天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已①;皆知善之为善,斯不善已。有无相生,难易相成,长短相形,高下相盈,音声相和②,前后相随,恒也。是以圣人处无为之事⑧,行不言之教;万物作而弗始④,生而弗有,为而弗恃(shì)⑤, 功成而弗居。夫唯弗居,是以不去。
English Translation
Version 1:by Daniel Baida Su and Shangyu Chen
If everyone knows beauty as beautiful, there is already ugliness;
If everyone knows kindness as kind, there is already evil.
Being and non-being beget each other;
The difficult and the easy complement each other;
The long and the short contrast with each other;
The high and the low point to each other;
The voice and its echo resound with each other;
Before and after follow each other.
Therefore, the Holy One acts without effort and teaches without speaking.
All things rise from him, yet he claims no sovereignty;
He multiplies all yet claims no possession;
He benefits all yet expects no return;
He accomplishes all yet claims no credit;
He claims no credit yet endures forever.
If everyone knows kindness as kind, there is already evil.
Being and non-being beget each other;
The difficult and the easy complement each other;
The long and the short contrast with each other;
The high and the low point to each other;
The voice and its echo resound with each other;
Before and after follow each other.
Therefore, the Holy One acts without effort and teaches without speaking.
All things rise from him, yet he claims no sovereignty;
He multiplies all yet claims no possession;
He benefits all yet expects no return;
He accomplishes all yet claims no credit;
He claims no credit yet endures forever.
Version 2:by John C. H. Wu