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  • 3杯面粉、1/2茶匙盐、1杯水、2茶匙酵母
  • 揉成面团。 然后用意大利面条机压面团。反复多次。
  • 面团发酵 1 1/2 小时
  • 再用面条机压面团多次。 然后切成6块用手揉成6个馒头坯子。
  • 发酵15 分钟
  • 蒸锅中加入冷水。 大火蒸馒头20分钟。关火3分钟后出锅。

  • 3 cups flour, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 cup water, 2 tsp yeast 
  • Make a dough. Then use pasta maker to knead the dough several times. 
  • Raising the dough 1 1/2 hours.
  • Use pasta maker to knead the dough again. Then cut into 6 pieces and hand knead into 6 round balls.
  • Raising 15 minutes.
  • Add cold water into steamer pot. High heat steam the bun for 20 minutes. Wait another 3 minutes to take the steamed bouns out of the steamer.
