My grandma made those dishes too, if they can be called as dishes. She died 23 years ago. Basically it's flour mixed with vegetables, any kind of dry vegetable would do. Shredded carrots are the most common because they're easy to find.
Flowers, celery, and even a plant that could be used to make brooms when ripe.
The flowers from the elm trees are the best. That kind of elm tree
is hard to find now. The white flowers from a different kind of tree are also rare. People did this when they were starving in the great famines.There were a lot of famines in that area because of bad weather, locusts or floods. They tried to save the flour or grain and make their stomach full. Thus they created this dish. This dish is a product of extreme poverty and human struggles. I don't know whether people in Eastern Africa can copy this in the drought if they have more trees that bloom in spring.