Love Makes You Make Love


Write a poem simple, deep, and unforgettable.
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《Love Makes You Make Love》

mom, what is make love?
son, you would know when you grow up

tell me now please, mom
make love is connecting yourself naturally with the woman you love

love makes you make love

A comment from Allpoetry:
Stace Jays wife - A beautiful way of connecting but in a way that's not tacky but natural. Beautiful


Love Makes You Make Love - CBA7发表于 书香之家 - 论坛 | 文学城 (

Love Makes You Make Love - CBA7发表于 美语世界 - 论坛 | 文学城 (

CBA7 发表评论于
回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : Hahaha, so true, so natural, and so beautiful :)

Thank you for reading and commenting.

菲儿天地 发表评论于
Haha,so true:)