

Write a poem simple, deep, and unforgettable.
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哈哈哈,等着天上掉个大馅饼吧。嘿嘿,话音未落,已经有一个小馅饼砸到了我的头上:前天,在我的“闺蜜”刘姥姥的提议下,我破天荒地开了博客。结果,昨天刚刚在我的博客贴出来的一篇博文《我和名女人最接近的那两次》,今天竟然上了文学城博客首页的“今日热点 ”!



Monday, February 21, 2022
Mom: Baby, will you grow up to be President?
Boy: No.
Mom: Why?
Boy: Just like you can only become a police officer if you are born in the police station. ???? ????
Mom: Then, who will you become?
Boy: A dad! ???? ????
Happy Presidents' Day! ????????
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Little boy said to his twin sister: I want to marry you
Dad: No, you can only marry a girl outside our family
Boy : Then, why you married mommy? ???? ????
Merry Christmas!! ????????
Sunday, October 31, 2021
A kindergarten teacher told a mom: Your boy kissed a girl at school
Mom asked the boy: Did you kiss a girl at school?
Boy: No, she kissed me. Here is the story:
Once upon a time, a loving bird flew by, I swallowed it. Another loving bird flew by, she swallowed it and then she kissed me. The end! ???? ????
Happy Halloween! ????
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Kid: Daddy, I will never want to do this, I will never want to do that.
Father: Baby, never say never, because you never know. (How many "nevers" did the father say?) ????
Happy Father's Day! ????