“This is f--king ridiculous,” she continued. “What if somebody’s having a heart attack in this area? Nobody can get to them because it’s all blocked off for one f--king cop.”]
A sea of uniformed cops was filling up the fifth ave to bid farewell to the 22-yr-old Jason Rivera cop who was slained, together with his 27-yr-old partner cop Wibert Mora who died at hosptial days later, on a police response to a domestic stress 911 call on Jan. 21 at a Harlem apartment. Rookie Rivera's funeral was held at St. Patrick Cathedral on Jan. 28, 2022, Friday.
The mainstream news said the adult-son shooter was shot by a THIRD cop and later died in hospital. How many cops were arriving to that apartment in the initial response? Nothing has been said by the ones involved in the shooting, nor was any body-camera video released. What really caused the shooting?????? What is the truth of the shooting?????? Cops' lives matter, right? But whether other people's lives ever matter to cops?????? That's a SERIOUS question which should not and can not be quelled by the showcase of SO MANY UNIFORMED COPS AT ONE SCENE. What's the enormous cops' general duty in reference to the people while getting the great pay and benefits from the CORRUPT government?
From my personal interactions with the NYC or NYS cops over the years about many kinds of matters, I draw my personal conclusion: the police is not there to protect me or my family members, but here or there to disdain, irritate, taunt, threaten, kidnap, false-jail, and even attempt to murder me and/or my family members. In short, this kind of police largely embodies a state terrorism. I will list some specific events on my next update of this post.
Here the list goes.
1. In the beginning days of Sept. 2014, I went to NYC Precinct 109, one time with my two daughter in their EARLY teens, to report that ChunLing Li had hijacked my wife Li Li to a place unknown to me the husband and to the two children. ChunLing Li is a biological elder sister of Li Li's and was smuggled into and then immigrated into this America with piles of fraud. Precinct 109 police at the front desk, particularly a Chinese-looking mid-aged male police, simply kept denying my reported matter and kept claiming Li Li as a normal and FREE-TO-GO-WHEREEVER adult woman and kept questioning me Limin Wang whether needed a psychiatrist. I was only nicely and politely asking the police a) to ESTABLISH the phone connection to Li Li since ChunLing Li had even rejected my phone calls after she had frequently made an old Chinese humanscum Zhang talk on the phone to me about Li Li, and b) of course to BRING Li Li back home. A female police made the phone calls to ChunLing Li's number, and eventually, I was able to talk briefly on the police's desk-phone to Li Li. Seemingly at that time point, Li Li had been sent by ChunLing Li and oldman Zhang to Manhattan somewhere for psychological or whatever consultation. While the humanscums ChunLing Li & Zhang kept claiming Li Li had a severe psychiatric issue, Li Li then and later always keeps claiming that the whatever evaluation claims she Li Li is HEALTHY. But, I the "husband" was never allowed a chance to attend such an evaluation on Li Li or to get a copy of such an "evaluation report"! Because of the police's IRRESPONSIBILITY to the real matters and of its INTENTIONALITY to ruin this family, the tragedy onto this family broadens and deepens and exacerbates.
2. On Sept. 08, 2014, a Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival day meaning for family union, I went to P.S.024 Andrew Jackson Elementary School to pick up my younger daughter Alexandria Wang. I borrowed an acquaintance's cellphone to call ChunLing Li, and then she thought not to be me and so picked it up but she claimed busy at work. Soon, Li Li showed up in the receiving-kids-home crowd on Robinson St side. I then normally approached Li Li, but Li Li started first to silently sneak and soon HYSTERICALLY & FRENTICALLY RUN AWAY. I quickly caught up and held her on the Holly Ave side in front of the P.S.024. I nicely persuaded Li Li to go home, but Li Li resorted to behavor psychiatricly against coming back home by tightly holding the fence bars. P.S.024 Principal came by and asked, but Li Li said no problem so that principal left. My elder daughter came over from East-West School of International Studies to pick up her younger sis as usual, and the two youngsters felt so embarassed that they acted as if having no whatsoever relationship with their parents showing disgrace publicly in front of the school and the passbys.
