埃及 男求女友复合被拒当众杀人 法院直播绞刑


July 30, 2022 

21岁妹子奈拉(Naira Ashraf) ,就读于埃及北部的曼苏拉大学,是一名大三学生。





警方将行凶男子逮捕归案,随即展开调查。据悉,男子名叫阿德尔 (Mohamed Adel) ,21岁,是受害女子奈拉的大学同学、前男友。




悲剧发生后,家人难过地表示,奈拉长期遭到前男友骚扰,拒绝求婚时 ,对方还威胁要杀了她。虽然他们在2个月前就已经向警方报案,但最后还是没能避免惨案。

















Judge asks for killer who stabbed a student to death for rejecting his marriage proposal to be hanged on LIVE TV in Egypt


  • Mohamed Adel, 21, was found guilty of murdering his university classmate Naira Ashraf when she rejected his marriage proposal outside Mansoura University

  • He stabbed her several times, in her neck and chest, in the Egyptian city
  • The court that sentenced Adel to death has requested to change the law around capital punishment so that the execution of the killer can be aired live

An Egyptian court is planning to broadcast the live hanging of a killer who stabbed a student to death when she turned down his marriage proposal.

Mohamed Adel, 21, was found guilty of murdering his Mansoura University classmate Naira Ashraf when she turned him down, with the court sentencing him to death on July 6.

The court has now called for his execution to be broadcast live to deter similar crimes from happening in future.

In its letter to Parliament, the court wrote: 'The broadcast, even if only part of the start of proceedings, could achieve the goal of deterrence, which was not achieved by broadcasting the sentencing itself.'

Chilling footage shows Adel attacking Ashraf outside Mansoura University near the Nile Delta on 20th June.

She was just about to sit her final exams, according to local media.

Footage shows Adel attacking Ashraf outside Mansoura University near the Nile Delta on 20th June
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She was just about to sit her final exams, according to local media
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Chilling footage shows Adel attacking Ashraf outside Mansoura University near the Nile Delta on 20th June. She was just about to sit her final exams, according to local media

Naira Ashraf, a student at Mansoura University, was stalked and brutally killed in June
Naira Ashraf, a student at Mansoura University, was stalked and brutally killed in June
Killer Mohamed Adel, 21, was found guilty of murdering his university classmate Naira Ashraf when she turned down his marriage proposal. An Egyptian court is asking parliament to broadcast his execution live
Ashraf died on the spot as angry passersby seized Adel while he was holding the knife and standing over her body, the video shows.

She was stabbed several times, including on her neck and chest, local media said.

The knifeman had stalked the student and had resolved to kill her after she rejected his marriage proposal, the court heard.

Mansoura Courthouse preliminarily settled on the death penalty on June 28, confirming the sentence a week later.

An appeal stalled the verdict, which was made public on July 24. Now, the court has requested that the legislature change the statute governing capital punishment so that the execution might be aired live.

'We still have 60 days to challenge death sentence against Adel,' said the defendant's lawyer Farid El-Deeb.

El-Deeb, who worked as the lead defence lawyer for late ex-president Hosni Mubarak, is well-known in Egypt.

The last time a capital punishment was in 1998, when state television broadcast the execution of three men who had killed a woman and her two children at their home in Cairo.

In Egypt, the method of execution for civilian convictions is hanging.

Ashraf was stabbed several times, including on her neck and chest, local media said
Ashraf was stabbed several times, including on her neck and chest, local media said

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james, Oxford, New Zealand, 2 days ago

I agree with the judge.

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almarsh, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 3 days ago

So sad

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BINKYBINDI, AD, Australia, 4 days ago

great justice system swift ...no sitting in jail for 40+yrs costing taxpayers millions of $$$$$$$$$$

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MJS73, New York, United States, 4 days ago

Now that is Justice !!! No sitting in jail for years with appeals. Watch the crime rate drop lower when people find out they will be swinging by the end of the week. Once they take a life violently , they forfeit theirs automatically. That should be everywhere.

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Accidental Berliner, Berlin, Germany, 4 days ago

If it manages to deter just one other would be murderer, sure, let the man hang on television.

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RebelForever, Arkansas, United States, 4 days ago

We desperately need to make executions public in the USA!!

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Sid 25, Durham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What a tragic waste of a young life taken away in her prime, well done that judge we need more like him to hand out punishments for crimes like these.

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Franks, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fragile men needs to be punished for crimes like these

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Cleveland, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Don't give Netflix ideas!

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nina007, Perth, 4 days ago

Good job too... They SHOULD broadcast it !!!

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Bold Geezer, Hereandthere, Spain, 4 days ago

Seems fair enough.

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Another Day 55, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

He is right I support the judge on this

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Anglophile3, Atlanta, United States, 4 days ago

Go Egypt - this is the only real justice.

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Dr MB, Cardiff, 4 days ago

The judge said he wished the execution would be broadcast live as a deterrent. The court couldnt order that.

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Ajax12345, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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IanMoxley, ISLE OF WIGHT , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We needs justice like that

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Boxter, Cleveland, United States, 4 days ago

Put it on Pay per View !!!

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jessieblueskies, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

The killer was probably born through generations of arranged marriages that missed out on the getting to know each other and falling in love part - the most important part. The lacking can produce monsters.

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fknknowall, Melbourne, 4 days ago

Bring back hanging, It's what the people want.

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HDCCTV, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

And this is UK news because?

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carlinc, cheltenham UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

RIP Beautiful young lady. He does deserve his punishment. How can a man think it's OK to murder a woman because she didn't want to marry him?

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Old Cynic, Utopia, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

An appropriate sentence.

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charlatans77, wilmslow, 4 days ago

No more than he deserves.

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Brianna85, Knightsbridge London , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This will Deter others

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Tara87, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Brilliant idea!

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luther, oxford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Where you are caught red handed by multiple independent witnesses, capital punishment should be the only outcome

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Tau Ceti, pizzapolis, Italy, 4 days ago

I fully support the decision.

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Old Git 1960, Hastings, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Yer good sentence

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nemesis49, Staffordshire , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I can understand the death penalty but why broadcast it live !!!!' That is sick

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Charlie57, Warrington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We should have that sort of sentencing here not the idiot judges we have,

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Harry Horse, Somewhere, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

So cruel, hope he rots in hell

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Ohwhatfun, Chester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Just wicked. So sad.

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Fark Wad, Londim, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good, put Egypt in charge of our justice system.....and make the BBC show it!

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Galaxy Supernova, In a KPOP Wonderland, South Korea, 4 days ago

Getting the punishment he deserves - and get it done as soon as possible

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Yves1234, Lancashire , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Beautiful young woman, so sad. I agree with the sentence, we need to do the same

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i.will say it anyway, England And Used To Be Proud , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Why can we not have courts like that here, ones that do their job properly. Rest in peace young lady.

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Wellington7, Boston, United States, 4 days ago

I doubt it will be a deterrent. A psycho won't be deterred.

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Jetlee1975, Las rug, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Better entertainment than love island

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The Fish, Birmingham, 4 days ago

Now that's justice!

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Scott J, somewhere, 4 days ago

I'll pay per view for that.

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justsaying, Lndon, 4 days ago

Poor family and such a beautiful girl

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chippy saint, Evesham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'm not in favour of the death sentence, though I understand the reasons why some might have cause to think differently. However, showing an execution on TV for whatever reason, deterrent or entertainment, is abhorrent.

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Steven peckham, Glasgow, 4 days ago

Reintroduce to the uk

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Surreal , Seventy oaks, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Where do I watch the hanging?

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Geronimo256, Tamworth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Just the kind of justice needed in Britain

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Perenz, Derbyshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good on the court for doing this.

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Geronimo256, Tamworth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Just the kind of justice we need in Britain ,this would stop all the killings here

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DrtobagenMD, Worthing, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Thats one way to do it, and it's better than ours...

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Kitcat11, Southampton, 4 days ago

Can this be brought in in this country. Will soon clear the prisons out

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Bonvoyage, Dorset, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good idea

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lover of music, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I wouldn't want to watch that!

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Box56, Bolton, 4 days ago

Wish they would do that here!

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Lucaner, Lucan, Canada, 4 days ago

It should be shown on live tv. These losers need to see what real justice is like and not the coddling they get in Britain.

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Dubrovnic, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Is it PPV

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lisar, aspanaway, United States, 4 days ago

This was done once in the US, think maybe early '90s and a lethal injection, but not positive.

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Richard76, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I've no issue with the death penalty but to screen it on live tv? A step too far!

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John Span, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I like that

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Skogen, The Forrest, Sweden, 4 days ago

People need to be protected and deterrents need to do just that.

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Shanice_00, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Hmmm I like this judge. Want a job in the UK?

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Jinxyjames2, Middle Of Norhole, United States, 4 days ago

Again, can this be streamed here? Totally worth the watch. Maybe it will catch on here.

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Stuart 266, Wigan, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I wish we could rid the world, of these barbaric narrow minded evil idiots. In which will help to keep innocent victims of these barbaric idiots safe.

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Sparkysue, Westerham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I bet we won't get to see it! We get warned about distressing scenes coming up on Emmerdale, when it's just someone cry's!

