Here Comes Wodapalooza, Again

Wodapalooza Fitness Festival (WZA) is a four-day fitness competition festival held annually in the city of Miami.  Here below is a picture showing Miami's Bayfront Park before the WZA venue was set up in it.

Some pictures of the venue of WZA in Bayfront Park as well as the surrounding areas of Miami.

WZA is one of the largest fitness festivals in the world and a major CrossFit competition with thousands of athletes from around the world competing.  

Hundreds of volunteers help keep the festival going.

Thousands of spectators cheer on the athletes.

The athletes are so engrossed in it.

Just a little bit more!

Hooray!  You've made it!

I'm a strong girl, a really strong girl! 

Getting it done is not easy.

But we never stop trying.

Even the  boaters stop to watch.

There is always a commercial side to these things.  Well, the city has to make a buck, or two, or three ...

But I must not complain, as the money helps to keep the hometown pretty.


























海风随意吹 发表评论于
Thank you for the "show and tell". Seems like a fun event.