When Li Li and I walked through the Kissena Corridor Park, Li Li saw the CROWD of middle- & high-school students there and INTENTIONALLY started to HYSTERICALLY STRUGGLE. I shouted toward my acting-indifferent daughters walking tens of feet ahead to come back and to join the persuasion for their mother to go back home. The young children did, but of course, in vain and in pain, and in front of bystanders, while I held Li Li side by side on a bench near the wire fence. I still remember part of my daughters' facial expression then and there. Then teachers and security guard of EWSIS and P.S. 237 Rachel Carson Intermediate School came over. Particularly, the white male principal of EWSIS came over and claimed the same AMERICAN VALUE of "FREE FREEDOM" of an adult woman away from a family, and he then called police. First, two policemen came over, both male and mid-aged, one with name badge of "CHU" showing obvious harshness and disdain toward me, and the other looking like a south-east Asian man and treating me much nicer. The humanscums intentionally torturing my family over the decade at the rental residence (136-09 59th Ave, Flushing, NY 11355) have the same surname CHU, which is not a very common surname in Chinese sphere. The police claimed the same kind of "FREEDOM" AGAIN of Li Li. When I gave up, Li Li, dressed like a whore with a long soft T-shirt split in the back over the ass and a supershort shorts barely visible under the T-shirt, started to frentically run away, and I started to shout my curse toward her. It's the gentle policeman that called Li Li back. Then swarms of police and FDNY came over to me and my family in the park. A white police male in a physical dominance SCREAMED HIS WORDS INTO MY RIGHT EAR, once again, to let Li Li go "FREE". In fear of immediate death in vain, I then gave up on Li Li, and Li Li left on her own. Cops were talking about charges like blasphemy onto me! Anyway, one white male cop said this kind of matter is supposed to be addressed and solved at Family Court. I had no idea of such procedures at then. Then the cop told me to follow him to his policecar to get the information of Family Court, so I told my children to follow me onto Colden St between the park and the schools. The cops told me not to let the children follow me but I insisted and my children listened to me the father. For God's sake, at a moment I looked back and found a bald cop without his cap on was touching handgun on his waistbelt while facing me. I then paid attention to him, because I interpreted that kind of setting and maneveuring as a police scheme of murder in action. What a coincidence, the Taiwanese-run newspaper World Journal reported that same day a mid-aged Chinese man shot dead his mid-aged lover Chinese woman on Flushing downtown Main St, and the accompanying picture showed the SAME bald policeman looking down onto street, without a cap but with police uniform. However, that newspaper NEVER showed any image of bloody street ground or bodies or even a WATCHING CROWD. I later believe that news report as a premeditated and coordinated fake news by the American Evil System.
Later days, I managed to see Li Li, but the prostitute ChunLing Li always stayed together with Li Li and kept claiming Li Li as a psychiatric woman and kept claiming she ChunLing Li would support Li Li's living for the rest of her life! However, such kind of shameless prostitute ChunLing Li acted to have completely forget what she had said on the early rounds of phone calls that she had left Li Li alone at "home" and came off "work" late at night and then stayed outside eating together with her "friends" but without Li Li! During Li Li's first desertion time, the immigration USCIS had sent Li Li a letter, ChunLing Li had kept injecting the FEAR into the psychiatric Li Li and the FURY into me by telling Li Li not to take the letter even from the daughters' hands or by telling me to allow the old SOB Zhang, sounding and acting like a patron of prostitute Li Li, to come to my residence to pick up Li Li's that letter. People, you should never neglect HUMANSCUMS' VICIOUSNESS LIKE THIS. Anyway, Li Li eventually agreed to come back and stay, but her behavior had become a lot more aggressive and hysterical! What the humanscums like ChunLing Li had done onto Li Li?
3. At the night of Nov. 18, 2014, Tuesday, after I arrived home from the labor work I embarked on less than a week ago, children told me that Li Li had left home when they came back from school and found a simple note on a small postit. The postit basicly said she left but claimed love to the children. I then thought Li Li might have again gone to ChunLing Li's place (140-50 Ash Ave, Apt. 4J, Flushing, NY 11355, she and her daughter Yao Liu rented and shared from an adult man surnamed Shi and his daughter, as I learned after Li Li returned home from her first desertion.), so I immediately went there alone.
