2022-4-14 纽约地铁 引爆烟雾弹 开33枪 伤29
Brooklyn Subway Shooter Frank James Pleads ‘Not Guilty’ to Terrorism Charges
Accused NYC subway mass shooter Frank James whines about media coverage, says he's 'not too good' in jail
过去三年, 詹姆斯在Youtube账户名为prospertoftruth88的频道上传超过400个视频,包括拍摄自己长篇大论、谈论他认为存在不公的社会议题;11日最新发布的影片中,他提到认识一名因暴力犯罪入狱的人,可以指认对方但是会遭遇后果,”我经历过很多事,我可以说我很想杀人,我想看到别人死在我面前,但我也思考到一个现实,‘嘿,我并不想坐牢’。”
3月20日发布的影片中,詹姆斯透露已离开威斯康星州密尔瓦基(Milwaukee)的家,正往”危险区域”(danger zone)出发,”你知道,这当然引发了很多负面的想法,我确实有很严重的创伤后压力。”
Brooklyn Subway Shooter Frank James Pleads ‘Not Guilty’ to Terrorism Charges
Frank James, 62, suspected of opening fire in a crowded New York City subway station has been taken into custody and charged with a terror-related offense, officials announce on Wednesday in New York City, United States on April 12, 2022.
ACCUSED SUBWAY SHOOTER Frank James pleaded not guilty to charges of terrorism and the use of a weapon in a violent crime at a Friday arraignment in Brooklyn federal court.
James is suspected of shooting 10 people on Tuesday, April 12, on an N-line subway train during the morning rush hour commute. Police arrested him in Manhattan’s East Village a day later after multiple people told authorities they’d seen him walking around the area. He has since been held without bail.
Before James entered the room, two U.S. Marshals examined the underside of the table where James’ representation for the day, Federal Defender Mia Eisner-Grynberg, sat. A hush fell over the room as he walked in, towering over the pair of marshals. He wore a prison uniform: an olive-colored button-down shirt with short sleeves and matching pants. A blue surgical mask partially covered his graying beard stubble, but not his nose.
When Judge William F. Kuntz, II asked James how he was feeling today, James said, “pretty good.” Then, he answered a series of further questions from Kuntz, saying that he was born in the Bronx and has a GED and “some certificates from various trade schools.”
During the half-hour arraignment, Kuntz read the six-page indictment issued by a grand jury on May 6 in its entirety. The document charges James with terrorism on a mass transit system, claiming he “discharged a firearm at passengers on a Metropolitan Transportation Authority subway car,” and a second charge for using a firearm in a violent crime. If convicted, federal authorities have indicated they will seek forfeiture of James’ assets, including the Glock 17 pistol he is accused of firing aboard the subway car.
When Judge Kuntz asked James’ lawyer if the defense was prepared to plead, Eisner-Grynberg said, “Yes, we plead not guilty to each count.” The judge then asked James how he pleaded to count one and count two — he answered “Not guilty” to both. After the proceedings, he walked out the same door he’d entered, holding his hands behind his back.
The judge upheld a magistrate’s detention order to keep James in jail ahead of his trial; the defense made no application for bail. The government moved to designate the case a “complex case,” but the defense argued this was premature because they haven’t yet received or reviewed the scope of the government’s discovery. Kuntz agreed to wait until the next deadline, July 25, to decide on the issue.
According to the original complaint, James traveled from Philadelphia in a rented a U-Haul van to carry out the attack. New York City Police Department cameras allegedly captured James’ van as it crossed the Verrazano Narrows Bridge into Brooklyn in the early hours of that April morning. He parked near a subway entrance and donned a hard hat and orange vest, the complaint says. A couple of hours later, around 8:30 am, passengers started calling the police, reporting “multiple gunshots and explosions” on the subway.
On the morning of the attack, images proliferated on social media, showing commuters lying on the ground, bleeding, on the subway platform. The shootings came at a time where violent crime on the city’s mass transit system has captured headlines.
In YouTube videos seemingly posted by James, he criticized New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ plans to improve safety on the subways. “He can’t stop no fucking crime in no subways,” James said in one video, where he talked about the number of exit and entry points along a subway line. “He may slow it down, but he ain’t stopping shit.” In other videos, James, who is Black, went on racist rants targeting Black, white, Latino, and Jewish people. In one video, he called 9/11 “the most beautiful day in the history of this country.” At James’ first court appearance April 13, his federal defenders requested a psychiatric evaluation. However, they said they were requesting it as medical treatment, not to assess James’ competency to stand trial.
James’ lawyer offered no comment to reporters after the arraignment. If convicted, James faces the possibility of life in prison.
Accused NYC subway mass shooter Frank James whines about media coverage, says he's 'not too good' in jail
By Valentina Jaramillo and Ben Feuerherd; July 25, 2022
Accused subway mass shooter Frank James whined about media coverage of his case Monday, telling a judge he hasn’t been “too good” since getting locked up on federal terrorism charges.
James — who allegedly shot 10 people on a subway car in April — was asked how he was doing by Judge William Kuntz during a brief appearance in Brooklyn federal court Monday afternoon.
“Not too good, your honor,” replied the 62-year-old, wearing a tan jail uniform and sporting a short gray beard.
Kuntz then asked the accused gunman if he’s watched or listened to any baseball while in custody at Brooklyn’s notorious Metropolitan Detention Center.
“I’ve watched a bit of baseball, yeah,” James said, before adding: “I’ve read some things in the press I’m not too happy about.”
The judge then turned to prosecutors and James’ defense attorneys, who agreed to set a tentative trial date of Feb. 27, 2023.

Prosecutors from the Eastern District of New York have recovered a trove of evidence in the case, including surveillance video, DNA from the gun and witness statements.
James — who was arrested following a 30-hour citywide manhunt — faces life in prison if convicted of committing a terrorist attack on a mass transit system.
The maniac allegedly sprayed more than 30 bullets on a packed Manhattan-bound N train as it motored through a tunnel below the street of Sunset Park on April 12.
James shot 10 people and injured 29 in a shooting on a subway train in Sunset Park, Brooklyn in April.
The judge set James’ tentative trial date for Feb. 27, 2023.
The attack injured 29 people, including 10 who were shot, authorities said.