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一位美中关系分析家根据他的调查【174】,说美方自己判断中国会不会下武统台湾的决心,就在于美国是不是把中国排除在芯片产业链之外,他暗示美国政府的这一决定,已经使得两国无法避免地进入了一个激烈对抗(武装冲突)的时代,他向美国人反问:你知道中国人说“东升西降”,“时间在我们一边”,“时势对我有利”是什么意思吗?那就是中国不急,中国不会冒险,中国需要和平(参见【2】)。他再进一步问,你知不知道只有当一个政府觉得自己没希望时才会铤而走险,才会把自己的国民推向战场,他这么说,我觉得他是指美国政府。他当然不是,可如果他觉得不是,那是他糊涂了,只把一种逻辑用在他人身上,而不用在自己身上。如果用在美国身上,那他的含义就是这一决定意味着把美国子女送上战场,因为既然美国人都觉得把中国排除在半导体产业链之外就是把中国推向绝路,被推向绝路的中国只能铤而走险,那中国只能武统台湾,不但统一,还摧毁美国希望控制的半导体产业链最核心的一部分(台积电),而武统也迫使美国对华宣战,美国子女也只能上战场。他指出的另一点也很恰当,他说,美国政府的策略,就是在中国政府,在习近平不断重复“东升西降”,美国在衰退的时候,觉得一定要顶回去,向中国证明美国不是衰退,而是日益强大,中国别自取其辱,甚至自取灭亡。熟悉现在国安委任职的,“美国对华政策设计师”坎贝尔(Kurt Campbell)和他身边那帮新时代尖兵般的美国新一代决策者的人知道,这正是这些人倡导的观点,都是公开的。这其实符合美国人脾气,二战以后谁敢对美国人不是?对任何不敬,美国都是以强对强,绝对没有退缩的可能性,这被视为“信誉”,就是老大的地位,任何对老大地位质疑的行为得不到回应,就是动摇这一地位,这种所为“信誉”,就是我们老百姓说的面子,因为丢了脸去拼命的故事多了,美国也不例外。
也许意识到美国所处的不利地位,美国充斥着中国武统,“攻台时间指日可待”的人,“共军即日攻台”论,从下个月,明年,后年(2024)到2027(建军100周年),到2035(习近平给解放军“现代化”的期限),2049(建国100周年),要什么有什么,美国军方尤其叫的凶,特别是太平洋战区和太平洋舰队,一直是美军最好战的分支【187,188】,美国政府也管不住(真的是要保护台湾,还是为了军费,大家不好说,如太平洋战区领导鼓吹“亚太四虎国(美澳日印,The Quad)需要一支常备军”【189】,你知道那需要多少钱?)。
【170】欧盟外长:我来说说为什么欧洲被鱼肉 - 博客 | 文学城
【173】America’s Risky New China Policy on Semiconductors (foreignpolicy.com)
【174】T. Greer: "I have been doing interviews & research on the question of “when would Beijing decide to pull the trigger on Taiwan, and why then?” The most convincing argument I encountered for “not for a very long time” was essentially “they can’t afford to be cut out of chip supply chain."
【175】Mike Mazarr: "One of many powerful statements about the US decision to launch a comprehensive assault on China's semiconductor industry. Much remains to be determined, but this moment might eventually be viewed as every bit as profound as Russia's invasion of Ukraine"
【176】Gangsta Balding 大老板: "There is one key aspect of the Biden order about China that I don't think is sufficiently appreciated, though in slightly different ways, by people lauding it and those criticizing it. It is this. The way typical sanctioning works is that the US government goes through 1/n"
【177】Z: "@Scholars_Stage My current read is that both US policymakers *and* Chinese policymakers, "the most advanced chips" matter because they are integral to developing "world-class AI"; therefore AI advantage derives from chip advantage. both groups are more or less completely wrong about this claim"
【178】Philip Pilkington: "1/ Why the US economic strategy on China - i.e. punitive bans on key goods like semiconductors - makes no sense whatsoever. "
【181】PLAOps: "Thread of threads"
【182】One if by invasion, two if by coercion: US military capacity to protect Taiwan from China - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (thebulletin.org)
【183】PLAOps: "Almost every post about defending Taiwan from an amphibious invasion has someone saying "put subs in the Strait" - which is another elaborate form of suicide for the following reasons:"
【186】U.S. Aims to Turn Taiwan Into Giant Weapons Depot - The New York Times
【187】Navy's top admiral won't rule out Chinese invasion of Taiwan within months - Washington Times
【188】US Navy chief warns China could invade Taiwan before 2024 | Financial Times
【189】Quad needs 'standing force' in Indo-Pacific: ex-U.S. Navy chief - Nikkei Asia
【190】US's Blinken Says China Wants to Seize Taiwan on ‘Much Faster Timeline’ - Bloomberg
【191】China’s plans to annex Taiwan moving ‘much faster’ under Xi, says Blinken | Taiwan | The Guardian
【192】Kharis Templeman 祁凱立: "@niubi I was at this event. The headline is making something out of nothing. Blinken’s response to Q was that China under Xi might have moved from deterring independence to compelling unification. “Much faster timeline” only in the sense that it’s not indefinite & force an option."