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Englishcountryman, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'd watch it!

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Jay mcnulty, Malaga, Spain, 4 days ago

No messing about there. Appropriate sentencing.

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Spysgirl, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Absolutely disgusting. Men standing by watching a young girl be slaughtered. ME well deserved sentence for this monster.. we should have it here too .

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Countryboyatheart, Folkestone, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good decision. Might make others think twice before committing such a crime.

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urbanrumer, peterborough, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What time , WHAT CHANNEL ?

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Ah Come On, Dublin, Ireland, 4 days ago

Correct decision

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HG, where eagles dare, United States, 4 days ago

Those pictures are pretty graphic dm

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Hirum, Boksburg, South Africa, 4 days ago

No wokerati in Egypt so a suitable sentance.

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The woodchopper, Carlisle, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Hed get a suspended sentence here. If our judges gave half the sentences others do they be in jail more than they are now.

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Richard, Rochford, 4 days ago

If you're going to have a death sentence, as a deterent, it's a good idea to show it on TV.

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JohnConnor6.6.6, Bouvet island, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, 4 days ago

Should make it a regular feature

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corruptionrules, Brisbane , Australia, 4 days ago

Excellent idea (better than our judiciary) - should be more of it!!!

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picman, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'll watch it

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Nadine, Hoorn, Netherlands, 4 days ago

If you can't take no for an answer!

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ringo67, peterborough, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

When 100% sure, do the same thing here!

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Oldvalues, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Had this happened in the Uk, he would have got a few years after being shown to have psychological problems and a deprived childhood. Go Egypt!

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MrTone, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great! Give the judge a job over here?

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Gnrham, Dorset, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I would have that here

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Friendy86, Leamington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Brilliant! That's what should happen in every country

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Rudolf-7, Winterthur, Switzerland, 4 days ago

Good and well deserved. RIP lovely lady!

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jhope46, norwich, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great sentence.

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NFnN, Normal For north Norfolk, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fair enough

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Ted, Halifax, Canada, 4 days ago

I'd watch.

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BAZZA 123, WICKFORD, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds reasonable to me.

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Silver glimmer, Airspace, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

UK take note, that is a proper sentence for a despicable crime.

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zerobucks, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We don't show murder scenes and victims DM please have the same respect

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Megawatt, Stretham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Excellent... we should do similar over here in the UK, the only language some criminals will understand..!

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zmg, Ffffff, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well done judge!

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Fir agus Mna, Durham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I wish we had the same justice system

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martnarvy, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Lets hope its live streamed

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The Chainsaw, Brexit County, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

It's interesting to see the overwhelming support for death sentences for this sort of crime. So why does Britain pussyfoot with pathetic sentences as low as three and a half years for a murder when it seems most people would like to see a return of capital punishment?

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Yes me again, LIVERPOOL, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can that system be adopted here, please ?

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JetA1, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Pay per view

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JH66, Manchester, 4 days ago


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SJP, Arundel , Spain, 4 days ago

that sort of sentence is a proper deterrent

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Sandyshaw62, The world, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Ok with me!

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Tiamare, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Yes please bring on live broadcast. Needs to be done in countries where they think its ok to take a life just because the woman rejects his proposal.

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Ians1978, Oxted, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like better viewing than U.K. television!!! Bring it on. I'll hang around to watch it live!!!!!!!!

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

Cujy1963, Hampshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

They need to do this in India!

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markfromthepark, Orpington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper justice unlike the woke sentences here

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Theodora85, Paris, France, 4 days ago

In UK he would be out for Christmas festivities.

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David111245, Hampshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like a good idea to me !!

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Paulm, Bow bells, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Judge, There's a job waiting for you in the UK.

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Charles, Nottingham, 4 days ago


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NorthernKing, manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Jealous maniac. Good that sentence

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imo, Newcastle, 4 days ago

A fitting sentence

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bartleby451, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We should be doing this here.

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chris, geneva, Switzerland, 4 days ago

Justice seen to be done,not hidden hehind closed doors

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Krakenish, Berwickshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper justice. U.K. judges, take note.

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cheryl, uk, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

And this is why women need protection from blokes like this around the world

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Smythe-William, Stopperton, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Bring that judge to our country to deal with the murderous devils we have here!

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Asomeone, Somewhere, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This country with its joke of a justice system needs to follow suit

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Dutch Van Der Linde, From a Parallel Universe, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need to bring this back in the UK. Live TV of evil people being hanged would make great entertainment

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Tahaka, Valley of the Kings, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I would get my popcorn anytime to watch something like that. Luv it.

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shaunfido, Belgravia, British Virgin Islands, 4 days ago

Great sentence. What channel can we watch it on.

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Inthenameoftheweeman, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Something like that over here would put the message out for nasty criminals

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KolaKubes, Heckmanhistan, Sao Tome And Principe, 4 days ago

Good om them. Absolutely should be televised so a nation can watch him shake.

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Doug PF, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's how law should be carried out. Quick, effective, efficient and cost effective. What a waste of a lovely young woman.

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Madfrankie, Perth, Australia, 4 days ago

Horrible person. Just sentence.

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FirstOneStanding, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Barbarian society

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Nickski, Bourg Saint Maurice, France, 4 days ago

What a great idea

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LaLa, LaLaLand, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Allcommentscensored, El Dorado, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can this judge give the UK legal system an overhaul?

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Hgbackonceagain, Occupied, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Imagine that, actual justice, what a feeling that must be.

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Grump y, Co Durham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Beautiful women. At least he's getting his just deserts.

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iglesias160, new york, United States, 4 days ago

Good and fair sentence. Now had it happened in Britain, the judges would have sentenced him for couple of years and set him free to lead the rest of his life

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Goldengirl58, Northumberland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds fair enough.

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Realenglish, Devon, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can only dream about British judges giving a sentence as fitting as this.

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ElmoreJ, Rochdale, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

UK should adopt same sentencing

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one eyed deer, nowhere, Heard Island And McDonald Islands, 4 days ago

Now that is justice. Show it here please and then bring the same law here.

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stevieh, Lincoln, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Gorgeous woman. He deserves all he gets

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Only1Deedle, Houston, United States, 4 days ago

I hope the judge gets that wish

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Major pane, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

No thats how you do it....it might make the next guy think twice before he murders someone for no reason.

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nick285, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we have this judge in the UK please.

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Johnboat45, village dweller , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A punishment fitting of the crime !

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Oscarone1, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A sensible judge at last can we have him here

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theeather, Bury, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Pammydodger, Somewhere over the rainbow, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wish we could bring back capital punishment in the UK Im sure it would reduce crime here.

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sunnyclimes, Poole, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

The pathetic justice system in the UK needs to sit up and take notice. There is no deterrent in modern sentencing. .A slapped wrist and suspended sentence (no pun intended) are laughable.

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dixie broadcasting, Austin Texas, United States, 4 days ago

How to deal with all the these murders Its completely got out of hand with poor small children killed weekly in the UK and US

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Sapper32, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A sensible judge .

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simonadlington, Braintree, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Find the murders of the Italian first.

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BBwashere, Sydney, Australia, 4 days ago

Good! Lets start doing it here because its getting ridiculous the amount of women getting killed here fo similar reasons.

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Pounce the Cat, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can you imagine if he made it to the Uk, there would be protests by the score demanding he not be returned to Eygpt.

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Mikemikerophone, Crewe, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good idea should make it ppv with all monies going to girls family

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Hi De Hi, doncaster, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can the UK employ him

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scalia1963, Derby, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This is where Britain falls so short, they actually punish their criminals.

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Sunnyjo, Essex, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Dreadful but it shouldn't be news here

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Rich739, Cambridge , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I really envy the justice system of some other countries.... A mass clear out of prisons here is long overdue

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Dont worry, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need these sentences here in the UK right nowww!!!

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Kwadsworth, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Justice for a young woman

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Pennden, Exeter, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I suspect that the majority of people in the UK would like to see similar justice meted out for wilful murderers.

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Gurtcha, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Absolutely brilliant sentance which will undoubtedly save women's lives.

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das442, Bridgwater, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

About time a judge with balls

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piedpiper1, salford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we have that judge over here.

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tracyl, norwich, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

They start showing what happens to people who murder others hopefully might be a deterrent to other potential murderers.

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Kayer1941, Gods Country, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's a good deterrent, we should try that here!

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Bob Hovis, derby, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I wanna watch, when is it on?

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Freddie2006, Skipton , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper justice

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Marilyn, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This is where we're going wrong!

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PITT RIVERS, BOTTOM DRAWER, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well if I stops another woman dying at the hands of someone thinking they are entitled to kill them - so be it. And I never thought I would say that.

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Jedi Master Yoda, Unknown, United States, 4 days ago

Awesome! Something to consider here in the West as well.

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Please do, East Sussex, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Yes report it, but don't show it. This is why people are so desensitised.

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Brian Leyland, Lhasa, Nepal, 4 days ago

Oh dear - never mind. He deserves it. RIP beautiful young lady.

