2022年会议通知 Announcement of 2022 Annual Meeting

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March 6, 2022

Joint Meeting of North American Chinese -American Physicians, Atlanta 2022

. 7th Annual Meeting of ANACP

. 7th Annual Meeting of CANA

. 5th Annual Meeting of CMAATL


北美华人医师联盟(ANACP)届年会亚特兰大华人医学会(CMAATL )第届年会美国华人神经科协会(CANA)第届年会将于2022114-6日在亚特兰大联合召开。本次年会将一如既往地注重医师的相互交流和各专业继续再教育,旨在进一步促进北美华人医师之间各专业之间的凝聚,共享,互学及成长。 除此之外,我们还将继续举办公益讲座,文艺晚会,健身跑步等等。


时间: 2022114-6

地点:Atlanta Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort

          4021 Lakeview Dr,

           Stone Mountain, GA 30083

          Phone: (770) 879-9900




Dear Physicians and Friends:

We are excited to announce that our next annual meeting will be held at Atlanta Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort, Stone Mountain in Atlanta, GA from November 4th to 6th, 2022. It will be the first time for a joint meeting held  by Alliance of North American Chinese Physicians (ANACP), Chinese Neurological Association (CANA), and Chinese Medical Association of Atlanta (CMAATL). Similar to our previous meetings, the 2022 annual meeting will be an unique platform for American Chinese physicians and other health professionals to “Share, Learn, and Grow Together” through excellent multi-specialty CME courses and networking opportunities. As part of the meeting, non-academic seminars, participatory entertaining events and group physical activities will be included.

The details of the meeting program will be announced soon.  We warmly welcome you to join us in Atlanta in 2022.

Time      November 4-6,2022

Address:    Atlanta Evergreen Marriott Conference Resort

                  4021 Lakeview Dr,

                  Stone Mountain, GA 30083


President of Alliance of North American Chinese Physicians (ANACP): Lei Gao, MD

President of Chinese Medical Association of Atlanta (CMAATL): Charles Li, MD

President of Chinese Neurological Association (CANA): Jin Li, MD