【193】Secretary Antony J. Blinken On Good Morning America with George Stephanopoulos - United States Department of State
【194】China Wants to ‘Speed Up’ Its Seizure of Taiwan, US's Blinken Says - Bloomberg
【195】布林肯:台海有事 对全世界都是坏事 | 文学城
【196】Ryan Hass: "It would be good for US officials to get out of business of speculating publicly on China’s timelines on Taiwan and speak instead to America’s enduring interests and its resolute, steady determination to uphold those interests in Taiwan Strait."
【197】Troops authorized to decide how to counter PLA 'first strike': Defense ministry - Focus Taiwan
【198】US's China Threats on Chips, Taiwan Decried by Some Skeptics, Experts - Bloomberg
【199】How We Would Know When China Is Preparing to Invade Taiwan - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
【200】Xi Jinping expected to warn US on Taiwan in congress speech | Financial Times
【202】Brendan Carr: "Taiwan is a beacon of freedom and democracy—less than 100 miles from Communist China. It is an honor to be the first FCC Commissioner to visit, and I want to thank my Republic of China counterparts for the invitation & warm hospitality. A free Taiwan is vital to U.S. interests."
【203】The Consequences of Conquest: Why Indo-Pacific Power Hinges on Taiwan (foreignaffairs.com)
【204】US Arms Sales Reveal Discord in Taiwan's Defense Strategy | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
【205】倘若真的决心“武统”,解放军需要动用多少兵力,才能统一台湾? (163.com)
【207】美加速生产“海马斯” 首批2024年运抵台湾_联合早报
【208】不明白播客|EP-013 Paul Huang:台湾为武统做好准备了吗?
【210】Ukraine's Dream Could Be Taiwan's Nightmare - War on the Rocks
【212】Superior U.S. Forces Could Break China's Blockade of Taiwan: Navy Commander (newsweek.com)
【213】The U.S. Military’s Growing Weakness - WSJ
【214】2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength | The Heritage Foundation
【215】全盘抄袭!美国海军寄予厚望的DDG(X),为何与中国055这么像?|驱逐舰|巡洋舰|军舰|导弹_网易订阅 (163.com)
【216】The Navy's DDG(X) Destroyer: We Have a Price Problem - 19FortyFive
【217】Has America almost depleted its supply of essential weapons for Ukraine? - Washington Times
【218】Lawmakers seek emergency powers for Pentagon’s Ukraine war contracting (defensenews.com)
【219】Yes, The U.S. Military Is Weak - 19FortyFive
【220】Erosion of U.S. Strength in Indo-Pacific Is Dangerous to All, Commander Says > U.S. Department of Defense > Defense Department News
【221】China's Man-Made South China Sea Islands Like You've Never Seen Them Before (thedrive.com)
【222】相对较新,来自美国鹰派的评估:复杂:Austin Dahmer: "What is the status of the US-China military balance? A straightforward question that does not have a straightforward answer. Assessing military balances is a complex practice that occupies innumerable analysts in and out of government. A thread: 1/",但是:"So, what is the status of the US-China mil balance? *In my humble opinion, the balance is marginal at best & is trending the wrong direction.*"
【223】Austin Dahmer: "This is a very good question: do you include allies in your assessment of the military balance? For the Cold War, eg, this was an easier answer. Many assessments of the time really looked at NATO v Warsaw Pact, not just US v USSR. 1/"
【224】Strategic Scarcity: Allocating Arms and Attention in Washington | The National Interest
【225】War Game Finds U.S., Taiwan Can Defend Against a Chinese Invasion - WSJ
【226】China Is Accelerating Its Nuclear Buildup Over Rising Fears of U.S. Conflict - WSJ
【227】Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races | The White House
【228】习近平会见朔尔茨时强调反对在乌克兰使用核武器 - 2022年11月4日, 俄罗斯卫星通讯社
【229】美核武政策大转弯 取消“不率先使用”和“只用来反击” | 文学城
【230】Pentagon Nuclear Posture Review Won’t Rule Out U.S. First Strike | Democracy Now!