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Griz85, Leicester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Would definitely watch

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NotShortImFunSize, Arizona, United States, 4 days ago


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Captain Ron, Woking, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds fair

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Dontknowenough, Essex, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Do it!

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Victortanker, Britain, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Lets have this kind of justice in the UK please.

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Gemmstone, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A terrible crime, but public execution is wrong.

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John c, Birmingham, 4 days ago

Soon to be seen in UK

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Allsortednow, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Perfect outcome

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AC Narm, Farnham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Should try that here, but every crime being let off with a warning makes for boring TV I guess.

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JulesBwater, Exeter, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That sounds like a deterrent and a show of justice

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ByHeck, Exeter, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good idea

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Retfordbloke, Retford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well said that Judge

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JC1968, Chalford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Spot on, No has to watch it if they don't want to

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Pete, Pontefract, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Happy days a proper sentence.

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armalite, Earth Somewhere, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Top result, is it pay to view

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Chris Lowe, Sarm West, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's the way to deal with murderers !

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MathsStats, The North, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A sentence few would argue against.

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Acestriker, Leicester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great justice system which should be adopted here as well.

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wutheringheights, themoors, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Tommylad84t, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well done judge

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Straightforward, Watford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need this type of sentence here.

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Paidues, All Over, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great deterrent!

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ziZtzi, Dublin, Ireland, 4 days ago

That would be justice and a true deterrent. What a great judge.

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Don, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

So it should be, stop some of these senseless murders!!!

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Kim Rong Un, Pyongyang, Spain, 4 days ago

Sweet, I can get Egyptian TV in my house.

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Jd21ns17, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

At no last a true sentence worthy of a scum bag!!

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same old day, Reading, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Poor girl. Please stream event live

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docklands_express, Western_approaches, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

If there is no question he commited the crime, i have no qualms with what the courts request. Good riddance

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aspring2022, Midwest, United States, 4 days ago

That's the kind of justice my country needs.

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RadlettWhatisRadlett, Radlett, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Brilliant sentence, make it Pay-per-view

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TheRationalOne, Montpellier, France, 4 days ago

Good. Will deter others.

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Brian Anderson, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Will we be able to see the execution in the UK on the TV? Poor lady. RIP to her and condolences to her family.

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Yorkie49, BURTON-ON-TRENT, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Seems reasonable. I sometimes wish we could bring back the stocks. A little public humiliation for minor offences would do some people the world of good.

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TheRealFriarbird, Wellington, New Zealand, 4 days ago

What is wrong with these people?

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Orrible_Rob, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Absolutely Fair!! Poor girl!

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Charlie Sierra 7, Crawley , United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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UK-First, Reading, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A man is a man if he accepts a turn-down and walks away for good. Violence toward women shows lack of self-esteem and cowardice.

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Mr Teleman, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

It should be on pay per view, they'd make a fortune.

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CodeVicar, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

In UK here wouldve got 15 years max

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Millstone, Leeds, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Excellent. The right sentence. The family should decide his fate...

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Barry AtricSurgery, Holywood, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like a good plan to me

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supersonicgirl, Bayan Lepas, Malaysia, 4 days ago

Good sentence by the judge

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andyandy53, Mansfield, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Why can't we do that here in the uk , that would be a real punishment for those that deserve it and a real deterrent

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Steve120.., London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Should have it in the UK too.

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OrganMeats, Atlantis, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Seems fair to me, can we hire this judge for the UK.

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partygoer, Bristol, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need this in the uk also !

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JaneJaneJaneJane, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need this in the Uk!

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mrscross, Belfast, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Egypt is not a safe country for women.

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Dude Dudester, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wouldn't mind watching that. Why should I feel guilty about watching an evil man who killed a beautiful young woman die? I don't.

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null, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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MISS79, NOTTS, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Here in the UK it used to be a grand day out to attend a public hanging. Young children were encouraged to attend, especially in Georgian times, and it was hoped that what they saw would be a deterrent. It didn't always work of course!

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Temper tantrum, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We should do that here too

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ni.onest, peterborough, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good Justice pity the UK isn't the same!

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Bluenosestu, Coventry, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What a great judge, just what we need here !

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JD., Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This is the justice system we need in UK

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Stuckinarut, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Will it be available to watch over here

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michaelmobius, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Love is not stabbing someone if they say no, at least in terms of minimum conditions

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Cynical, International Space Station , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Our judges would've given him a suspended sentence, whereas in Egypt he'll be the one that's suspended.

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reddog, chester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Our Judges should take note

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Kulu1, Enfield, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wouldnt work in the uk, police would step in to protect fellow officers

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PJC, Weston, 4 days ago

I'd watch that.

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thoughtful man, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Such an incredibly beautiful woman with everything to live for.

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Vicki greene, Huntingdon, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds good to me...Bring back Capital Punishment in the UK...

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nomad010147, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds reasonable to me.

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ooold git, Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

GOOD for Egypt, We should do the same here, instead of putting money into the hands of lawyers & judges who defend them or lets them off with a stern talking to. But it won't happen here because too many people are making too much money out of the taxpayer. Can we import some of their judges & lawyers to this namby pamby, scruffy lawless island

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Comi, home, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

They should do that over here, there's nothing worth watching on the telly these days.

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RichardG, Bolton, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

In conservative Arab countries, a man has to first ask his intended in-laws for permission to marry their daughter. This system avoids the woman having to reject the man.

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Julie Winters, Leeds, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Such a beautiful woman, what a waste of a life

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DaveyboiOK, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'm sure she was worth more than her looks, Julie.

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life on earth, Primordial Soup, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

His death on live TV will be a deterrent but it's too late to save this poor beautiful girl. At least they have reasonable sentences for barbaric crimes in Egypt unlike the UK, the punishment should fit the crime

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tinman24, warrington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

good sentence

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corkey, Rockledge, United States, 4 days ago

It is appropriate to the crime. Are you watching, Western world?

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tito, leeds, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This is right this is what should be!

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brendasev, Menai Bridge, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good now the UK should do the same , that many killings in the UK, it would happening every day, we could call it the justice channel,

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Latoya_Mendez, Birmingham, United States, 4 days ago

We need judges like him here in America.

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tinman24, warrington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

good justice we need that in this country to much senseless killings

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KRI55, Darlington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper punish

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Latoya_Mendez, Birmingham, United States, 4 days ago


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tinman24, warrington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

thats the kind of system we need to meny senseless killings

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Charlie Ladders, Fulham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we have that here please. Use Wembley Stadium. Sell tickets. Earn a fortune. All proceeds to the NHS.

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Quote me 101, Poole, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Im sorry that a young lady lost her life but televising someone being hung is not ok. Its 2022 for goodness sake.

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A farmer100, East Anglia, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

So who is the bloke at the end of the motorbike takings? Why isn't he helping?

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Its Donna Tolley, Bullyhole Bottom, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'd pay to view that live for sure and hope that style of justice can be introduced to the UK, especially the televising of it.

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Tunatunesss, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Hope we can watch it

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MultifacetedUserV4, Uni, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now you see this is justice. Britain should take note!

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Luke61, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

At last....somewhere justice is implemented.

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Dominic Pleb, Beautiful Black City, Iraq, 4 days ago

Can't wait to watch!!

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Nylg drof, Broadstairs, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Should bring that sentence back to Britain.

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Chaz_S, Midlands , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wow, some men in particular (but not alone) are so entitled- 'If I can't have her, no one can.'

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mallen1952, clacton, 4 days ago

Whilst I agree with the sentence I'm not sure that a live TV event is the right way to go.

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Rusty Yeltz, STOURBRIDGE, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'd be happy to pay my tv licence if this was included

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Philip1512, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Nice one Egypt. Just a shame Albert isn't still about to do the bib for you!

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needssaying, Gloucester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We should do this.

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Martel01, York, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Channel 4 should buy the rights.... anything to get it's viewing figures up

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Alspal905, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Britain needs to be more severs in sentencing violent crimes. Bring back the death penalty and save the country thousands of pounds

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LRU22, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Why can't we have this kind of Law in this country (UK).. These judges need to come teach the British judges how to do their jobs..!

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Bill Masen, Durham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Thats REAL justice.

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penny, Hampshire, 4 days ago

The ultimate act of fragile masculinity. Every time a woman turns down a man (even ignoring a cat call), she risks violence because some (not all, blah, blah, blah) blokes just can't take rejection. We need to change this somehow. Guys; when she isn't into you, get over it.

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yellow belly, Preston, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

And yes even Japan has executed a multiple Killer

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roley, south west, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need to adopt the same punishment system

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wonnowtsince1995, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Is it really necessary to show those pictures of the poor girl by the side of the road?

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Starburst, Sand dunes, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we get it on Netflix?

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Good goolie, United Kingdom , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What a great judge.

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Samdaman, Reading, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This is what we need in the UK!

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Disco_147, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now that's real justice.

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dibibsie, Enfield, 4 days ago

Desperate measures for desperate time, good on the court.

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change the system, hartlepool, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

which channel is it on?

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sreknawgnikcuf, York, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper justice, just what we need in the UK.

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CalmDownWokies, Petrograd, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Why show photos of this poor girl laying dead in the street ! Have some decency

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tony, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Hanging is literally too good for him. Something a bit more spectacular seems appropriate.

