然而灯塔工厂依旧是凤毛麟角,继2019年1月宣布的16 家之后,经过对候选工厂的深入研究,10家新增灯塔工厂在7月3日的世界经济论坛新领军者年会上正式加入全球灯塔工厂网络。这些领先者的经验可成为制造企业的指路明灯,展示如何从数字化中挖掘新的价值,包括大幅提升资源生产率、提高敏捷度和响应能力、加快新品上市速度、提升客制化水平等。
世界经济论坛:Future of Manufacturing | Global Lighthouse Network
Jan 19, 2020
The World Economic Forum's Global Lighthouse Network brings together 44 of the most advanced factories in the world that are showing leadership in applying technologies to drive financial and operational impact at scale. Learn how these factories are connecting value chains end-to-end, preparing workforce and optimizing processes towards a more sustainable and inclusive future.