【232】Hunting Shadows - by Tony Stark - Breaking Beijing(美国海军对自己的潜艇寄予重望,坚信解放军完全没有能力寻找美国战略核潜艇,无法定位,自己反而处于被攻击的被动局面,但获胜核心是日奥和美军同时作战,第一天就加入战场,形成一场全面战争)
【233】[视频]习近平在视察军委联合作战指挥中心时强调 贯彻落实党的二十大精神 全面加强练兵备战 (央视新闻)
【234】China’s Military Is Catching Up to the U.S. Is It Ready for Battle? - WSJ
【235】着力破解指挥员“五个不会”问题 - 中国军网 (81.cn)
【236】唐驳虎:昨天刷屏的“大火箭” 专为台海研制_凤凰网 (ifeng.com)
【238】China's armed forces recruiting dozens of British ex military pilots in 'threat to UK interests' | UK News | Sky News
【239】老皮匠: "新视频来了: 今天,河南商丘市虞城县镇里固乡,一架战斗机坠毁!?机上居然还有一个外国飞行员!"
【240】Ex-RAF top gun has made a killing training China's fighter pilots and recruiting British airmen | Daily Mail Online
【241】Former military pilots from the West are being lured to China | The Economist
【242】PLAOps: "Do you know who this man is? You should. He's the man actively shaping PLA C2 reforms via the PLA National Defense University. His name is Professor 胡晓峰 (Hu Xiaofeng), a "
【245】PLAOps: "No discussion on a Chinese invasion of Taiwan can take place without examining what the PLA considers to be a crucial aspect of the operation - the joint firepower strike (JFS) - a "
【253】The Problems of a Militarized Foreign Policy for America’s Premier Intelligence Agency - War on the Rocks
【254】Opinion | The Backlash to Progressives’ Ukraine Letter Shows the New Cancel Culture in Washington - The New York Times
【255】而自己的猫腻越来越多,参见:Senior White House Official Involved in Undisclosed Talks With Top Putin Aides - WSJ担心俄乌局势升级,美总统国安顾问被曝与俄方进行了“秘密对话” (guancha.cn)U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show it’s open to negotiate with Russia - The Washington Post
【256】America Is Turning Asia Into a Powder Keg | Foreign Affairs
【257】中国悄悄把美国踢出东盟 - 博客 | 文学城
【258】Japan to sign military pact with UK as allies eye China threat | Financial Times
【259】中共二十大,让世界走向没有中国的全球化 | 文学城
【261】扬言72小时“击沉所有中国舰船”的大神 - 博客 | 文学城 
【262】The Erosion of U.S. Deterrence Raises the Risk of War With China (foreignaffairs.com)
【263】A harder US line? Potential Pentagon chief floated idea to sink China fleet in 72 hours | South China Morning Post
【264】霸权是美国的历史使命 - 博客 | 文学城
【265】我在上篇提到过美国军方对此的焦虑,这种焦虑非常普遍,如前几天的,‘The Big One Is Coming’ and the U.S. Military Isn’t Ready - WSJ
【266】Like It Or Not, America Is Still A Superpower (foreignaffairs.com)
【267】The Decline of the West: Why America Must Prepare for the End of Dominance - The Atlantic
【268】Russia, China, and the Battle for Global Dominance | Chicago Council on Global Affairs
【269】Dangerous history - Prospect Magazine
【270】America vs. Russia and China: Welcome to Cold War II (nationalinterest.org)
【272】“My attitude toward China is, do well economically, but you cannot use your military to expand your power position in the region. Is that fair? No. Is there any justice to that? No. We get the Monroe Doctrine and you don’t. That’s just the way it is, I’m sorry. . . . We are containing China and the Chinese believe we are containing them.”(见【270,271】)
【273】Alex Velez-Green: "It's a fair concern that US restrictions on China's semiconductor industry may lead PRC to invade Taiwan sooner. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't impose restrictions. It means tough economic measures must be paired w/ a strong military deterrent. 1/5"
【274】Containing China is Biden’s explicit goal | Financial Times
【275】Why Biden’s Block on Chips to China Is a Big Deal - The Atlantic
【276】The New Superweapon - The Wire China
【278】Xi Jinping steers towards confrontation with west in ‘great rejuvenation’ push | Financial Times
【279】习近平的终极目标:为中美冲突做好准备 | 文学城(华尔街日报中国分社社长郑子扬(Jonathan Cheng))
【280】面对中国政权越来越强硬,西方国家该怎么办? | 文学城
【281】Opinion | Biden and China's Xi Jinping likely to headline G-20 summit in Bali - The Washington Post
【282】'Sloppy' Analysis Is the Bane of a Smart China Policy (Eunomia)
【283】“Is There a U.S.-China Cold War” Is the Wrong Question | The Heritage Foundation
【284】Senate to add $10 billion in Taiwan aid, scale back arms sale reform (defensenews.com)
【285】Yuen Yuen Ang: "America's democracy is in crisis, while China has slid back into personalist rule As I argue in "The Clash of Two Gilded Ages" US-China competition isn't over who trips and outruns the other, but rather who fixes their own problems first"
【286】Seth Abramson "There’s a real chance China invades Taiwan shortly after the November 8 election, even as Russia’s war in Europe continues to risk going nuclear. Can you imagine if we have utter clowns like Herschel Walker, J.D. Vance, Blake Masters or Dr. Oz in the Senate when all this happens?"
