
                   Benedict XVI on 10 August 2019

                               Benedict XVI

                      Papa Benedetto XV and Pope Pius XI

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Benjamin Harrison V in 1772 joined a Virginia House of Burgesses committee, including Thomas Jefferson, which submitted a petition to King George, requesting that he abolish the slave trade. The King, however, rejected it.
The Harrison families eventually abandoned their slaveholding as the abolitionist movement began to take hold with the civil war. Future President Benjamin Harrison had already begun his political career in Indiana and joined the fledgling Republican party in 1856, then being built in opposition to slavery. Abraham Lincoln similarly joined that party, and made effective efforts to end slavery by his Emancipation Proclamation, the victory of his Union army in the Civil War, and his promotion of the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
-----From Wikipedia
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《1619》完全不提废奴领袖林肯以废奴为核心信条建立了共和党,为了维护宪法,避免联邦分裂,为了解放奴隶,他带领北方与南方打了一场内战,并在1862发表了《解放奴隶宣言》“The Emancipation Proclamation” 使南方联盟的奴隶得到自由。他积极促成宪法第十三修正案以真实赋予黑人自由权利,以至于最后被人仇恨刺杀。-----by 启木
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We are the American heartbreak —
The rock on which Freedom
Stumped its toe —
The great mistake
That Jamestown made
Long ago.
By Langston Hughes in 1967