川普今天在CPAC的讲话:“ "The Russian attack on Ukraine is appalling, its an outrage, and an atrocity that should never have been allowed to occur. It never would have occurred. We are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. God bless them all." 这应该是对俄罗斯的批评吧?谢谢大楼的分析,但我不太相信普京是白帽子的说法。
Ep 2711b-Planned Long Ago,[DS] Stronghold & Bio Weapons Destroyed,Trump Never Telegraphs His Moves
The [DS] is trouble, Ukraine is/was their base of operation. The [DS] was planning another pandemic and developing viruses in Ukraine, Putin took action to shut it all down and to destroy the [DS] stronghold. He is now removing the neo nazis. Trump will never telegraph his moves, but it seems that this was planned long ago. The [DS] is becoming desperate and they are panicking, they are now preparing for a cyber pandemic to shut it all down. They are fighting for their lives and they know they are now cornered.