6/10/22: Shopping & Chat

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今天陪老二grocery shopping,配手表电池,顺便聊聊。

  • Where can I put lunch box if I only bring laptop bag? (钱花在房租上了,自然要打打午饭的主意。+:喜欢做饭)
  • 谈起小白兔和小灰兔爱吃白菜的故事:That's the best part of Chinese class. I like 成语。That's like授之以鱼or授之以渔。(两只兔子,一个要了一车白菜,一个要了一包种子。)
  • My friend brought NBA final ticket around 800, just for one of top rows. If it is a blow off game, will not worth.
  • Thanks mom! (我们终于买到了对的电池。我昨天打开了表壳,今天换了电池,关上了表壳。)
  • me:Congratulations for you to start your first professional job.
  • l think I'm way mature than some others in my school.
  • 越来越喜欢老妈给理的发了。(终于发现,老妈理的,比一般的barber还要好)
  • Should I request increasing my card's credit line? (I know I should not spend more than 30% to increase my credit score). Me: no lose to ask.