因为偶然的原因,听了一本书叫《The Longevity Paradox》觉得有趣,就继续听了作者的另外一本书(NY BEST SELLER):《The Plant Paradox》。
这后一本书,叫人不能吃很多东西:全谷食物,茄科蔬菜,所有类似水果(就是有籽儿的)的蔬菜,所有豆类,豆腐,豆制品(但是纳豆,天贝类发孝食品可以食用))都有高含量LECTIN。LECTIN 会导致许多疾病。
1. 普遍认为这是个伪科学 (pseudoscience)!
2. 似乎作者没有一篇有分量的研究报告,比如JAMA,NIH,没有一篇!只有在他任主要职务的 American Heart Association (AHA) 杂志上有所谓的poster presentation.
3. 书本里面,都是“成功故事”(success story). 引经据典比较弱。
4. 书本以居高临下,权威式的口气和语言(尤其是AUDIO BOOK 版本中的语气),可能有欲盖弥彰的嫌疑。
5. 一位Cornell 很有名的营养学教授写了长篇大论驳斥这个饮食:
6.1 Ask the Expert: Clearing Up Lectin Misconceptions - Today's Dietitian Magazine
6.2 What Is the Plant Paradox Diet, and Does It Work?
(结论是:However, there’s not much scientific evidence to support the idea that all lectin-containing plant foods are harmful. In fact, many foods with lectins are extremely nutritious)
6.3 How Much Lectins Does A Pressure Cooker Kill - Design Farm House
(讲如何通过烹调来去除凝集素。但是书本说,对于豆类,只有 PRESSURE COOKER 才能去除!茄科类根本就任何方法都去除不了。但是这篇文章说PRESSURE COOKING 可以去除豆类和茄科里面的凝集素。平常的COOKING 不能去除番茄和青椒(茄科里的两种)里的凝集素)
6.4 Lectins | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
(结论:However, there is very limited research in humans on the amount of active lectins consumed in the diet and their long-term health effects.;It is possible that one who has an underlying digestive sensitivity, such as irritable bowel syndrome, may be more likely to experience negative symptoms from eating lectins and other anti-nutrients.)
6.5 Dr. Gundry’s Plant Paradox Debunked: 7 Science-Based Reasons It’s a Scam - Legion Athletics
6.6 Going ‘lectin-free’ is the latest pseudoscience diet fad
(说这是个 pseudoscience diet fad!)
。。。but this diet seems more fad than fact.
Lectins are a type of protein found in many foods including grains and beans. As isolated compounds, they have been researched for many years and can have positive and negative health effects. While some lectins are highly toxic, others are benign.
The problem is that online health gurus are painting all lectins with the same brush, and playing up the negative effects without the evidence to back it up. Saying all lectins are poison is akin to saying that you shouldn’t eat button mushrooms because some foraged mushrooms are toxic. It makes no sense.)
1. 不同的凝集素,危害性并不相同.
2. 不同的人对不同的凝集素反应可能完全不同。你有高血压,血糖高,免疫等问题,不能排除某种你常吃的凝集素对你没害处。
3. 无凝集素饮食是不可能的,但是饮食减少凝集素的量是很容易的。
最后说说,在AMAZON 书评上有人说吃了这个饮食后湿疹(ECZEMA)好了