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Alfred, Herts, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

So many murders in this country as well now. There seems to be little respect towards other peoples lives. The punishment fails as well as it does not deter others. So bring back hanging, I do understand the contradiction because I do value life. Also by life imprisonment I actually feel sorry for the guards spending 40 hours a week having to look after them.

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graeme, belfast, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

televise it world wide

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fullofgoodintentions, Somewhere in Yorkshire , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This is what the British justice system is lacking....... sentences which fit the crime!

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JustPlainCommonSense, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What else can you expect from a country like Egypt?

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David Smyth, Glasgow, 4 days ago

The punishment fits!

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Mrs. Mop, York, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need that kind of justice here.

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rahman944, birmingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I appreciate the sentence; this will make someone to think twice. Feel so sorry for the family

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P D Greko, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

And no need for a TV license!

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Mr B Wilson, Blackpool, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fun fact. The UK government arms sales department, Defence & Security Exports, has identified Egypt as a key market, despite its terrible human rights record. So maybe we provided the handcuffs. Look out for the Union Jack

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Jessx23, Tomorrowland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Rip beautiful girl, you was too good for him and too good for this world! We welcome live hanging here in the UK

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tbeanie, Hadleigh Essex, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We defo need this here. Its not barbaric or inhumane what he did was, so justice will be done. It goes on here n they are out of prison in no timeit would be the best deterrentTHE ONLY DETERRENT

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Sandyhills, Sandy, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

If it happened here the audience figures would go through the roof, great idea to get rid of the sc-m that have taken over our streets

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Observer, Tayside, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can't we have the same system here? I am sure it would go down well with the public. If you don't agree, don't watch it! It appears the public here are crying out for capital punishment.

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millendano, UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Love it - any streams I can get this...

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null, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Grim all around

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Quadafi, Baghdad, Iraq, 4 days ago

Prefect sentence

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Chris7319, Stockport, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

we need to bring this Judge to the UK let them teach our Judges a thing or two about justice

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Lefty2020, Waltham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

In the 1970s my late Father in law worked for a firm that won a contract to build a multi-gallows in Saudi Arabia. They built the gallows, and the whole team were invited to be witnesses. My FIL wouldn't attend as he came from Belfast, and had had a belly full of violence, but several of the team did, and he said that they were haunted by it for years. It's hard to say whether it is a deterrent, but we are clearly too soft in the UK.

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Meaney83, Cheshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

It's not very often I say it , but good!

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billywales, Larnaca, Cyprus, 4 days ago

Good idea. West take note.

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mufngruf, durham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

excellent - sell worldwide video streaming rights.. you'll make a fortune.

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OUR YEAR , MELWOOD RIP, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great from the judge. I'll try and tune in if I can

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Golfer doc, Leigh, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Exactly what we need in the UK proper sentences that match the crime.

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picrthis, seminole, United States, 4 days ago

PAY-FOR-VIEW would be great!

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Dwills, N Wales, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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BeyondBlueSkies, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fine by me.

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Helen thomas, Chingford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Their country, their rules,something drastic needs implementing here as crime and murders have never been as bad.

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RogerMore, Chester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Such an unusual first name.

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werewolf12, uk, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Their country........

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Biscuit lover, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I like this Judge.

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Lefty2020, Waltham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Poor girl. There is far too much crime against women, and that coward needs to be made an example of. It will probably never happen, but the judge is correct.

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Lord Whiteley, Whiteley, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Death penalty is appropriate for this kind of heinous crime. She must have "dishonoured" him by refusing. Get over it boy. There are a few candidates for this sort of punishment. Executions used to be public events here, perhaps we should reinstate that.

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we happy, portsmouth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Yess true justice. Gods law supreme again.

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Jamie DingDing, Leicester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Scary mindset..

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Flying1, United , Pitcairn, 4 days ago

Good on live TV too, watch him cry

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Trub1, Dubai, UAE, 4 days ago

Wait for every bleeding heart lefty mamby Pamby to start hand wringing!

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jpaob, Claremorris, Ireland, 4 days ago

Do some people not realise that one is entitled to say NO.

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Dinahflo, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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flipper, somerset, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Punishment that fits the crime, UK has no such deterrent

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Prof. Hudson McLean, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Excellent example. All sentences must be made public.

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hmh, Banstead, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

give that judge the job of sorting out the 'no justice' department in the UK

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russki, teesside, 4 days ago

If he'd have done it here he would be out in fifteen years.

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yellowbellie 1, CLEETHORPES, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

The correct sentence is given here, when you take someone else's life, in certain circumstance's you should pay with your own.

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micmac, Worcester Park, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Have had sadly to look several times at photos to believe what I saw. Hope this piece of dirt gets everything that comes his way. Poor girl. R.I.P

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Fuji User, Brexit by the sea, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can't wait to see what the Human Rights mob say about this. What a waste of that young girls life.

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Gonefishing.., Norfolk, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

The world is too soft on justice! It would be a safer place if their was a better deterrent!

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Anne2greyhounds, Newport, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now that's justice

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Lancaster George, Chicago, United States, 4 days ago

Such is true justice and a deterrent message.

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LennyLion, Hogwarts, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That will send out a clear message.

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Tiwi Kid, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper justice.

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Stevia71, Chicago, United States, 4 days ago

Love it. Should do that here.

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roberto andrixo, Metropolis, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This is what we need here

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lifes2short, malaga, Spain, 4 days ago

The right kind of reality TV

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dumpville , county mouthy , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

The correct action

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Likeitornot, Bracknell, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

It will probably be popular viewing and no more than he deserves. RIP Naira - you were robbed so cruelly.

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Thespectator51, Helsinki, Finland, 4 days ago

What a great idea !

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tito, leeds, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I love that

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Ihavebeen2Specsavers, Buckie, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like a good idea.

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Dave Beverley, warwick, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I know it wont bring the poor girl back, its the right sentence though, Id pull the lever my self if it been my daughter!!

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lewisca1, Swansea, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Two wrongs don't make a right. May she rest in peace. He should be made to do hard Labour in a tough prison as a punishment. Death is an easy way out for the defendant but harsh for everyone else

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Very_Vocal, Tamworth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I hope they lose an appeal and the sentence is carried out. It would send a message to like minded males.

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Thefaceofreason, Trowbridge, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Top viewed show.

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john 22, Bedford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

So sorry for the family, but what a brilliant judge, our judges slap on the wrist soft jail out in ten, our country justice system is sick.

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TallOrder, Brentwood, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Ratings will be good.

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Coachman58, doncaster, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'd pay to see that

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Pilot Prune, Sunderland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Makes sense, try it in India where all those awful stories on attacks on women & girls happen.

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Lucy Lastic, Northumberland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

It's a bit brutal but hey, what a deterrent!

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SterlingOblivion, Southampton, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good for the them

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BlahBlah aka mobair, Hedge End-Southampton, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fantastic idea! Something must be done to stop the terrible murder rate in the UK! Live hangings! Great stuff!!

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Personalityjohn, St austell, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Pay per view hanging .I reckon it could be quite popular. Bet Fred would do quite well. Would definitely brighten the week end up

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kittyKat786, Lala land, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Such a beautiful, promising young woman. Male violence against women has to stop.

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Vortex of Chaos, Texas, United States, 4 days ago

The sentence is fair but not sure about broadcasting that live - I wouldnt want my kids accidentally turning that on while looking for the Cartoon Network !

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Anetcontributor, Cumbria, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Love it. The evidence is 100 percent nailed on. Hang him and let the kids watch. In 10-15 years crime will be low.

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kenneth, Westminster, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A similar thing should be done here in many heinous cases.

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Battlehill, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Perfectly acceptable justice in my view.

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Rogue5, The Shire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Guidelines we need in UK

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DaveSmith43, Somewhere Posh, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's what we need here. But we are top soft

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alfie.., london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now thats a judge ,top man .

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Toretts, ORPINGTON, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great stuff.

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Suckyamom, Antalya, Turkey, 4 days ago

If only.

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Im a Loud Proud Tory, Toytown, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need that type of justice over here.

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Quid est veritas, xxx, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Looks like rejecting his proposal was the right thing to do. He was hardly a marriage material.

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monkeyjeffrey, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

great idea

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Old Lucy, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I doubt she or her family would wish for her death to be made into a tv programme!

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countrygal53, UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Correct sentence.

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frankleymrshankley, Woke ing , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

netflix have got it

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MargaretMarkham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I agree with the death penalty for this but not that it should be in public.

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intelligent one, timbuckto, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Do it here !!

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VictorMeldrewsDad, By The Seaside Essex, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper sentence, British Judges, take note.....

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solorioter, exeter, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

If ever there was a deterrent this should be the one

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dario, Italy, 4 days ago

It'd make a change from Love Island.

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benniii, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Correct sentencing! Sign that judge up to our legal system!

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spaceghetto, Spiceworld, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Imagine the crime rates in the UK if we had a decent criminal justice system like this

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Mrdodge22, Somewhere UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need the death penalty here for murder..

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RichGit, Reigate, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Another great opportunity for Netflix.

