雪二首 2022年十-月八日

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绒花飘落满地撒,   白日黑夜不停歇。 

仿佛厚被盖大地,   松柏挺立决不怯。

白雪遮遍绿草茵,   冬眠酣睡此季节。 

麋鹿蹄印通灌木,   天寒地冷度长夜。 

漫天飞雪似雾幔,   百步相隔难相见。 

白日风雪劲肆虐,   夜幕降临明月现。

雪映皓月似白昼,   大地宁静星灿烂。 

月圆高挂照大地,   举杯小饮琴声伴。

Note: We have had large dump of snow in last 24 hours and the ground is covered by heavy snow blanket. The trees still stand up high, fighting with gusting wind. It is a different world when the night arrives, the moon appears, stars twinkle, and snow stops.
