我们圣路易斯华大的前教授和默克前CEO P. Roy Vagelos曾经决定无偿给中国援助重组乙肝疫苗,让中国后代免受乙肝之苦,这是中美友谊的一段嘉话。Vagelos在默克赚到大钱后变成了慈善家,因为巨额捐款纽约哥大百年的内外科学院(医学院)都以他的名字命名。我们华大的生物医学研究生项目也以他们夫妇冠名,他也是这个研究生项目的创始主任。
Re: Show me the proof how Pfizer or Moderna is superior than Sinovac
Unfortunately, no one can show you any such proof because there are no data from Sinovac for comparison. However, you may judge by yourself how effective Pfizer or Moderna is because there are data on the CDC website, which shows the rates of COVID cases and deaths by vaccination status and age groups. While I doubt about the case rates, I believe the death rates are reliable. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status
Andy_04122022-12-24 19:33:23
优质疫苗??This is hilarious!! So far, all the people (including myself) I know who get vaccine from either Pfizer or Moderna have been infected with covid a least once. Show me the proof how Pfizer or Moderna is superior than Sinovac
回复“雅美之途”的评论: Sure, both Moderna and Pfizer have claimed 95% effectiveness in paper, see what we got in reality. lol
雅美之途 发表评论于
回复 'Andy_0412' 的评论 : There were tons of research articles you could read. Massive amounts of data demonstrate that mRNA vaccines are better at inducing antibody responses and T cell reactions than inactivated vaccines
Andy_0412 发表评论于
优质疫苗??This is hilarious!! So far, all the people (including myself) I know who get vaccine from either Pfizer or Moderna have been infected with covid a least once. Show me the proof how Pfizer or Moderna is superior than Sinovac