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De Vil, No place, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Don't suppose that judge could be employed in the uk

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mrreallycynical, cambridge, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Works for me.

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BeachGirl00, Preston, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds good to me.

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Dominic-Cummings, Downing Street, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Beats watching Ant and Dec

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Toxic Sister, Colchester, 4 days ago

This is what we need.

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Okbyethen, Moon, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper sentencing for the crime!! Bring this to the UK.

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Lenboy, Dorking, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Bring that judge to the UK to teach our judges how it should be done. First class that man. RIP young lady.

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Buddha, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds good to me.

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Peter Gee, Nairobi, Kenya, 4 days ago

Good idea...treatment of women in some countries demands it.

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J Bloggs, Southend on Sea, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good idea! Can we send some of ours over there.

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Lily R, Melbourne, Australia, 4 days ago

The judges decision seems more than fair, he took an innocent persons life in public and his death should be the same.

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bazzaboy48, bangor, 4 days ago

Programme idea for channel 4 there, right up there with naked attraction.

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Norfolk Lad, Norfolk Village, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Bring it on here. No more wrist slapping.

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Tom FFM, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Every society needs a death penalty for its worst criminals.

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Tom FFM, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

In the UK he would've gotten ten years max.

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Wiltshire Resident, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fragile little man.

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southgirl9, Helena, United States, 4 days ago

Proper sentence, what channel.

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wayne keur, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Quality, bring this judge to the UK

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lunch, edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

probably needs it to try and change the culture, based around the male ego. but probably won't work.

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LFC4LIFE., Huddersfield, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Exactly the way its supposed to be. Life for a life....

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Rickshaws cabs, Somerset, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We could do with some of that!!!

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David Bodfish, Birmingham, Netherlands, 4 days ago

Fabulous photos thankyou! Unreal idiots.

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Poppett99, Stansfield, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wow ! Liz Truss are you watching?

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jigglysiggy, London, Japan, 4 days ago


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harry, lincoln, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good, we need capital punishment here.

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ATT225, Dublin, Ireland, 4 days ago

No need for those pictures. Give the poor girl some dignity in her final moments. Dreadful waste of life may she rest in peace

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Savannah8, Nashville, United States, 4 days ago

Thats what this country needs more of! Thats what you call a deterrent!

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bratman, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We should do the same here

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On the bog, Occupied London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Make it pay per view.

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english lost boy, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well he will be no loss.

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lostinspace67, Anywhere., United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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david1959, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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DoloresFandango, Durham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Poor girl. Would love to visit Egypt again but sadly will never do this for lots of reasons.

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Looking around, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Yo Han, Okayama, Japan, 4 days ago

Not everybody deserves a second chance - this dangerous guy is one of them. Either jail for life or death.

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Keith, Bromley, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That is what I call a deterrent!

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MsAlicePalace, somewhere, 4 days ago

Now that is retribution.

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Yorkshire Sense, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That would send a loud and clear rmessage, which is needed in those countries. And increasingly so in ours.

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BullingdonBoy, Rochester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's the sort of justice we need here.

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Shenga, Somewhere in the UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Why can't we have a Judge like that in the UK? We're too soft on criminals!

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Damiensbdjdjsbhsg, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Do you reckon I could get the channel on satellite

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Fabricator, Bradford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need justice like this here. REAL JUSTICE

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Hobgoblin52, Roseville, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This type of justice is the only way to stop crime. Prison is no deterrent because in some cases it better than their home life.

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PandaGirl12345678910, Somewhere, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now why did we get rid of hanging in the U.K.?

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Chris Thailand, sarnia ont., Canada, 4 days ago

prime time i hope..

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faible, dublin, Ireland, 4 days ago

should be more of it ..the more the merrier..cheaper than the electric chair,cheaper than a firing squad and its good for the environment when the rope can be recycled for further use,its a win win you will have the eco warriors and snowflakes on side as well

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JamesRiddles, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

hopefully pay per view.

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LadyB, Lancashire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I really like the judge. Well done! Sleep tight beautiful angel.

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Vectis, IOW, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

When it's irrefutable, caught in the act etc, then the death sentence should be mandatory.

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Euphemia III, Lakebank, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's what you call justice, excellent idea. Just make it as long and painful as possible, if advertisement breaks are required, no problem.

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Steve, Warrington, 4 days ago

Get that judge a job in the U.K.

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Tsumaranai, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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YossanMehra, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good on that judge. Let that thing swing as an example to others.

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Allen, Dudley, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

If he'd done that here he'd have got 8 years with 4 years off for good behaviour. The Egyptians know how to punish crime and at the same time deter others from doing similar.

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Brexeconomist, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great idea!

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parlance, macrocosm, Isle Of Man, 4 days ago

Egypt for the way again, justice for the victim's

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And the, Brandenburg, Germany, 4 days ago

What sort of a person stab someone for turning them down? If you ask someone to marry you, you're supposed to love them,

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Onlyme22, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Poor woman, glad they will be broadcasting his execution.

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Mayans, Durham Gods Country, United States, 4 days ago

Pay per view hanging, how much?

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johnwhatsmith, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Where do they find these judges

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Khan297, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

In the UK we the tax payers have to pay to keep monsters like this alive and behind bars

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RickiSilvero187, kirkintilloch, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Give him job here asap.

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EconomicSavvy, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Why not. He took a life he should lose his in front of millions just to show what the consequences are.

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JaneGrace, Welwyn, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Egypt is not safe for women.

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mari, london, 4 days ago

It would send a message to potential murderers that that would be their fate if they carry out any murder.

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JenderFad, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4 days ago

This and other horrible crimes that have gone unreported have been happening an awful lot in Egypt over the last year or two. Tourists are frequently targeted, ladies be careful out there.

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Saying It As It Is, Kent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Offer that judge a job in the UK, NOW! Sick and tired of our weak and enabling so called justice system.

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Kevin T, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Excellent idea. It would sort out knife crime in London very quickly.

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prazad, Wolverhampton , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we stream it?

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qwerty u, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I wonder what the 'Ratings' would be for that?

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Johny Eng1ander, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

One of the few things that better in Egypt than the UK. A just sentence.

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Kenrules, Redhill, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Luckily we live in a civilised country.

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Kenrules, Redhill, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Maybe on the vile Farage TV channel.

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Bennybo, Lowestoft, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like a good idea

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Disgusted of Ely, Ely, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What sort of monster wants execution to be a public spectacle?

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Deadly Dazzler, Ilkley, 4 days ago

Beautiful woman who did absolutely no wrong. He deserves this sentence, can't it be broadcast worldwide??

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Reallysorrybut.., Newcastle, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

At least her family gets justice not like uk where he would be out in 7 7 years

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Samnharv, Wells , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's the way to do it. Proper justice.

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TXDFW, Mansfield Texas, United States, 4 days ago

Good! We need to do that here particularly when the facts of such a heinous crime are not indispute.

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NeilRich61, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Reminds me of Riyadh's 'Chop Chop' Square on Friday afternoons.

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Spirit of Cromwell, Forgotten Up North, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wish we had a judges that would give real sentences to the criminals in The U.k. Instead we have Micky Mouse sentences with Micky Mouse judiciary.

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old grumpy gent, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need the same here

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Zachlaser, Southport , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

And so he should be make it pay To watch TV then only the wokes or do gooders will have to pay to complain

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Ricardo Delverea, bristol, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now that will make for good viewing

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jose eduardo, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fair enough. I like it!!!

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Wallys, Sunderland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

These crimes are so sad and tragic,another young life lost,RIP young lady now with the Angels forever

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Its.Raining.Again, A Kardashian Free World, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

"What's on TV to item ma ?" Oh nothing much just a live hanging at 6pm

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Patrick, Kansas, 4 days ago

"An Egyptian court is planning to broadcast the live hanging of a killer" - About time, and as a deterrent it needs to be extended to all countries.

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tnethaji, Chester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

extend this law to acid attackers or anyone who goes against Women in uncontrollable way.

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Hernando, Topeka, United States, 4 days ago

America needs that type of judge.

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tnethaji, Chester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Similar incidents have happened and recorded around the world. All countries need these kind of law in place immediately

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Flumoxed, Waterford, Ireland, 4 days ago

Did you really just print a photo of that poor young girls body lying in the street DM?

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Bequia1949, Watford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good,if only we could have some kind of death sentence in the U.K.

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Summertime2001, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we do that here please? All the women who have been killed and children live tv and watch them swing

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LadyLike22, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'm totally OK with that sentence and that it be done publicly. Hopefully it will deter other men who think that Women are there only to please some violent, misogynistic men.

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CrowStepGable, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good for Egypt. I sincerely hope it serves to save other women in the future. RIP lovely lady. Xxx

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Kurt , london , Grenada, 4 days ago

This is the only justice!!!!

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Maggie, Ipswich, Turkey, 4 days ago

Good job it didnt happen here. A couple of Ulysses in prison and he would be free. Bring back the death penalty.

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Shaz175, Timbuctoo, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's the way what a evil slimeball he is

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Yes you did, A very strange place, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds a fair swap

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JohnConnor6.6.6, Bouvet island, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, 4 days ago


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Queue, Sesame Street , Niue, 4 days ago

Commercial breaks included?

