Where and how do I force my religion on others? I just expressed my opinion and how I came to my opinion.
SwiperTheFox 发表评论于
回复 'bighead00' 的评论 :
You are entitled to your religion. But you have no right to force your religion on others.
bighead00 发表评论于
从自然科学角度来看,从社会科学角度来看,从长远角度看,等等; 在无神的国家,现实是苏联生十个孩子为英雄母亲, 中国计划生育三十多年实行一上二扎计划外刮, 毫无人道。基督新教是best antidote to tyranny and dictatorship.
bighead00 发表评论于
注册很麻烦 发表评论于 2022-06-24 19:49:32
If you are a Christian, you would have different perspectives about those issues. America was founded on mainly Christian values and is still a Christian country. I converted from an atheist to a Christian and that changed my value system. "If there is no God, everything is permitted". Christian has a God and a lot of things are not permitted.
All your concerns are not too outrageous.高院前著名法官 Antonin Scalia told law students at the University of Hawaii that the nation’s highest court was wrong to uphold the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, but he wouldn’t be surprised if the court issued a similar ruling during a future conflict. 做为中国人我们要有足够的警觉, 积极为自己族群争权益。
SwiperTheFox 发表评论于
回复 'bighead00' 的评论 :
这跟联邦与州之间的冲突完全没有关系。 个人的医疗权利不应该被政府掌控, 不管是联邦还是州政府。 Roe V Wade只不过是保证了妇女的个人权利。
这些可能性美国先父们都考量过。所以美国首先是宪政共和制, 其次才是民主, 两者相制衡。An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification. 修改宪法要 2/3 和 3/4 绝对多数才行,最大程度限制暴民(保括宗教暴民)民主。
voiceofme 发表评论于
我重新读了什么是separation between government and church, 我发现这来自于第一修正案:“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”这是说政府不能干预教会的事情,没有说教会不能干预政府的事。这个separation完全是单方面的。
Many Christians believe humans have a rational soul and freedom of will, and humans bear the image of God, so abortion is not simply women's rights, it is killing of human lives. Christian churches teach this(from Bible) to their believers and the a large percentage (if not the majority) of Americans are Christian, either Catholic or Protestant. I don't think it is about "church has right to request other people follow their principle"
voiceofme 发表评论于
The decision is about religion? Where is the separation between government and church? Why church has right to request other people follow their principle?
bighead00 发表评论于
If you are a Christian the decision is not complicated. If you are not religious then it is women's right.
bighead00 发表评论于
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. --- John Adams
这几个大法官只是正确解释了宪法。Genesis 1:27, "God created man in his own image. . .