东北人说英语,S 和 X 分不清楚。我的朋友东北老张,是个怕老婆。有的时候我和他出去吃饭,总要打包一些东西带回去,还念念有词:Xi likes it, Xi likes baozi.
我说,我知道 Xi 喜欢包子,这和你老婆有什么关系?
老张也说了,我知道 Xi likes baozi, I don't care, but Xi likes baozi.
很多年之后,我才 Realize 东北老张说的那个 Xi 原来是 She !
我们第一代移民的老中说英语,有说的特别好的但是大部分是有各种口音:北京口音英语,上海口音英语,山东口音英语,四川口音英语,唐山口音英语,特别的好玩儿。真的喜欢听他们说带有浓重口音的英语,a lot of fun !
魅力野花 发表评论于
说,I do not like your crap.
老中一听,以为说的是"crab", 不记得哪日让他品尝了自己的螃蟹美味,有那么失望.于是乎对答.
"Do not worry, I will cook my crab with onion and jinger, you will love it!"
I did pay attention to the preceding (fair) warning. I only meant the following to be a joke.
A: Remember Wen?
B: Who?
A: Wen.
B: When?
A: Yes, the dude overseeing Chinese state affairs when the Hu/Wen team was in charge.
B: The Who-When team? What a strange way to name a state core leadership team! Well, I am no expert with all things foreign.
A: I myself am not that much better when it comes to foreign customs. Among the things I likely will never figure out is why the Chinese keep referring to their current leader, who is clearly a male-looking guy, as she.
B: You meant Xi?
A: Yes, she! Just weird.
B: I think I do know that one: Xi is his family name.
A: You meant her family name?
B: No, his - if I am not mistaken.
A: Mistaken about what?
B: What else? His publicly acknowledged sexuality.
A: Wow! You are still talking about China? I did not know such things were openly talked about even in today's China.
B: Kinda shocking, indeed. After all, it was not that long ago when we practically knew nothing about that closed society with over one billion souls.
A: No kidding! Now, if I may, back to the Wen question: you remember him?
B: What? When is now a person, and a male?
A: Yes, Wen is a person, and a male. It was never in doubt that Wen was a man, as far as I know.
B: But Xi's sexuality is questionable, you are saying?
A: I did not say that, but when the whole country keeps refers to its leader as she, it is hard to guess otherwise, wouldn't you say?
B: I cannot argue with that, I suppose.
A: Forget about this she-thing. Can we get back to Wen?
B: When?
A: Now, this moment.
B: Whatever...
(Again, my apologies if I went overboard. Sometimes I misjudge myself with my ability to tell a bad joke.)
来牛哥这笑笑长见识,看到Xi and she,想到以前国内工作时有个女同事姓何,有回前台错把她的电话接到我这,对方说,may I speak to Miss He, 俺满头雾水,he哪来的Miss,更何况咱这没有姓He的,结果对方急了,说是xx He,额滴妈,之后听说那姑娘打电话自报家门都是xx HE,我了个去,为和拼音不同,楞把自个儿的姓给整成男的。还听说过姓Wei的把名片改成同音Way,特可笑