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Mike Chunter, Stoke, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fair enough, punishment fits the crime, no soppy justice like you get in the UK.

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poshirabit, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great, I'll salute Egypt if they go ahead with this. Just what Britain needs.

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etienne peyroux, Florida, United States, 4 days ago

Nice!! Can we bring this Judge to the States??

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Appleturnover, Over the rainbow, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Should do the same in the UK.

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Mrgreener, Harlow, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We have a plethora of would be TV participants in the UK, instead they are sheltered, fed, watered and everything else paid for by taxpayers.

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idsay, South London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Too many of these cases recently. Our society is going backwards! RIP beautiful one.

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Warm winter, Sunshine, Australia, 4 days ago

Are we suppose to feel sorry for him?

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Dextrious, Harlow, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Real justice served

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picman, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's what we require in this woke pathetic country.

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Lars Gonaards, Gulag UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Too many men just like that

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Meupnorth999, North, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well done Egypt

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Manny Barilow, Boomerville, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Here here, bring it here.

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joe86, Up north, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Should be on the BBC then less people would stop paying the license fee

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Jaded, Uk, 4 days ago

We need that judge in this country.

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Cfcclass, Perth, Australia, 4 days ago

Fantastic idea, pity we dont all have this on tv. Why should they get pampered in prison.

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busymumof3, Lanarkshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well if it gets the point across that violence against women who dont do what you want is unacceptable I cant see a problem.

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Roger Stunt, Belfast, Ireland, 4 days ago

Now that's what i call justice. TV ratings will sky rocket, and the Govt/taxpayer will save a small fortune on detaining him. The money saved could then be put into schools/hospitals. Win Win!

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Not the last word, Staffordshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Male pride in some traditions is extremely dangerous to women.

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Dalcor, Dartford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What an amazing judge and a massive salute for a decent justice system

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LiveandLetDie, Surrey, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good! It should be public

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kitskinner, Ipswich, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's the way to do it!

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JaceyBoy, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I would watch!

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leon. B, Winchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we subcontract our justice system to these guys. It would save a fortune in prison costs and bleeding heart retrials.

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Mj, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Hopefully on PPV with Ant & Dec presenting

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neddog, belfast, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Could we not get a few Judges like him over here,

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DocMeldrew, GrumpySarcasm , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I think that is a pretty fair request.

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Mac-Clashy, Grimsby, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we have that here please. A few televised executions will make people think twice before committing this type of crime.

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Strike2, Sydney, Australia, 4 days ago

I bet that gets one of the highest ratings of any broadcast.

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

MONICA 77 , Northumberland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now this is punishment and should be done all over the world. As it will stop the murders and some crimes. A life for a life

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Kargas, Athens, Greece, 4 days ago

Just shows you what might have happened during their marriage if she had said yes to him in what great danger she would have been in.

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Out is out, Kent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wonder if we will see it live on the BBC ? British judges and the government take note bring back the death penalty to the United Kingdom

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Gavidoff, Planet Rock, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Awesome....what channel

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funnyold world, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Very few, here are addressing the Public hanging issue. If the sentence of death is given , it should be inside a prison. But then you dont want to get convicted of theft in Egypt, unlike the Micky Mouse UK.

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The 8.21, Off to town, Australia, 4 days ago

Excellent, good decision.

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rjfs, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well, I suppose at least it would be "live" TV at the beginning of the programme...

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Ting Tong2014, United Kingdom and, Germany, 4 days ago

If you killed someone, you have to be killed as well, it's only fair!

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harshap, Bangalore, India, 4 days ago

Bring this punishment here too!

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CliffBarnes, Brighton, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Excellent idea. What channel is it on?

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PeteBaf, London, UAE, 4 days ago

So sad

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StellaMax, Bognor, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I dont want to watch but the killer deserves it

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Apatheist, UK, 4 days ago

Did it occur to him that she might change her mind?

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land of plenty, South, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Over here, a suspended sentence.

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Raider999, Asgard, Svalbard And Jan Mayen, 4 days ago

We could do with that judge here.

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Brit203, Glenrothes Fife Scotland , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What a result, we could do with a bit of that here

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Dr KD, Monty, Jamaica, 4 days ago

Good old Masr. They still have strong morals there

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JG66, Padstow, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

CPS , MoJ & Home Office...keep your finger on the pulse of UK society on this issue.

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over the top , Northern, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Seems fair!

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MrJJWhite, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

ill tune in to that

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woodhouselad, Mansfield, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's why we have so much crime in the UK, no deterent.

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Broomvale, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need this in the UK

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newchapter, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Love this judge. Let people see the consequences

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mr_e123, UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A decent judge!

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Jinganaut, Here, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good on that Judge.

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Tony, Derbyshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Time we served that type of justice, he certainly will not reoffend !

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JohnBullEngland, Old Sarum, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fair enough ...

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Sloopjohnb, Hants, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now that is what i call a deterrent - well done to Egypt !!!! UK is a laughing stock - short sentences spent in 5 star accommodation (paid for by the UK tax payer) is no deterrent at all.

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Hoggster, york, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well done judge i wish there were more of you

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WTR, TO, Saint Pierre And Miquelon, 4 days ago

Yes, do so, my respect for Egypt has increased.

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Leeds17Dave, Leeds, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Do it, a justice system to be afraid and respectful of

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Cynic123456, Fed up w DM moderation policy, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good. I hope it's available on a channel broadcast to UK. Perhaps al jazeera will run it.

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Gary Mahmood, Gibbet Street, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Seems fair.

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Voice of reason 66, The Four Winds Bar, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Please remove the photos of the poor girl lying on the ground dying DM. Have some respect for her poor family.

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BeyondMe, Telford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This should be carried out everywhere, perhaps that will be more of a deterrent.

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robert christie, bedford, Namibia, 4 days ago

I have , for years , been advocating neck stretching for killers and many more for serious crimes .

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gimme those pills, somewhere , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now we're talking, if only our government had the balls to do the same

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better or worse, wexford, Ireland, 4 days ago

Time the BBC had some real entertainment like this

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Jackthelass, CHESTER UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Need this in the UK, killings here have almost become fashionable with not much consequence, they carry knives here because they are cowards , Bring back real punishment,

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fred70, derby, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

so there is a god know all we need is it to happen here, bliss

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tuey, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's the way to do it

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UrWifeMyKid Returns, dorchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That picture of her lying there is heart breaking...

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Archy2021, Paradise lost, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper justice, televised live or not. RIP beautiful girl.

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Zanni, Fremantle, Australia, 4 days ago

Suits me.

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R 2 HANTS, SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I was about to put thats what we should do ! but Mike has already the reason is clear and would say effective even without research

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uisly, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This will actually make other 'men' think twice about murdering a woman. A deterrent indeed.

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Roy Wiltshire, Burgh-le-Marsh, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

If this goes ahead the do gooders will be out in force but the truth is it needs to go ahead.The UK needs the return of capital punishment more than many other countries,our stabbings,shootings and death rates are always on the rise,young women found dead and no do gooders demos will stop this the death penalty has to be reintroduced to have any chance of reducing these crimes. Its clear the softly softly approach just does not work,our politicians want to do the right thing for our country give us a vote you will find many of us would vote for this.

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Mrs Hannigram, South West Is Best, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Pay per view?

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cheryl, uk, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Blokes just dont understand the word No .... sooner they learn this the world might be a better place

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han.solo, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great news it will deter others, their country their laws and it works for them

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Chris Baker, Hampshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

He can't moan.

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pendragon25, Christchurch, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Think I'll stick with Corrie!

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mashell, Belfast, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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PCuser, Bristol, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That alone is worth a TV licence

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Raghnall, FULDA, Germany, 4 days ago

Well done that court,thats the way to do it

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Thriller_in_Manila, Number Fifty-Seven, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

It's good to know that at least ONE justice system in that part of the world is treating the memory of woman with respect.

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Beefy Goodness, Hamstead, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Shame on you DM for that photo...her poor family must be bereft.

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DestroyTheWoke, Monkeypox Clinic, United States, 4 days ago

Based and redpilled.

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Almighty11, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'd vote for TV executions.

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Katludkins, Ashford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'm all for it! Good! We need capital punishment here asap

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Jaydeem, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

The UK needs to bring back the death penalty for similar crimes, and then follow Egypts example.

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Onkelwulf18, Berlin, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

An excellent idea, time the rope was bought back to the UK and should be put to a referendum, would be bought back in a jiffy, instead we let these out of touch idiots in westminster treat us like mugs, time for real change.

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XIRON, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4 days ago


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H H Herts, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago, 4 days ago

Great idea!!

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A.Normalperson, Sensetown., United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good, way they should be dealt with.

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xoldhamer, swansea, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fantastic news. Can we have this in the UK please. It will get better audiences than premier football.

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MJCommandoRM, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Egyptians have got something right.

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timesachanging, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Pay as you go?

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CaptainObvs, Aldershot, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Were far too woke for that here

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Highgate1018, Rotherham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great decision can we use it here

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OnlineWriter, Unknown, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

R.I.P. gone far too soon! Shame on him! Should be left to rot. The world is just too cruel!