To my blurry recall now, it's a stranger mid-aged Chinese man opened that 4J apartment door to my knocking. He acted very indifferently and simply went back in to signal Yao Liu to come out and respond. Yao Liu claimed Li Li was not there. ChunLing Li came in from outside soon, with an mid-to-old Chinese man. This thug man went inside 4J and then made a sudden big noise, appearing to be a chopper knife smashing onto a chopboard, and said, "the next time he comes here, chop him dead!" Other than that thug's behavior in the back, Yao Liu & ChunLing Li showed so much INDIFFERENCE to my info of "Li Li missing again", so dramatically DIFFERENTLY from THESE TWO PROSTITUTES' "TREMENDOUS WORRY OF LI LI'S SAFETY AT MY HOME WITH THE KIDS" when I had persuaded Li Li to come back in Sept. 2014. Around that time, Yao Liu claimed she was working for the Chinese General Consulate in New York to certify diplomas. I guess that's a psychological assault because humanscums have fabricated their shameless lies that I, Limin Wang, seemed not to have earned a Ph.D. degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Now, since Li Li was gone from home again and claimed not to be there, I called 911 then and there and stayed for the police. The humanscums such as Yao Liu there also started to make phone calls, but I did not know who they were calling to.
Two policemen, in FULL BODY-ARMORS, finally came to 4J, at least more than half an hour after my initial 911 call! Precinct 109 is only several short blocks away! I told the policemen that Li Li was gone from home and could have come here again, and ChunLing Li and her accomplices were the ones making Li Li's first round of desertion happen! A policeman wrote a police report, which, to my big surprise much later when I read it, "reports" that I Limin Wang disturbed "Eureka Liu" at her apartment! I am not sure whether Yao Liu had really changed her legal name to "Eureka Liu". To me, it could be another incident of psychological assault from the humanscums of the American Evil System. Li Li and I met because of a chapter I wrote in a book about college entrance exam in China. The chapter mentioned about Archimedes' "Eureka" anecdote of finding the principle of buoyancy. Nowhere Li Li was ever mentioned in such a "police report"! Also, some section on the pink copy to me was darkened, so I could not tell what kind of police crap had been written there!
Then, I was brought home by these two policemen, and the two policemen came in too. They checked the place, and of course, they saw my two young daughters were deep sleeping together on the bed with quilt kicked away. I pulled the quilt to cover the kids. Then I was brought to Precinct 109 by these two cops, and was waiting in pretty much IDLE for nothing for nobody for HOURS at its ground floor reception room! As I recall, nobody else was reporting a thing to "BOG" the police down there. Occasionally, a police came over, and used a desktop computer over there, and showed me his search of "Li Li" on the police system, and it had some hits. And, at one hit he allowed me to look for a moment, and I noticed an address linked there was somewhere at 14th Ave of Flushing, NY. He did not say other things, and then left. So, I was kept there for hours in vain until the WEE HOURS for the police to simply let me go home. They asked whether I wanted a ride, and I said yeah, because it's the high time of the night when a crime such as a murder may happen! Then two policemen drove a marked policecar with me on the backseat! They did not ask me where I live! I thought they had known my residence address! After a long while, I started to worry, because the streets they drove on look so unrecognizable to me, and one cop was sliding his smart phone to show bloody pictures to the other one, and vaguely said something like, "it's beaten pretty bad." I started to fear these two cops could be on the American Evil System's plot to murder me. Then I questioned where they would drive to, and told my residence is 136-09 59th Ave, Flushing, which would be easy to reach if they had gone the main road Main St. Then, I finally saw a familiar place, it's the Kissena Park on side of Kissena Blvd at the Booth Memorial Blvd intersection. Then they turned right onto 59th Ave, and drove blocks down to my residence. I gently refused their offer of escorting me into my apartment! They are cops, which means they are supposed to know the local traffic map, and to know what they are doing on a run.
I had barely slept that night, and I went back to work at 88 Trading Corp (58-29 48th St., Maspeth, NY 11378) as normal the next day, Nov. 19, 2014. It's a new job I didn't want to lose unreasonably. That day and later days, I saw one or even two policecars were parked across the street in front of the 88 warehouse. A person told me that cops were contacting them about me, and told me to get "social service" for my daughters who were then 13 and 10, respectively. I said no to suggestion of "social service". Police did not contact me at 88 Trading Corp.
