that “these elements could be brought to the border rapidly if needed.”

Whatever the ultimate composition of Russia’s forces, their ability to overwhelm the Ukrainian military is not in doubt. “It’s hard to overstate the significance of how much military power they are putting together,” Michael Kofman, an expert on the Russian military and research director of the Russia Studies Program at CNA, a think tank, said.

Once such a sizable military force is in place, it comes to exert its own influence on events. “If you draw down such a public and heavy-handed deployment, people say you were bluffing or you were deterred—and both are losses for Putin,” Kofman said. He estimates that the Russian military has the logistical wherewithal and resources to maintain its current force along the border until the early spring, by which time Putin will have to decide whether to invade or back off.

That gives the Biden Administration a narrow window. In the days since Biden’s call with Putin, Russia has put forward a set of expansive, and unlikely, demands. The Foreign Ministry published a long list, calling on NATO states to formally retract a 2008 pledge that the alliance would one day admit Ukraine and Georgia, promise not to deploy certain weapons systems to states near Russia, and refrain from military drills and maneuvers near Russia’s borders.

Sergei Ryabkov, a Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that, if NATO continues to expand, the country’s “response will be military.” He also said Russia will deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe if NATO does not agree to return to treaty talks over banning such weapons. “This path must be traversed quickly,” Ryabkov said. One element of the U.S. position that somewhat buoyed hopes in Moscow is Biden’s promise to Putin that he would assemble a meeting of major NATO allies to address Russia’s concerns.

Even if the U.S. and other NATO members were ready to negotiate on these strategic questions, there is no realistic scenario in which significant progress, much less a formal agreement, could be made in the compressed timeline that Russia seems to be demanding. That may suggest that Putin is wagering, as Russian officials often boast, that Russia cares more about Ukraine than the West does—which means that, in the end, the West will cave so as to stave off a war it doesn’t want. After all, a Russian-Ukrainian war is a lose-lose for Western states: either they look feckless if they do nothing and Ukraine is defeated, or they feel compelled to intervene, risking a wider war with Russia that no one has the stomach for.

Or, more ominously, Russia is putting forward demands it knows can’t be met, in order to justify the invasion to come. In a wide-ranging essay on Russia’s new, more assertive foreign policy, the analyst and columnist Vladimir Frolov wrote, “The threat of the use of force against Ukraine cannot be infinitely convincing (and effective for achieving political goals) without actually using force.” Frolov wryly quoted a line attributed to Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “Superpowers don’t bluff.”

In any scenario, the current standoff is Putin’s chance to overturn what he sees as the unjust post-Cold War order and create a new one in its wake. But anyone who claims to know for sure whether he’s set on achieving that through war is engaged in a bluff of their own. In Chekhovian fashion, Putin has hung the proverbial gun on the wall—whether it, in fact, goes off or not in Act II is a climax yet to be written. “I have the sense that Putin sees a new grand agreement with Biden as the most preferable form of victory,” Stanovaya said. “War with Ukraine would be a desperate measure he would see as forced on him by circumstance—which doesn’t mean he won’t do it.”



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