
6-7年前,我用英文起草了这个Meetup group (兴趣聚会小组)(下面也附上中文),但没打算付之于行动。最近很多Meetup又重新开始聚会了,令我想起了我这个束之高阁的草稿。如果我真的开这个聚会,会有人来参加吗?


Unlimited Complaints Meet-Up Group!


Are you sick of trying to be positive all the time? Are you tired of society insisting that the only answer to "How are you?" is "Fine"? Do you wonder why more and more people have depression and anger management issues when everyone claims they're fine all day long?


It's because no one is allowed to complain! This meetup is a safe place for people to vent their frustrations on a regular basis. Here, you don't need to bottle up your negative emotions. You can let them out in a supportive atmosphere and feel better. Afterwards, you'll have plenty of energy to remain positive with the rest of the world!


I'm a complaint queen. While there's a lot that's going well in my life, I rarely focus on those things. Instead, I prefer to focus on the things that are going wrong and to (you guessed it!) complain about them! The sooner I complain about them, the better I feel! And my complaining might even lead to the epiphany I need to solve my problems.


In this group, we can complain in any manner we like! The people we're complaining about aren't here, so we don't have to worry about offending or angering with them. Once we get our complaints out in a safe environment, it's easy to go back and play nicely with other people.


Disclaimer: this meetup group is just for fun. If you have serious psychiatric conditions, please seek professional help.


Complaint rules:(一共有九条规则,在这里就贴一条。)


6.  No judgment, no asking people to count their blessings.  We're here to focus on the negative, not the positive!


Weekly complaint topics 


  • Work
  • Family - including parents, spouses, children, sibling, in-laws, and other relatives
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Yourself - traits/personality, habits, looks, demeanor
  • Your life
  • Your childhood, teenage, exes
  • Your health
  • Your past, present, and future
  • Food
  • Sleep
  • Traffic
  • Weather
  • The hassles of traveling (or, on the other hand, not getting to go on vacation!)
  • Party
  • Meet ups
  • Pollution - noise, air, and water
  • The area you live
  • The world
  • Things or services around your house - Internet, a/c, heater, water pressure, garden, handyman, plumber, landlord, tenants...
  • Finance
  • Entertainment
  • Restaurants - food and service
  • Schools and teachers
  • Churches
  • Grocery store
  • Doctors, dentists, etc.
  • Hair stylists
  • Exercise, gyms, etc.
  • Any public facilities-parks, parking lots, libraries, museums,
  • Any type of business or services that you have used
  • Any seemingly petty things




你是否厌倦了在别人面前总是保持积极的态度当别人问你感觉如何时,你总是坚持说:“很好!”  你有没有想过,当你听到每个人都说他们一整天都很好时,为什么越来越多的人变得抑郁或者有愤怒不能自控的问题?




我是个抱怨女王。虽然我的生活中有很多顺利的事情,但我很少关注这些事情。相反,我更喜欢关注那些我不满意的事情,并且(你猜对了!) 我抱怨那些我不满意的事!我越及时抱怨,我的感觉就越好在抱怨的过程中,我有时还会得到解决问题的灵感。








6.  不要对抱怨者加以评判,不要要求抱怨者细数自己可以感恩的事情。我们是来分享自己的负能量,不是自己的正能量。


每周的抱怨主题(见上面的weekly complaint topics