As I have often complained the American Evil System controls my electronic devices, I could NOT make phone connection to my daughters that Nov. 19, 2014!!!!!!! When I came home from work, the kids were NOT home! I then called 911 again. Later days, the kids claimed that they had gone to some store to buy canned food for food donation because SCHOOL asked for to donate to food banks, and the supermarket's phone signal was weak or zero! That 11/19/2014 night, some police in plainclothes came to my rental place and took me to and kept me at Precinct 109's second floor. UNTIL THE NEXT MORNING 7AM OR SO, I MET WITH MY DAUGHTERS AT PRECINCT 109 AND CAME BACK TOGETHER. THE DAUGHTERS ANSWERED ME THAT THEY (13- & 10-YEARS-OLD THEN) WERE TAKEN FROM MY RENTAL RESIDENCE, STOPPED BY A FAST FOOD STORE, AND THEN BROUGHT TO PRECINCT 109 AND QUESTIONED BY COPS NOW AND THEN FOR THE NIGHT! The kids then hurried to go school as "usual" that 11/20/2014, and I chose to stay home to go online about this COMPLICATED MATTER, BECAUSE THE COPS HAD OBVIOUSLY THREATENED MY LIFE AND MY WHOLE FAMILY ON THE NIGHT OF NOV. 19-20, 2014.
That 11/19-20/2014 night, the cops brought me into a tiny interrogating room, and four or five of them, most in plainclothes, were HARSHLY questioning me by asking RIDICULOUS questions from the very beginning such as "What happened to Li Li?" "What have you done to her?" "Is she dead?" "Where is her body?" One young policeman in uniform was the main one bringing up this kind of trashy questions, and at sometimes he was even banging the small cement or iron table to confer the intimidation. I was firm, and answered them with a shade of contempt. I absolutely said then and there to them: You have Li Li, the government has Li Li, you now have my daughters too, the government has my daughters too. Such kind of POLICE REDICULE AND BRUTALITY went on for minutes, without asking me any possible information so the cops may "find" Li Li. Before the last plainclothes cop (mid-aged, medium-build, white, male) left the interrogation room, he grapped my groin! Soon I was told to wait in another room, and I thought I would be soon seeing my children! But so wrong, I was led into another interrogating room which was kept so DRY HOT and LOCKED UP THERE ALONE! At sometimes, I knocked the door, the cops either would not respond or only tell me to stay there! FOR HOURS, DRY & HOT, ALONE. Eventually, a mid-aged blackman in plainclothes talked to me in an apparent normal way, and at the end, he told me to roll up my sleeves, and my arms had NO marks at all! If there were any meaningful sense of rule of law in this American Evil System, the AES would have compensated me and my family heavily on so many crimes they have inflicted over so many years.
My drive license was taken away by police at Precinct 109 either on the night of 11/18-19 or 19-20/2014, and not given back to me. It's probably until that weekend that I realized my drive license was gone and then the mind-retracting recalled most probably it was asked and taken by another cop coming into the interrogating room when I was in the middle of being questioned by a group of cops for "murdering Li Li"! I contacted Precinct 109 about it, and then my drive license was returned in the mail a couple of weeks later!
I don't know what the NYC police have done with my drive license. At least, the joint bank accounts of savings and checking held by Li Li and me at Citibank were both CLOSED and all money gone away from me! Citibank gave me a letter claiming Li Li's new address is at somewhere Myrtle (pronounced like "murder") Ave, Ridgewood, NY. When I went to that address a couple of times, the 2nd floor old white woman was acting like a crazy woman instantly, and the 3rd floor couple said they did not know a Chinese woman here, and the ground floor store had no clue. Cops were called by the 2nd floor woman, and the landlord there seemed to be notified, and the cops would not do anything about the runaway Li Li! I found a mail of Li Li's from Citibank was on the groundfloor hallway! But Li Li did not show up at any moment.
