清凉山下: Thanks for keeping my comment here. At least you seems can tolerate different opinions and want to have a civilized discussion....
Be my guest.
Normally I have no problem with different opinions, not even with those that are either less civilized or presented in a less civilized fashion than I otherwise would have preferred, like what you previously came up with, so long as they are not too ...unleashed, if you will.
不同意见对我来说没任何问题,哪怕是对那些我原本希望能更文明的观点/或以更文明的方式予以表达,就如你前面所表达的意见, 只要它们不是太离谱,我也没什么问题。)
ShalakoW 发表评论于
清凉山下: ...Is the air carrier passing through Taiwan strait an amateur show?...
It is certainly a "show", by no means an amateur one though.
Americans put up this show to send a clear message, "Be the world ensured, with Taiwan we stand".
They don't hide this message high "in the cloud" for Chinese with "a good vision" to look for, they present this message right before China's eyes. And instead of launching missiles around along their course through Taiwan Strait, they just pass through without making much noise. The show is plain and simple, as the message is clear, powerful, and cannot be ignored.
I call a show performed in this style "a professional show".
(它肯定是个"表演", 但绝不是个"业余表演"。
美国人的这个表演,是为了传递一个清晰的信息:“世界可以确信, 我们与台湾站在一起”。
这样风格的"表演", 我称之为"专业表演”。)
ShalakoW 发表评论于
清凉山下: ...Any show have a real purpose behind it, and sometimes that purpose is hidden in the cloud and need a good vision to see it..
You just reinforced my case of calling it "an amateur show", instead of a professional one.
In short, that "show" was not designed for the professionals, or people with "a good vision", who can easily decode the message "hidden in the cloud". They understood too well that China needed a "show", as I said before, they told China "Go ahead then, the stage is all yours".
Instead, that show was designed for the mere mortals in China who do not have "a good vision" and therefore could not be "inspired" or become excited by a show displayed in an otherwise professional fashion.
A show of such nature is called "an amateur show".
(你这么说恰恰强化了我的观点,那是一个"业余表演”, 而非专业表演。
相反,那个"表演"是设计给中国的芸芸众生看的。这些人没有"洞察力", 如果用专业的方式来展示的话,就无法让他们感到鼓励与兴奋。
清凉山下 发表评论于
Thanks for keeping my comment here. At least you seems can tolerate different opinions and want to have a civilized discussion. For that reason I would like to say a few more words here. Between big nations, no show ever is an amateur show. Any show have a real purpose behind it, and sometimes that purpose is hidden in the cloud and need a good vision to see it. Is the air carrier passing through Taiwan strait an amateur show? Definitely not. There are many ways to fight, like trade war, sanctions, cuan fang, military exercises etc., and you even don’t see a drop a real blood, but is actually really bloody. Usually is the losing side crying for next time.
ShalakoW 发表评论于
清凉山下: 读着读着突然想起小时候看打架的情景。被打得鼻青脸肿一把鼻涕 一把眼泪提着裤子慌不择路的一方, 突然回过头来指着对方骂道:你等着,看老子下次好好收拾你。另一方则喊道:来啊,有种就别跑,
I am not sure you've read the game right. Obviously there's been no real fight yet but an amateur play, as one is furiously cursing the air while the other calmly says, "Easy, man, easy. I know you badly need to put up a show. Go ahead then, the stage is all yours, for now. Blow it not though."
wilson16: 作者眼中美国是战无不胜的,可惜思维还停留在30年前,眼界又如井底之蛙,严重高估自己低估对手。北约不敢对只有中国国力十分之一的俄罗斯开战,怎么会为了台湾与中国开战?并不是美国不愿意保卫台湾,而是代价太大还赢不了。美国曾经抛弃过越南阿富汗蒋介石,台湾也一样在必要时被再次抛弃。
“Life is not perfect. Complain not but grateful be." 这其中的人间智慧,不会随着时间的流逝而改变, be it a thousand years.