I'm in the state of hope:
1930's London. Two sisters - Madeleine and Dinah - One marries Rickie, the other falls in love with him. He begins an affair which is to have repercussions throughout their lives.
Release date
Running time
English [CC]
Very depressing! Trust...more important than love...love comes and goes but trust is forever!
The feeling of love has no limits. The main idea is: "You are forgiven. You forgive me ". The decade of the 1930s is portrayed authentically, down to the clothes, automobiles, furnishings, and mannerisms. The drama convincingly transports the audience to the era in question.
There is always a price to pay for love, and some of those charges are catastrophic. The experience was educational for all of humanity. Being unfaithful throughout a marriage is a game that might end in tragedy.
Oh, the wife must have a sneaking suspicion that he would be tempted since right at the beginning of the movie, she asks him whether he thinks her sister is lovely. After she responds that she is beautiful, but frigid, he asks her why she thinks she is cold.
There is always a price to pay for love, and some of those charges are catastrophic. The experience was educational for all of humanity. Being unfaithful throughout a marriage is a game that might end in tragedy.
Oh, the wife must have a sneaking suspicion that he would be tempted since right at the beginning of the movie, she asks him whether he thinks her sister is lovely. After she responds that she is beautiful, but frigid, he asks her why she thinks she is cold.
Then she confirms what everyone already knew about her to their surprise. She is kind of warning him that she might be alluring, but she is a heartbreaker who is frigid, and who she makes it seem that she hurts all the people who fall in love with her. Oh my goodness, I am revising this because now I believe that she may just be jealous of me because she just remarked that I hope she doesn't mess it up! It seems as if she is frightened or threatened by her younger sibling.
Or they may be concerned that he already has feelings for her or that he may develop them in the future.
Stunningly heartbreaking...wrenching on both the heart and the stomach, with moments of such breathtaking beauty that they steal your breath. Incredible ensemble...beautifully crafted. A tale about love that encompasses all of its facets in its telling. A must-see for everyone who understands the depths of heartache, desire, and wanting that are all a part of this thing we call love.
If you want a great love story where two sisters are both in love with the same man or should I say one of them, “wants” the same man, the movie “like water for chocolate” is an excellent movie, it’s about 2 Mexican sisters,the good sister who is deserving has her selfish sister marry him, while she is denied, she pines for him and cooks delicious food for him, but accepts he is with her, although still in love with him. I think one of her sisters is married to an outlaw and is an outlaw herself. She is the fun loving kind sister, (it’s been many years since I saw the movie) it may be in Spanish and if it is watch it with subtitles because it’s totally worth it. Like I said been many years since I saw it. The loving kind long suffering sister, has an epiphany at the end about being in love with the man her sister marries taking away their chance to be together. It’s really good. Keeps you interested.
I felt SO torn for ALL of three of Them. Adultery seldom EVER works out this is true, but Paul Bettany and Helena Bonham Carter Characters we're truly in Love. Olivia's Character Loved the idea of being in Love with Paul...My belief. Perfect looking Husband, Perfect Father, Perfect Provider, they were the Perfect Couple (outside looking in) living in a Perfect House
with IMPERFECT Love for each other. Sad indeed, but forgiveness and redemption in the end. Happy New Year
and many Blessings Y'all!

Not all love affairs end well, we only get moments of joy,then we pay for it till eternity.
This is my first time seeing this movie and I think it was a very nice film. Adulterers never win. I don’t know but my observation was Dinah daughter died and the wife ultimately had the daughter. I think this happened because of the unfaithful nature of the 2 that made her. The daughter came back to the wife in the right way. Maybe this is a lesson, idk where I’m going with this, but I picked up on something when she lost her child with the married man and he ultimately had a daughter with his wife. That part got me. Especially at the end when the wife’s character was like she is just like you to Dinah. The flying of the kite also!