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ROB LEEDS, Leeds, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Could do with some of that here in the UK. Put it on pay per view with the proceeds going to a good cause.

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Ruby, Media, United States, 4 days ago

I think it's a good idea!!!! The killing of women in these countries, especially India, for rejected marriage proposals or even dates, with little repercussions has to stop.

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Nattyned, Jacksonville, United States, 4 days ago

Pity we dont do this in Britain.

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dada mama, ilkeston, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wish it would happen here in the U.K.. But too many snowflakes in Westminster

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Forever Respectful, Stopathome, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Not a bad idea to teach others consequences

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Mazzaboo, Surrey, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'd definitely get my pop corn ready for that! A life for a life on my book not a couple of months and hope they'll reform with kitchen duties

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sjjc, Hull, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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lynn1223, West Midlands , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

They should. We should too. A good deterrent.

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babybandy, london, 4 days ago

The right sentence. Rot in hell Adel

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Nanna, Caerphilly, 4 days ago

Wonder if that judge would come and work here?

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NoneShallPass, UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I wish there was a brain scanner of some sort that can weed out all these mentally unstable people in society. It should not be that hard to do. Ask a series of questions, examine brain activity, ignoring what the person says out loud.

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Terneneran, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What channel?

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Tommy Walker, Foxtrot Juliet Bravo, United States, 4 days ago

As a small child I went with my father to a hardware shop. My father had a conversation with the shop-keeper about a recent execution. This conversation is still with me today and has acted as a moral tale in my life.

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ApexWhiteShark, Depths of the Mariana Trench, United States, 4 days ago

Well done, Egypt.

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Rod Giles, Newcastle , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Proper justice

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luciferleeds, leeds, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

The punishment befits the crime, but I don't agree with making this into entertainment.

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Shropsunwokesociety, Burford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

THIS IS JUSTICE! Exactly what we need in the UK to reduce crime.

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cl1489, England, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Life for life.... That's pretty fair in my opinion

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Worldisverysinister, Not London thank goodness, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

He took her life he deserves his to be taken in return

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Ol Nick, Bristol, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like a good idea but when does it cross over from deterrent to entertainment?

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maddytinks, anywhere, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A life for a life

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optimally optimistic, Warrington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I think we should take a leaf out of Egypt's book, save a fortune on prison costs and this IS a deterrent.

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Hilda Mae Snodgras, Charleston, United States, 4 days ago


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Count Dongerless, Transylvania, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds fair enough.

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MaxTotti, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds fair to me.

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Stirrups, London, 4 days ago

Proper TV that is, not like Love Island and GBBO that we are force fed in the UK

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boohoohoopooroldyou, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Talacreman, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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LexxLars, Valencia, Spain, 4 days ago


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wheresthedoor, Halifax, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

some judges it seems can get it right .

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Refuse to be PC, Sunderland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good, set a precedent and maybe these types of crimes may stop.

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ForeverFluffy007, Kent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Thats the way to do it .

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Kolchak_NS, NY, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Bring this to the UK.

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soulbeliever666, Little England, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

They dont mess around there, perhaps we should take leaf from there book....

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Grandiose, PoshVille, United States, 4 days ago

Capital punishment IS a deterrent!

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Stront, Stafford, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Pay to view

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Godsaplenty, Banbury, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well done the Egyptian judiciary.

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tootoncarman, Orlando, United States, 4 days ago

Good idea, it might stop others.

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IsraelHands, Off The Shoulder Of Orion, Tuvalu, 4 days ago

Now that is a proper sentence. Here please.

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The man from Zanussi, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Bet he will not be so tough on the eternity trapdoor

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Gow60, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

People don't like to hear 'no' these days!

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Sympathyfor theDevil, The Land of Vimto., United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well done to the Judge. Justice needs to be seen.

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Fencesitting, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

ARE YOU WATCHING ENGLAND?? Well done Egypt. I'll tune in

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buyer2, st neots, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

does that judge do part time, could could with him here

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nagem1, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Victortanker, Britain, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good idea! Wish we had this sort of justice.

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JLH911, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fair request

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Vjl62, Kent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I think it is a good idea this has to stop!

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geologyabz74, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I hope that the judge is successful in his wish.

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jackrussell, planetearth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

One way of deterring

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DukeBoys, Hazzard County, United States, 4 days ago

Capital punishment is one thing that's done right in Egypt

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flocci_non_faccio, Berwick, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Excellent. Sounds very sensible to me.

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mikeb , Dunfermline , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That's the kind of justice system we need!!

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lover of music, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Yes, but I don't want to watch it on TV yikes!

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chippy saint, Evesham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

There would be far more lost than gained from the reintroduction of the death penalty in the UK. It seems a simple solution but rarely is. It certainly doesn't appear to act as a deterrent and you only have to look at the murder rates in the US to see that.

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Terri 11, Gravesend, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like a plan to me.

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Cobblecat, Emerald City, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds fine to me. We should do that here.

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Rainforest, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Live execution is a great idea.

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Sir cumference69, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Public hanging? Sounds good, Maybe it will prove to be a deterrent, maybe we should try it here., either way he deserves it, or anything worse they can think of.

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TanyaTekyornickersov, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds fair to me.

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SW66Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Not usually in favour of the death penalty, but would make an exception for him!

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Keith49, SEVENOAKS, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Beautiful girl in the prime of her life taken far too soon.

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piloto, Brighton, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I just love these standard post mortem phrases - they are so true!

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Orphedayus, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Tragic , he deserves all he is about to receive .

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Dave, Kent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Once again, a misleading headline.

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A Dane, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4 days ago

Certainly a no-nonsense judge...

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Islingtonian In, Tokyo, Japan, 4 days ago

Good, let him know the world be watching him.

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Crazy_Curls, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we bring that judge here please? Ours let baby killers walk free after a month..

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Tippi Thompson, manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good idea.

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daniel, York, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Respect to that judge. Sir you have shown justice can be applied in this world.

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The Stinger, Leicester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Cant see a problem, show it at an appropriate time and those that dont wish to see it dont have to watch it. I doubt it will act as a deterrent though

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Annette P, Bath, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Not in favour of the death penalty, but for some reason I agree with the judge here.

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Felix, East UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good idea

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SorryN0tSorry, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good. Can we have that here too please

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richter, modena, Italy, 4 days ago

No please!

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JB431, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Brilliant! Here in UK too, please.

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exasperated2019, Backofbeyond, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Anyone know which channel it will be on?

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THE BRICK PROFESSOR, Kent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What a beautiful woman , who has been taken by a monster of a bloke .

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Think not talk, Evington, United States, 4 days ago

Pay per View and proceeds go to her family

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Familylady, Kent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Decent sentences, take note U.K. judges stop the decline in behaviour now

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OricAL, Awake n fresh out of Bubblegum, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we have this judge in the UK please.

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They hate the truth, Kent, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Its only right the execution is aired life as a deterrent to would be monsters . I am all for it .

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MrMash, Home , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Prime time TV....

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Montag, England, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we have this punishment in the UK please?

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Stayfree, Halesowen, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Bring it back to the UK Please!!!...

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lynn1223, West Midlands , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Poor woman. Such a waste of a life. RIP.

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ik, ik, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

She was just a girl.

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Sadie M, Leeds, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Why are all the many, many men in the footage stood away from her as she is lying alone on the pavement? Tells you everything you need to know about the male view of women in that country.

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fieryangel22, LeafyGlos, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wow - should do the same here...

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rambo_acton187, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Justice has been served!

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C S , Fife , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Yes m

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James, London, 4 days ago

Don't be giving Priti any ideas now!

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Kft Manley, GUILDFORD, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

great go for it

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Yo123, South America, Colombia, 4 days ago

Never knew that broadcasting and act of violence will lead to a peaceful society. Some countries are doomed.

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lynn1223, West Midlands , United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Tyn07, Staffordshire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We should offer that judge a job here!

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Watson and Holmes, Baker Street, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

At last! True deterrence. Should be displayed world-wide.

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lynn1223, West Midlands , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Her poor family. RIP.

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Kft Manley, GUILDFORD, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like a plan

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jenny ex-pat, san francisco ca, United States, 4 days ago

Sounds like a plan!

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lynn1223, West Midlands , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well I'd that's not a deterrent nothing would be.

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Treeline, Sherington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Beautiful young woman full of hopes and dreams slaughtered by an insecure loser. RIP Naira Ashraf no one can hurt you nowv

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McDonnell54, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Seems fair!

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PITT RIVERS, BOTTOM DRAWER, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I never thought that I would say this but I agree. The horror of the execution might be the only thing that makes other entitled males stop feeling that they have the right to murder females.

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A BRIT IN FRANCE, Paris, France, 4 days ago

Seems fair to me.

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Gyurci, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well.. in some countries there are proper sentencing practices

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Claire Ti, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Broadcasting a murder is traumatic for the people who will witness it, the convicted murderer will notice nothing as he will be dead. In fact you make him feel glorified on TV. So many twisted minds.