【287】Seth Abramson: "@niccijsmith Nicola, respectfully, you are full of it. Scores of major-media articles have pegged the 12-month period after November 8 as a window for invasion. It is *not* fear-mongering, and you know damn well it is based on intelligence."
【288】James Millward 米華健: "We should see the GOP bandwagoning on the complaint by a former employee of @thechinaproj as part of a broader shift, or lurch, in US politics to a point where even to suggest having anything to do with China ("engagement") or PRC people is now considered suspicious (thread)"
【289】After Quarter Billion Dollars, Walker-Warnock Georgia Senate Race Is a Toss-Up - WSJ
【290】Total cost of 2022 state and federal elections projected to exceed $16.7 billion • OpenSecrets
【291】U.S. Public Opinion and the Election: the Economy (gallup.com)
【292】Most Important Problem | Gallup Historical Trends
【293】王毅与布林肯通话:停止对华打压 不要为两国关系制造新障碍 | 早报
【295】中国如何摧毁中情局在中国的网络 - 博客 | 文学城
【297】什么人在推习近平终身制? - 博客 | 文学城
【298】US Blinken Speaks With China’s Top Diplomat in Latest Sign of Thaw - Bloomberg
【302】The Return of Red China: Xi Jinping Brings Back Marxism (foreignaffairs.com)
【303】A New Slogan Rises from the Past - China Media Project
【304】为什么没人救孩子? - 博客 | 文学城 
【305】Xi's removal of Hu points to 'common prosperity,' not Taiwan invasion - Nikkei Asia
【307】中国房地产税为什么迟迟不落地? - 博客 | 文学城
【308】China’s Business Elite See the Country That Let Them Thrive Slipping Away - The New York Times
【309】陷入“政治抑郁”的中国商界精英 - 纽约时报中文网
【310】前世界银行首席经济学家|中美竞争是两种资本主义模式之争_网易(布兰科 米兰诺维奇(Branko Milanovic))
【311】China's super-rich see fortunes plunge as economy slows | China | The Guardian
【312】Branko Milanovic on Twitter: "As I wrote before, you can become a China expert in 30 seconds. First, complain that inequality is extraordinary high. Then, complain (in a companion article) that the rich are losing money because of govt policies. China can never get it right." / Twitter
【313】US and Chinese officials working to set up Biden-Xi meeting | Reuters
【314】A Biden-Xi Summit Presents Latest Challenge to U.S.-China Ties - WSJ
【319】澳总理:若能与习近平会晤将是两国关系的积极进展 | 文学城
【320】Biden Says He and Xi Likely to Discuss Taiwan, Trade at G-20 - Bloomberg
【321】习近平救孟晚舟 - 博客 | 文学城
【322】Mélanie Joly: "China is an increasingly disruptive, global power. We will challenge China when we ought to. We will cooperate with China when we must."
【323】加外长:加国人应考虑在中国做生意的地缘政治风险 | 文学城
【324】US says it wants to get defence talks with China ‘back on track’ | South China Morning Post
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中共打台湾 歷史使命 是个屁的理由.真有歷史使命就該打老毛子,总比美國好打吧?
真理由就是利,地緣位置, 台湾資源

台湾防守 不需要打敗中共,要他得不償失就可以了

現代武器殺傷力大,傷人一万 自損八千.只問中共是否願意以殘破的兩廣換一个廢墟台湾就好
中共得了三塊廢墟 还要面对全世制裁 以及美日印俄的下一步行动, 即使領導疯了 下面也不会跟下去了

chichimao 发表评论于
進攻伊拉克有何錯? 伊拉克到科威特 殺人放火.退出去就沒事了? 戰犯就逍遙了?

強盜打到你家 殺人放火 走人了事 你肯嗎? 說美國錯 是中共的流氓理論.
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最后的老留 发表评论于
最后的老留 发表评论于
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