昨夜寒意来, 今晨瑞雪盖。
松针依挺立, 尖顶成一排。
满地不见草, 树梢挂绒毛。
桦叶皆羞搭, 垂头抿嘴笑。
Note: Today is the first snow fall of the year with 20CM on the ground. The trees in the front yard acted differently while the ground is covered by thick snow carpet.
昨夜寒意来, 今晨瑞雪盖。
松针依挺立, 尖顶成一排。
满地不见草, 树梢挂绒毛。
桦叶皆羞搭, 垂头抿嘴笑。
Note: Today is the first snow fall of the year with 20CM on the ground. The trees in the front yard acted differently while the ground is covered by thick snow carpet.