Later days, I contacted police about the missing Li Li, trying to tell them that Li Li 1) opened a new Citibank account and 2) checked out books from Queens Library at Bellerose, NY and 3) physically contacted the children again. The cops or 911 would NOT even bother to hear the information! The police have never given me any police report about my report of Li Li missing! and It seems the police have never input a record of Li Li missing into their record system, because I was told by a young black woman voice of NO POLICE RECORD related to me or my address when in summer of 2021 I called Precinct 109 for the "PROMISED" "police report" on the landlord Maurice Shiau's intentional burning with heating burner's hot water over my left foot on April 04, 2021! Why the police do this way? I truly believe it's because they are the main carriers of the American Evil System's State Terrorism domestically, and they are the ones in the back of Li Li's desertions, and they may murder the PROSTITUTE LI LI at anytime at their wish and then frame Li Li's death onto me, a target of the American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System. I have been openly involved in politics online, with my true name, and about real things, since year 2012.
A plainclothes cop took an ID-type picture of Li Li's away, at my rental residence, probably at the night of 11/19/2014. I did not sense any ad of a missing adult Chinese woman Li Li anywhere! I think I was also contacting some kind of agency holding a database of missing persons and told no entry of such a Li Li. When I contacted Citibank how and why the joint accounts had been closed without my agreement, I was provided with long waiting on the phone and laughters. Before Li Li was physically found and psychologically persuaded by me to return home on August 02, 2015, I think I had gone to Precinct 109 for the "missing Li Li" at least another time, I only vaguely remember no update or whatsoever other than an obese mid-aged blackwoman in uniform coming in and out of the ground floor reception room and murmuring with some body language, interpreted as insinuating disdain to me! I mailed a seeking-help letter to the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York on Nov. 23, 2014. They NEVER responded in ANY way other than a mid-aged Chinese woman and a young man SMIRKING at me while they drove a consulate-plated SUV to 88 Trading Corp for mealware and I pulled the pile to their SUV.
4. Police was watching and acting hostile toward me when I got Li Li to return home in the summer of 2015. I was suddenly notified of being fired by 88 Trading Corp when I clock-punched out on July 25, 2015, Saturday. Then, I told the children to ask Li Li to come home the next time she contacts them. Children told me to hide away from Li Li and to come out only they believed it's ok, because the PSYCHIATRIC Li Li was HYSTERICALLY RUNNING AWAY ON MAIN ST FROM ME on the night of Parent-Teacher-Conference (March 19, 2015, Thu?), and I did not see the children at home on my return from toil work and then walked toward school. I saw the three of them near the car washing place, and Li Li suddenly saw me and immediately turned and ran away toward the busstop at Main St & Booth Memorial Blvd and boarded a southbound Q44 long bus, HYSTERICALLY SCREAMING! I was shocked and disbelieving Li Li's such PSYCHIATRIC BEHAVIOR in the public, so I started to chase her after the moment of psychological shock. However, the obese male bus driver did not open the door for me. I then chased the bus to the next stop at Main St & Horace Harding Expressway. The driver closed the doors. When I knocked the window where Li Li sat, LI LI BEHAVIORED AS A NORMAL ELEGANT ADULT WOMAN BEING BOTHERED BY A STRANGER MAN, AND SHE SIMPLY SAT TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE! When I arrived home, the children said they were chasing too and thus Alexandria Wang lost her glasses! Later, I believe that the humanscums of this American Evil System have LONG kept "EDUCATING" my children how to LIE! Alexandria Wang's vision BECAME a problem when Li Li was raising the two children in NYC while I went back to China hoping for a permanent work and family settlement in years 2008-09. ChunLing Li & Yao Liu, as "CLOSE RELATIVES" in the same PHYSICAL APARTMENT, HAVING MANIPULATED AND USED LI LI FOR LONG YEARS INCLUDING HELPING THEIR SMUGGLING INTO THE USA, were NOT helping Li Li raising Li Li's young girls!!!!!!!!!! During that time, Li Li claimed she had worked full-time (out early & back late!) as a nail specialist and even a massager, and she paid outside people to take "care" of the young children during the after-after-school hours and whenever of her "work" time! BOTH MY KIDS SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS DURING THIS PERIOD OF TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Li Li told me that one time the young daughter, ALEXANDRIA WANG, only five-years-old, WAS LOST by the after-school Huan-Yu Education Center (寰宇中文学校)!How this AMERICAN & CHINESE PROSTITUTION SYSTEM AND SOCIETY have ever been good enough to help young children survive with a young mother who has kept being forced by the AMERICAN-CHINESE HYBRID EVIL SYSTEM to claim "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE" against the husband?????????????
To be continued