前几天无意中听到这歌 想起我爸和我妈了 我父母都是中学老师 我妈一直身体不好 除了上班和给全家做衣服 几乎不做别的家务 (我妈手很巧 很会做各种衣服 )我爸对我妈非常好 比对我都好 我和我妈犟嘴的时候 他从来都是站我妈那边 。。。。记得小时候都是我爸带我去店里看布料 让我选自己喜欢的 选好后我爸妈再带我一起去买 我妈总是能给我做出各种漂亮的衣服来
快二十年了吧 我爸一直和我们住 疫情开始不久他得了帕金森 很快几乎不能走路和自理能力 又心疼又无助 照顾他的生活起居成了我每天的大事 前不久因病情比较严重 我88岁的爸爸从医院直接转到了long term home 我一下轻松了很多 只是每隔一天去看他 带点他喜欢吃的东西 过去一年里 多少个睡不着的夜里 回想着过去几十年和父母一起度过的那些美好又轻松的日子 我爸再也不是那个吃苦耐老 爱惜妻小的顶梁柱了 真切体会到了真正的亲情和孝心不仅仅是买礼物 陪旅游等等 而是当他们到了生命的最后一站 我们能不能放下自己的事情和自己小家的利益 亲力亲为的照顾他们 这个话题是挺沉重的也是很灵魂拷问的
第一次唱英文歌 真觉得头大 我真不愧是个中国人 唱英文歌都带着着浓浓的中国味儿
这次高雾联手主持工作 辛苦了 唱得不好也硬着头皮发了
《Like My Father》
I wanna come home to roses
And dirty little notes on Post-its
And when my hair starts turning gray
He'll say I'm like a fine wine, better with age
I guess I learned it from my parents
That true love starts with friendship
A kiss on the forehead, a date night
Fake an apology after a fight
Gets out of the car and holds the door
I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're 18 at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young
My father loves my mom
I wanna make fun of each other
I wanna rock out to Billy Joel
And flip our kids off when they call us old
He'll accidentally burn our dinner
And let me be the scrabble winner
And when my body changes shapes
He'll say, "Oh my God, you look hot today"
Gets out of the car and holds the door
I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're 18 at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young
My father loves my mom
Maybe he could teach our daughter
What it takes to love a queen
She should know she's royalty
Gets out of the car and holds the door
I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're 18 at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young
My father loves my mom
My father loves my mom