95年冬,我从中国探亲回家赶在周日去置办grocery,(以前回美总是在周末,第二天就去上班)从超市出来开车回家,车里很热,开空调似乎不起作用,想着都深秋了,休斯敦还这么热?我打开了车窗开车。旁边lane上是一部pickup,车上的人笑嘻嘻地向我指指点点,我以为是在跟我打招呼呢,也向他们挥手致意;开了一会,又一辆车开过,鸣了喇叭,我不知道是对我还是对别人,继续前进;我开在三条lane的中间一条上,突然感觉左右的车都在朝我按喇叭,左边lane一辆车上的人摇下了车窗,好像在喊”radio! radio! “我没有开广播啊?我继续前进。就在这时,一位男士走到我的车窗前,大声喊“stop! stop!”双臂还交叉摇晃着。我只好把车停了下来。一看不好了,我的车头在冒黑烟,难怪他们这样大惊小怪,我的车子要爆炸了吗?那位男士跟我说了一堆车子的技术用语,说实话我一句也没听明白,就知道something wrong with my car。他让我把车开到旁边教堂的空地上,问我住在哪里?他说他可以送我回家,让我通知我的保险公司来处理这部车。我丈二和尚摸不着头脑,稀里糊涂地上了他的车,好在那人很nice,还让我把买的grocery也带到他的车上。到家他跟我先生一说,才知道我车子的radiator出问题了。radiator是散热器不是什么广播!
那天该死,我还没带手机。旁边是一座小学校。正是家长接孩子放学的时候。我请求一位华人女士让我用一下手机。那天奇了怪了,我一圈电话打下来,居然没有一个人的电话接通。那位妈妈很nice,可是她的儿子不干了,闹着要回家,我只好把手机还给她,说实话我能记住的电话几乎都打遍了。我不知道下面该怎么做了?站在路边发呆的时候,突然一个念头跳出来,今年是我的本命年啊!我不信邪,从来不愿follow什么穿红避邪的说法,这下真的灵验了?正在胡思乱想的时候,一位中年帅哥走上来问我,”May I help you?“我顾不得怀疑人家是否别有用心,赶紧就说,要!不知为什么我的车开不动了?那男士绕我车子转了一圈,估计是在查看轮胎是否瘪气,礼貌地说,我可以到你车里看看吗?我连忙递过车钥匙给他。他进去一分钟都不到就说你的车没油了。问我有备用的吗?我说没有。他说,他有一个小油桶,可以去加油然后灌到我的车里。他的出现就像一根救命稻草,我连说好好。他让我把车的双灯打开,让后面的车知道我这车抛锚了。他加了油回来,车子果真就发动起来了。他去加油的时候,我就准备好了一张20元的钱给他,他连忙说太多了,这桶油5元都不要的。我说,没有你帮忙我今晚就回不了家了,你是big helper。那天我出门没看车油窗指示,那双灯我也不知道如何开还是他帮忙开的。我不知道是不是本命年搞的鬼?但我记住了这件出洋相的事。
OMG, you don't even the sticker is on the corner of your license plate. It's a proof for current valid registration. Of course you were caught by the cop. He could see your sticker from behind your car!
Also, yes, you must stop before making a right turn. Because you have to stop to look to your left to see if there's any car coming towards you and yield to the cars. You can make a left turn only if you feel those cars are still far from you and it's safe to turn. If you don't stop and look carefully it could be very dangerous.
There's a gas gauge that shows whether you still have enough gasoline and how far you can drive. That's a no brainer. No one should continue driving when gas is almost done. I always fill up at half way deplete. The worst scenario is you run off gas on the highway. Then even getting to a gas station would be hard.
Well, the most stupid thing I've done while driving was once I was driving out of state with a rental car and I didn't turn on the headlights at dusk. My own car was set on automatic so I never needed to turn it on manually. The cop caught me in the darkness of course. I told him that I didn't know how to turn it on because it's not set on automatic. He stuck out his arm, made a swift turn with his fingers on the gauge next to the steering wheel. I got a $150 fine and said "thank you very much for saving my life". Yep, that's how a mom drives a rental car at rural Vermont, on a summer night 9 pm with no headlights on. All bets are off when you're a mom driving to an uncharted territory.