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在上个世纪中叶,曾经经历过打土豪分田地的人,许多都已远去,他们那些的故事也随之飘然而去。 我们将只会在一些的影像文字中,感受到它曾经的存在,一定不会有太真实的感觉。


在新中国之前,外公是在一个小县城的镇上做官,也同时在做生意。据说生意一直都很兴旺。门前有不少的流动小商贩,外婆会常常资助他们。 后来外婆回到镇上,遇见他们,他们都会用丰盛的食物款待外婆她们。



Historical Dividing of Fields by Hitting Local TyrantsIn the middle of the last century, many of those who had experienced beating local tyrants to divide their fields have passed away, and their stories have gone with them. We will only feel its past existence in some images and texts, and it will definitely not feel too real.

In the past life, for a long time, we never asked about the history of our parents. Where do they come from? How did they ever survive? It is very unusual that we have no curiosity at all. Perhaps our next generation will not care about why we came here across the ocean, made this place our own home, and settled down.

Before the new China, my grandfather was an official in a small county town, and he was also doing business at the same time. Business is said to have been brisk. There are quite a few itinerant vendors in front of the door, and grandma often supports them. Later, when grandma came back to the town and met them, they would treat grandma and the others with hearty food.

On the eve of liberation, my grandmother went to the countryside to build a new house in order to leave a place for herself to survive. In the subsequent movement to beat up the local tyrants and divide the fields, who could have foreseen where the future Ark would go? They were stranded on the sand, gradually eroded by weathering, and the stones stayed in place.

Maybe it's interesting to hear such stories, because they will eventually go with the wind.
