下面是这位Yongyan Zheng教授的发言摘要原文,刊出地址是https://www.exeter.ac.uk/news/events/details/index.php?event=11497
Along with the process of globalization and the deepening of exchanges in the international political, economic, and trade, massive migration and the transnational movement of talents have become increasingly common worldwide. Contrary to the traditional, even somewhat stereotypical impression of China as a monolingual country, linguistic diversity accompanying massive mobility has risen as a prominent issue in Chinese sociolinguistic landscape, and has exerted far-reaching influences on language education. This talk takes the perspective of “mobility” to delineate the challenges and opportunities of multilingualism in Chinese language-in-education planning. I will begin by giving an overview of multilingual research in the Chinese context, and then focus on two specific studies to address how multilingual language education is intricately connected to social participation and social equality. One study contrasts and compares how families of different social economic statuses invest differently in their children’s language learning, and the other explores how Myanmar students are mediated by the notion of linguistic entrepreneurship in their investment of learning Chinese as an international language through the valorization of multilingual competence
一篇错误百出的文章通常一开头就露出了原形。第一句话就有严重语病。Along with the process, 这英文是体育老师教的?Deepening of exchanges,明显受中文影响,严格地说,搭配不对:deepen后面跟的多是坏事,如crisis, misunderstanding, poverty。一般人不懂也就算了,你都教授了,还是英文的,呵呵。
更严重的错误在下面:international political, economic, and trade, massive migration OMG!这种语病高中生都不会犯吧,咱都懒得指出了。除了语法,逻辑也有问题:trade也是经济活动的一部分,二者哪能并列?
linguistic diversity accompanying massive mobility这么说很别扭,特别是accompanying,一看就是学生写的英文。这句话末尾部分更显示这位Zheng教授的英文水平:exerted far-reaching influences on language education。这位教授想表达产生了某种影响的意思,只是和大多数中国学生一样,一说到影响就像机器人似地用influence,标准的Chinglish。还是复数哪!
除了明显的、严重的语法错误,很多句子经不起推敲,一细读就发现这像是一条开了五十年的老船,到处是洞。This talk takes the perspective of “mobility”,老外看了捂嘴直笑。
下一句里的multilingual research也不准确:从上下文看,Zheng教授所作的研究是中国人使用多种语言的现状,但这个说法表达的实际意思是“用多种语言来进行研究”。
本句后半段还有一条更大的fish:to address how multilingual language education is intricately connected。address这个动词可以指“处理……矛盾、问题”,放在这里造成两个错误:1) address后面不能跟这个how从句,而是直接跟宾语词组;2) 这个how从句引出的不是问题与矛盾,而是一个情况与现象,动词用address完全不对。
最后一句的后半部分整体上逻辑有点乱,意思不清,让人看得一头雾水。细节方面,Myanmar students are mediated by the notion这个啥情况?OED的老编们要大跌眼镜了。linguistic entrepreneurship:请教这位Zheng大神,这又是神马东西?
又,昨天看到一个标牌“温馨提示Warm Prompt”…