




1 Do you object if I call you by the first name?

2 Do you object that I call you by the first name?

3 Do you object to be called by the first name?

4 Do you object to my calling you by the first name?


这本是托福考题。3 Do you object to be called by the first name? 错误,美国老百姓也不会这么说。1 Do you object if I call you by the first name?和2 Do you object that I call you by the first name?也不对,但美国老百姓多半不会认为是错误。可他们也不这么说。如果一定要用object,他们会说Do you object to me calling you by the first name? 然而,大学英语教授和出版社编辑则会指出错在哪里,并认为只有4 Do you object to my calling you by the first name?才正确。


当然,这是较真。一般生活中,人们根本不用object,而会说Do you mind if I call you by the first name? 或May I call you by the first name? May/Can不分的美国人还会说Can I call you by the first name? 严格说来,最后一句不对,因为May表示允许,Can表示能力。

现在很多语言学家已变得比较宽容,认为语法在一定程度上也应是描述性的。如果大多数人都May/Can不分,就应该承认Can既表示能力,又表示允许。很多字典已经这样定义了。另一个例子是their,新剑桥语法已经认为,在不知道阴阳性时,their可以担当第三人称单数代词,而不必用his/her,比如:Everybody raised their hand.

回到上面的选择题来,不难看出,不学语法,单从生活中只能学到最基本和较简单的大众英语,而且还得有大量的语言实践,对于外国人,那怕仅仅是为了上研究生考试,不可行,也不够。所以要看你学英语为什么,一般老百姓的英语可达不到出版水平。虽然生活中几乎没人说Do you object to my calling you by the first name? 但是这句话简单地表明了object的正确用法,不失为一种测试方法。如果给你个最近常用但较复杂的句子:Do you object to NATO's interference in the turmoil and conflicts that are devastating Libya? 恐怕对考生更不合适。
