最近女儿的高中好朋友手机不到二星期2次被偷/抢,真让人气愤。女儿好朋友二个星期前在南加州的大学里参加lab final考试,因规定不能带包进考场,她随身的包只好放在lab bag里。考完试,她打开lab bag 包却不见了,除了手机,ID,还有少量现金及信用卡等都丟了。她第二天不得不买了个新手机。祸不单行,没想到几天前,她去北加州UCSF看她男朋友,晚上和朋友一起去旧金山的酒巴聚会聊天,完后她们出来,因为人多,她跟朋友走散了,这时有个骑自行车的人,靠过来问她,是不是在找人,且越靠越近,她还没来得及回答,一瞬间就把她的手机抢了过去,骑车飞奔而去,离开前嘲笑那朋友,baha, that’s what you get,看看现在加州的抢窃犯有多嚣张!
"I blame the death of my son and his partner on Gascón,'' said Olga Garcia, the mother of El Monte Police Officer Joseph Anthony Santana, 31...
While the investigation into the shooting is continuing, critics of Gascón have loudly lashed out at the district attorney in the ensuing days, noting that Flores -- a felon with a history of arrests -- was given a plea deal last year that allowed him to avoid prison time for being in possession of a firearm.