Jesse Livermore
耐心是很重要的品性。这是讲 什么时候 买进。
Only enter a trade after the action of the market confirms your opinion about trend and then enter promptly.
赚钱的交易别急着卖。(大概率是还要涨)对抗你的直觉 (如,见好就收,等)。
这是讲 什么时候 成功逃顶,退场。
As long as a stock is acting right and the trend is right, do not be in a hurry to take profits.
不看好的交易立刻止损。(大概率是还要掉)对抗你的直觉 (如,等等看 可能还会涨回来;再逢低买一点;等)这是讲 什么时候止损 ,退场。
End a trade when it is clear that the trend you are tracking is over.
“Reminiscences of a Stock Operator”
Robert J. Shiller, "Irrational Exuberance"
Richard H. Thaler, "The Winner's Curse"