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For me and millions of people around the world, the day of 24 Feb, 2022 started from a shocking morning with worries about the peace of the world, the lives of Ukrainians and Russian soldiers. But for Ukrainian civilians, with the whistling scream from bombing came across the dawn sky of Kyiv, their minds started haunting with horrific fear.

24 Feb, 2022 will be recorded as an extremely important day in the modern world history with totally opposite narrative by two sides, Ukraine along with most of the countries in the world and Russia.

 What’s in Putin’s mind, what’s the motivation of his insane gamble? Why did he choose 24, Feb as the first day of the military operation?

From an image and the annotation to this image---” Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, near the Kremlin Wall during the national celebrations of the 'Defender of the Fatherland Day' in Moscow, Feb. 23, 2022”, people may get some clues.

In Putin’s mind, Ukraine is part of the fatherland of Russia, getting back any fatherlands is reasonable for Russians. This thought is the backbone of his determination to this war. but he ignored the basic fact that Ukraine is an independent country, a state with sovereignty , Ukraine has not taken any actions dirtecly threating Russia's security.  

UN is the most important international organization established after the 2nd world war in 1945. The purpose of its establishment is stopping the future wars.  Putin’s war to Ukraine is the largest war after the 2nd world, cities were bombed, thousands of people including civilians have died, new born babies wrapped in blanket were laid in line on the open ground in the harsh winter, refugees in heavy winter coats poured into Poland, women in tears holding the hands of their young children left their old parent refusing to leave behind.…the war has brought massive humanitarian crisis. 

After fierce debate in U.N. General Assembly meets, on Feb 28, a proposal was approved with the support of over 2/3 countries.According to the resolution,Russia should stop the war, Russian troops need to be pulled back to Russia’s side based on the border line recognized by UN in 1991.  But sadly the resolution does't work on Putin, the war is still on.

Since the war was not as successful as Putin has expected. this outrageouse paranoia even threatened using nuclear force. Russia's nuclear deterrent forces was put to "high alert" since his nuclear comment. In Central  European countries, panic people rushed for Iodine which they believe may protect them from radiation. 

Not only Ukranians are the victims of the war, but also Russians. People took out their anger to some innocent Russians as a form of protest to this war. In many art exhibitions, dance performances, sports events, Russian participants' names were removed from the lists. The most influencial expulsion happened in Beijing 2022 Paralympics in which Russian and Belarusian athletes were banned of joining the game. Today is the 3rd day of the game, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw to date, Ukraine team ranks No.1 in total amount of golden medals(3) followed by China, Canada, Austria and US! 

For any wars, people want to know the origin of the war. As a previous KGB of Soviet Union, Putin is an intelligent person with a strong sense of past glory.  Putin knows Russians yean for the past glory too, especially the old generations like him who have gone through the era of Soviet Union being a superpower. After the fall of Soviet Union, as the leader of the most powerful country of Russians, Putin has been angry at US who led the collapse of Soviet Union and has been holding the desire of rebuilding the glory of Russians. There is nothing wrong of Putin's dream of Russian revival, but it should be succeeded by developing economy, not by plunter from wars. 

一则加拿大拥有除乌克兰和俄罗斯外的世界第三大Ukrainians community的信息,让我想到了发生在2014年的一起空难。在那空难中,一架马航客机MH17在乌克兰境内坠毁,造成机上二百多人全部丧生的惨剧。后经荷兰组成的第三方调查组调查,得出飞机是被俄制导弹击中的结论。听说乘客当中有五十几名加拿大公民,当时不明白为什么。现在明白了。









对于这个《成长手册》,家长们的心态各异。成绩好的优秀生可以借此展示他们一年来的学习成果,各科奖状,优秀作业,100分的试卷一抓一大把;即便成绩一般,但如果你的孩子有拿得出手的才艺,也是都忙着拿出来给大家秀一下:唱歌,乐器,书法,绘画,舞蹈,跆拳道,舞剑,主持人,讲故事……但是乐乐有什么可秀的呢? 没有写过一张硬笔书法练习,没有一张工整的作业卷,更没有一张满分的试卷。除了反复筛选找出的语文79分,数学99分,英语100分各一张考卷外,我把乐乐在机器人班获得的“最佳学员”奖状也放入其中。










魏薇 发表评论于
回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 皮卡老师好!时间过得太快,印象中那事过去才没几年,竟一下八年了。记得加拿大,荷兰政府强烈要求赔偿,好像并没结果。现在才知道误击事件发生在顿巴斯战争期间,飞机消失并坠毁在东乌的俄乌边界附近,298人遇难。现在我想机上很多是乌克兰裔的加拿大人。

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