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原本AMERICA LITERATURE 作业成绩为A, 一个小测得了个D, 将当前总成绩拉到了C。 “你现在10年级了,本期待你能越学越好,或者至少成绩不下滑,结果你来了个C!因为心中有憧憬,他也吓得不轻。对于我提出的阅读要求好好接受了。



晚下,当我拿出写好问题的本子,让他回答问题时。他叫起来了”你以为你是老师呀!为什么要布置写的作业。你可以问我问题,我口头回答就可以了。“ 他叫嚣着,表达心中的不满,说着我的可笑。完全表现出一只斗鸡的姿态。

























昨晚他拿这个给我,说是他最新CREATIVE WOOD课上的作品。这条木制小鱼,真是让我爱不释手!

Since his poor academic performance in primary school, I have no courage to pay much attention to his academy reports when he was in Middle school. From my occasional glances on his grades in Power School, I saw his letter grades ranging from D to B+, with the most C in general.  From there, I just held the impression that he was one of kid with bad grades, probably the last 20-30% of all the students in his grade.  Until a day when he was in 10th grade, we talked about his grades in middle school and I told him my impression by then. He told me his academy in middle school was not that bad, in general, he has average grade.


Year 2020 came the Covid-19 pandemic. Same as other schools, his school was closed, remote-learning became a new thing.  He is very knowledgeable on computer and internet stuff. When he was in 7th grade, he built his own game station. So technically I have no concerns on his access to all studying resource.  The real challenge came from his poor self-discipline.  In regular school year, he didn’t play much game on week days since he knew he has to get up early to take class in school, so he only stayed late on Friday and Saturday nightS. Now, attracted by other gamers which he claimed his friends, he broke the rules we both agreed. The situation got even worse during the following two months summer holiday since all the summer programs were cancelled.


I cheered up when our superintendent announced the schools reopening plan  for 2020-2021 school year. Students can go back to school on Sept 8th. Given people’s fears on the novel virus, school offered distance-learning and in-person learning. From our constant arguments about his staying late at night, playing games with others, I knew he has been expecting physically sitting in class again.


“Distance learning and in person learning, which one do you like better?” after a week’s in-person learning, I asked him.

" Distant learning is more relaxing, but in-person learning is more functional for me.”  

 I was pleased of hearing the statement. From that I knew he wants to be good and would like to put his dreams into real actions.


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回复 'laopika' 的评论 : 皮卡老师好!从小看到,三岁到老,这话没错。他属于嘴笨手巧类型的:)
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