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chippy saint, Evesham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Please feel free to move to Egypt.

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AnnieR1, Maidstone, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Correct penalty. A life for a life. Need these judgements in the UK

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ja5, UK, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fair enough.

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madmanc, manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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MaxTotti, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need this judge in the UK.

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Free born john, London , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

The UK could learn a lot from Egypt

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someoneswatching.., Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

good, sorry to the mothers involved in this. We need to teach our children right from wrong, no matter what the social situation is. You have no rights over another adult human. none.

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gillbeliever, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now that's what you call justice. UK take note.

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Democracyrulesok22, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Whoa, what a deterrent that would be

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Jimbo19, Diss, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I think that would send a message!!!

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Arya Stark , islanders , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can that judge mentor our judges? Just saying! Sorry for offending anyone

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Liz, Cambridge, 4 days ago

Well if it acts as a deterrent then maybe!!! They certainly don't mess about in some countries!

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Jaydrista14, Mutriku, Spain, 4 days ago

Great idea.

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nsc1xm02, Scotland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

we should take a leaf

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Parker84, Petworth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Bring that judge and their rulings over here!

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Homeland12, Here, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Seems fair enough.

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What Happening, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

That is the way to do it.

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Pronabol2, west midlands, 4 days ago

More entertaining than Ant and Drek

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Batman-999, Gotham City, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Well he took a life now it's his turn no need for snowflakes.

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ThaiTim, NAKHONRATCHASIMA, Thailand, 4 days ago

That's the way to donit

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TheRealKevin, Cape Town , South Africa, 4 days ago

Great...should do this here

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Roger, Swanley, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Wil it be on twitter?

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Common Sense Talker, Woke is a Joke., United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Hopefully the Egyptians will make a change to their laws in this case and live stream it without any Geo Blocking.

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FiFi50, West Sussex, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Don't have any issue with this, and am sure her family won't have either.

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bluemonkey., Leicestershire, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Should do this in the UK for persistent criminals

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Kernowforever, South East Cornwall, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

He deserves the ultimate punishment. Would it be a deterrent and would I want to watch it? Don't know is the answer.

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Chelseas Drum Kit, MurphsdadSt Prudlingham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now that IS justice. We should learn from them.

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Elena, London, 4 days ago

Violence against women is a very serious global issue which needs to be addressed everywhere! Rest in peace Ashraf! May your death not be in vain!!!

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Sicilian black, Siracusa, Italy, 4 days ago

I don't think public hanging will deter someone who is intent to kill but I do agree with the death penalty for this crime.

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

davidhayes44, COVENTRY, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Pity we don't have something similar in the UK then perhaps people may start to think before killing somebody

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OccumAndCo, Durban, South Africa, 4 days ago

If showing the sentence carried out on TV live is a deterrent, ie it saves lives, who can oppose it? Give priority to saving lives, not to squeamishness.

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SirSlightlyAlarmed, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Go for it - their country - their laws. No problem here.

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dumpville , county mouthy , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good idea

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Hugo Furst, Middle England, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like a good idea as a suitable deterrent to others. I could think of lots of other Countries that could introduce this type of punishment.

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DEWELLAN, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Hang yes. Live on telly. Absolutely not.

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Nannygoat, Sussex, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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OverPopulatedPlanet, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This could be the answer to Netflix's problems.

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atrebates, looneyland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Thats what I call civilised

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grave, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Killed because she refused marriage - there are some crazy, sick people in this world

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jasper, essex, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Can we get judges from Egypt?

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RabD, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

This is a great idea,hopefully this will deter anybody else if they see the end result of their actions

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imilesj, Warwick, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

YES, and the same for all murderes especially in the UK.

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FindYouIWill, Farnborough, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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MysticFred, The city thats burning, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

No objections from me.

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L.R.A.C, plymouth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Notice not one male is attempting to help the female on the ground not one ! say's it all really !

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Nonage, Newtown , United Kingdom, 4 days ago

A great deterrent?

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MagThatcher, Bucks, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Miss Havisham, CHELMSFORD, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Cuatmidnight, Lichfield, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Better than party leader debates.

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abufatila, Joensuu North Karelia, Finland, 4 days ago

Their Country, their rules

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Miskina, Mdina, Malta, 4 days ago

Good idea. Justice will be served.

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Beth, Swindon, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Poor young girl .. don't think we need those photos, have some respect.

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Farmer Giles, Truro, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

You can't see much.

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Lizr85935, Swindon, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I thought that too

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Shelleby, Ferrara, Italy, 4 days ago

I'll watch it!

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null, 4 days ago

He killed her in public so it's fair he should die publicly

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TheEye., Morden, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Perhaps this will deter the detrimental attitudes often displayed towards women in such lands.

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Peter, Raleigh, 4 days ago

Punishment is less of a deterrent if it not seen by the public. Whether Capital punishment or jail, if it is not observed it is not effective. Would so many people be caught speeding for example it the punishment was being put in local stocks or having to be in the High Street with an embarrassing sandwich board...?

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Albert Burkhalter, Flensheim, Germany, 4 days ago

Capital punishment is not a deterrence. It is a penalty. it is quite effective at stopping POS who have been caught from committing another crime but will not stop others out there who have no fear of the law and live outside of society.

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Perpetually Outraged, Tunbridge Wells, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We need something like that here too.

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Fed-up U.K, Bristol, 4 days ago

Should do similar over here.

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Chris, London, 4 days ago

Horrific. RIP beautiful lady x

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Granston, Warrington, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good sentence

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shashmann yoshi, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good about time finally some sense

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Leo Joker lass, Anytown, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Do it!

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Jenm, Home, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Just right.

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Slates, Tetbury, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Seems fair enough

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Tiddlesmcduck, South East, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I would support this. Might deter the next misogynistic monster from doing the same....

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Retired White Male, San Ramon, Costa Rica, 4 days ago

Brilliant. Oh its about time. When this works as a deterrent, others could copy an effective solution. But probably not in wokeland.

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Mumming, Bedworth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now that would be real justice. Poor, poor woman!...............

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gbp_zebedee, Northants-on-the-Edge, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

In our society this may seem brutal but in that society it will be a just punishment and maybe a deterrent. Look at the state of our streets and general behaviour before we begin condemning other governments.

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UK Is going under, Burnley, 4 days ago

We need those kind of judges and laws over here.

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Missrosie, Overtherainbow, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We should do the same here to our most dangerous and evil criminals. It would be huge deterrent. Will never happen though.

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Moonch, Round Green, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

May make idiots thinking about committing such crimes, think twice.

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Mikemike1111, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'm a Catholic but I couldn't agree more. I will subscribe to SKY or BT to watch that evil man go down.

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WHYNOT, No where now, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Yes, this may make the dangerous think twice

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bossrat, London, 4 days ago

It's the way forward.

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soundasapound, Slough, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Rest in peace you poor girl.

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Surfmist, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Good idea, lets try it here too !

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FM79, Dorset, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We could do with some forward-thinking / victim-sympathising judges like this in the UK

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Cassie May, London City, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

There is too many men like this in our world! It makes me sick! Poor beautiful woman. Rest in peace xx

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BeNiceToPuppies, England, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Poor woman. RIP.

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rgled, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Now that's a punishment!

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Seems fair to me. Maybe we should try it. Might get a few people to think before they act!

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BeNiceToPuppies, England, United Kingdom, 4 days ago


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Witless, Down town, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Bring that in here in the UK...

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Alex69, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Fair enough if it saves a life (!) dont they have good cameras there yet

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Al Bundy, Centre Of The Universe, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

What channel..?

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boris01, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4 days ago

Swift justice. Our courts would not even have started preliminary hearings yet. Good for them!

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Mikemike1111, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I'm a Catholic but I couldn't agree more. Show it on TV.

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Captain Forsight, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Great idea, make it pay per view and all the proceeds to go to the victims family.

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duncan45, chorley, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Barbaric on all sides

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DisconnectedDB, Dreamland, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

I don't disagree with the request, he should be publicly shamed and humiliated in his death but men will still think they are entitled to kill women that refuse them, it is a defect.

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Raoul, Sheet Creek, Mongolia, 4 days ago

Sounds fair to me.

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Northman19999, The North, Germany, 4 days ago

Can we bring this type of sentence to the UK please.

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Jgardens, Southampton, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds like justice to me

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valleyroad, Chippenham, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

We should have been doing that years ago in the UK, just think of all the lives that would have been saved.

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I viam inveniam, Stokesley, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

At last a decent sentence

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Vlad the Emailer, Moscow, Russia, 4 days ago

If you love their legal system, go and live there.

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JohnG, London, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Unfortunately we don't have the same proper sentences in the UK.

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haikurambler, Warminster, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

deservedly so

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judj jed, london, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

So long as it is after the Watershed time I cannot see a problem with this.

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null, 4 days ago

Lovely, why not just stone him? Gimme strength

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fraybentos6161, sandbanks, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

take note soft british judges and home secretary.

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Engineering Maniac, The South of England, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Livestream it too please

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Motorhead, Athens, Greece, 4 days ago

well done Judge

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un-woke, England, United Kingdom, 4 days ago

Sounds fair.
