Confusing Words

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这周学了false cognates -words that sound or spell in similar ways and are easily confused。分享几组拼写和读音很象但意思不一样的字。

  • Alluded vs Eluded
    • Alluded: To indirectly refer to something. 暗示,映射
    • Eluded: To avoid or escape. 逃避. escape 逃跑的E
  • Accept vs Except
    • Accept: To receive. 接受
      • She accepted the award. 她得奖了。
    • Except: Not included. 除外
      • He brought everything except the notebook. 除了本子,他什么都买了。
  • Affect vs Effect
    • Affect: To influence or produce a change. 影响作动词用。
      • The severe storm affected the crop. 严重风暴影响庄稼。
    • Effect: A result.  影响当名词用。
      • The new law had a negative effect on the motorists. 新法令对驾驶者有不好的影响。
  • Allusion vs Illusion
    • Allusion: An indirect reference to another work of writing or art. 典故
      • The author made allusions to Shakespeare's plays. 作者引用了莎士比亚的剧。
    • Illusion: A false idea or trick. 幻觉。ill 生病的
      • ?The magician had several effective illusions. 魔术师有几个有效的幻术。
  • Annual vs Annul
    • Annual: Yearly. 年度
      • We pay an annual insurance fee. 我们付保险年费。
    • Annul: To make void. 废除
      • You can annul a marriage. 你能取消婚姻。
  • Breath vs Breathe
    • Breath: Air taken into the lungs and released. 呼吸作名词用。
      • Take a deep breath. 做个深呼吸
    • Breathe: The act of taking air into the lungs and releasing it. 呼吸作动词用
      • Calm down and breathe. 安静下来,呼吸
  • Cache vs Cash
    • Cache: A place where something is stored. 存物处
      • The settlers had a cache of supplies. 居民存了物品
    • Cash: Money. 现金
      • I have some cash in my wallet. 我钱包有些现金。
  • Complement vs Compliment
    • Complement: Something that completes or brings together. 辅组品,陪衬
      • The cheesecake was a perfect complement to the meal. 奶酪蛋糕是这顿饭完美的辅品
    • Compliment: Something said as adoration or praise. 赞美
      • Sandra gave Dawn a nice compliment about her shoes. Sandra赞美Dawn的鞋子。
  • Desert vs Dessert
    • Desert: A barren place. 沙漠
      • The desert was flat and hot. 沙漠又平又热。
    • Dessert: A sweet food item. 甜点。甜点甜,有两个S
      • We had dessert after dinner. 晚餐后,我们吃甜品。
  • Eminent vs Imminent
    • Eminent: High ranking or prestigious. 杰出。
      • The eminent scholar gave a lecture. 杰出的学者讲课了。
    • Imminent: Happening soon. 即将到来的。
      • The storm posed an imminent threat. 风暴的威胁即将到来。
  • Elicit vs Illicit
    • Elicit: To draw out or bring forth. 引导,带出
      • The teacher elicited answers from the class. 老师从课堂上引出答案。
    • Illicit: Unlawful. 非法的
      • Illicit drugs were found in the car. 车上找到了非法毒品
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菲儿天地 发表评论于
laopika 发表评论于
Desert vs Dessert,我是经常会搞混的,其余大部分单词我都不认得:)
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