Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" 1904 Russo-Japanese War/Manchuria TV series by Karen Shakhnazarov
Anna Karenina, Part One | ORIGINAL SERIES | by Karen Shakhnazarov
A mini-series based on the iconic Russian novel of the same name 8 Episodes.Made in 2017. Imdb Rating: 6,5. During Russian-Japanese War, the head of the hospital Sergey Karenin learns that the wounded officer Count Vronsky is the person who ruined/Killed? his mother Anna Karenina.基於同名標誌性俄羅斯小說 8 集的迷你係列。2017 年製作。Imdb 評分:6.5。 日俄戰爭期間,醫院院長謝爾蓋·卡列寧得知受傷的軍官伏龍斯基伯爵是毀/殺他的母親安娜卡列尼娜。
Chinese village 中國村来了托爾斯泰/ 安娜卡列尼娜/伏龍斯基伯爵/
Premiered Nov 27, 2021
Nick Stephan
2 weeks ago (edited)