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2020年6月24日,日本大阪大学学者发表文章Virucidal effect of acetic acid and vinegar on SARSCoV-2《醋酸和醋对SARSCoV-2的杀毒作用》指出:5分钟的时间,4%和6%的乙酸水溶液均灭活了新冠病毒,使病毒滴度低于检测极限。1分钟的时间,5%和6%的蒸馏醋灭活新冠病毒,使病毒滴度低于检测极限。
2020年7月20日,意大利圣拉斐尔生命健康大学的学者发表文章 Vinegar and Its Active Component Acetic Acid Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Infection In Vitro and Ex Vivo《醋及其活性成分乙酸在体外和体内抑制SARS-CoV-2感染》,说低浓度(0.34%)的醋熏蒸可减轻轻度SARS-CoV-2感染的症状。比较体温的37°C,在45°C熏蒸,会增强效果。醋直接应用于COVID-19患者的鼻咽拭子转移介质时,可导致90%的感染滴度抑制。因此,醋可通过降低鼻腔中的病毒来抑制病毒感染性。通过局部施用稀释的醋或乙酸抑制鼻黏膜中病毒复制,具有预防或减少下呼吸道SARS-CoV-2感染的潜力,从而减少肺炎的发生以及通常在COVID中观察到的其他临床并发症。具有抗SARS-CoV-2活性的化合物可以作为局部杀菌剂,以抑制病毒进入上呼吸道和复制。通过局部治疗减少上呼吸道的病毒载量,还可对SARS-CoV-2人际传播产生重大影响。
有报道,70%浓度的酒精能够杀灭新冠病毒,比较酒精的化学结构,醋杀毒作用用该来自氧原子的化学键。比较而言,醋有两个氧原子,所以其杀毒效果更强。 ?
--- 风萧萧 2021年1月27日 于加拿大滑铁卢市
风萧萧 2020年1月23日 于加拿大滑铁卢市
更新于2020年,1月27, 28, 29, 30日, 2月 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13 -> 19日。
生活不容易; 我希望所有家庭都生活幸福。
目 录
2020年2月8日,我曾经把此文的英文版贴给 Face Book上的朋友分享:请忘记新冠状病毒的杀手,拾起人体自身免疫。人类永远无法跟上病毒突变的脚步。
2020年2月11日,凌晨03:56,在脸书Face Book上,发现我的新加坡朋友在1:24 AM发给我的一个You Tube视频链接。
在You Tube视频窗口的下面,艾伦·曼德尔博士贴出几句话:“请不要惊慌!保持健康就要对周围环境和身体了解。免疫系统是人体抵御传染性的有机体和其它入侵者的防御力。养成良好的饮食习惯,并选择能增强免疫力的食物,确保我们的身体坚强并能够抵御那些入侵者,这一点非常重要。”
2020年2月11日,世界卫生组织通过Twitter宣布国际病毒分类学委员会(ICTV)的决定,把原来暂称的2019-nCoV新型冠状病毒,正式命名为SARS-CoV-2(severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,即严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2),并认定是2003 SARS冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)的姐妹病毒。
既然,2019新冠状病毒命名为 SARS-CoV-2,那么,我们可以称2003 SARS冠状病毒为 SARS-CoV-1,这仅仅是学术游戏。问题的要害在于,两次命名的时间间隔已经16年了,时至今日,既没有针对此病的治疗药物,也没有疫苗。这个悲剧,证明一个事实,随着病毒变异速度的加快,以西医为主的疾病防控模式已经失效。
西雅图一名医生,3月12日,确诊感染了新冠病毒,靠呼吸机维持生命,肺,肾脏和心脏开始衰竭。他的同事们认为他只能在活一天左右。决定给他用一种名为 Actemra的针对类风湿性关节炎的药物,2017年,该药被批准用于治疗"细胞因子风暴"。在用此药和其他疗法四天后,血氧水平改善,4月5日出院。
2017年11月7日,文章《植物营养'鸡尾酒'杀死乳腺癌细胞》Plant Nutrient 'Cocktail' Kills Breast Cancer Cells 报道,路易斯安那州立大学的研究人员测试了五种已知的保护性化学营养素,它们来自姜黄,大豆,西兰花,葡萄和茶;如果,单独应用,他们都对癌症无效。但是,复合使用,能够抑制80%的乳腺癌细胞的生长,并最终触发了癌细胞死亡。
2019年9月30日,研究报告《三种常用药物的组合将果蝇的寿命延长了48%》 triple commonly used drugs combination has extended the lifespan of fruit flies by 48% 认为,联合用药可能有助于预防与年龄有关的疾病,其他研究也证明,植物药联合使用可产生协同作用,并减少副作用。
1999年10月,文章《德国的植物药研究》Phytomedicine research in Germany说:多项比较临床试验表明,植物药物与化学药物具有完全的治疗等效性,并且具有避免不良反应的优势。但是,在许多方面与合成药物或单一物质不同,草药及其提取物制剂的作用机理可以被描述为多价作用,并可以解释为叠加和、或增强作用。在许多情况下,总体药理作用和治疗功效并非源自单一化合物,而是源自产生叠加协同药理作用的几种化合物。
1..治疗新冠状病毒肺炎,10 - 20毫升 5%醋,20毫升蜂蜜,500毫升水稀释口服,马上清水漱口,4 - 5次/天,3克维生素C, 6次/天。再加片剂中药最好,譬如,六味地黄丸,黄芪片,复方丹参片,等等,都会有效。醋也可以在皮肤涂抹,通过透皮吸收,见效更快,效果更好。
2001年4月11日,研究报告《苹果醋对小鼠某些营养和生理指标的影响》:每天以0.17、0.51和1.02 毫升醋/公斤体重的剂量口服饲喂雌性小鼠,持续4周。所有剂量醋组的小鼠的血红蛋白、总红细胞数和总白细胞数均升高。
2020年03月05日,日本用哮喘吸入剂环索奈德治愈新冠肺炎,日本以哮喘药类固醇吸入剂Ciclesonide治愈了曾经需要吸氧支持的 COVID-19肺炎患者。
在伊朗的一个偏远村庄,根据老年人的建议,六名患有COVID-19肺炎的患者通过用蜜蜂蜇的方法治愈,这是一个伊朗人在比尔·盖茨博客文章How to respond to COVID-19的留言。蜂毒具有很多药理功能。
--- 风萧萧 2020年5月9日 于加拿大滑铁卢市
--- 风萧萧 2020年3月2日 08:06 于加拿大滑铁卢市
--- 风萧萧 2020年3月1日 17:19 于加拿大滑铁卢市
2020年2月29日, 中国-世界卫生组织新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)联合考察报告 说,空气不是新冠肺炎的传播媒介,患者多为同一家庭成员,通常在感染后5至6天,才出现轻度发热和呼吸道症状,多数患者为轻症可痊愈。
--- 风萧萧 2020年3月1日 于加拿大滑铁卢市
食用醋,50公斤体重1克,日2次 (5%浓度的食用醋20毫升,500毫升水稀释口服,或者涂抹皮肤,透皮吸收)
维生素 B3,50公斤体重1克, 日2次
维生素 D,50公斤体重5,000 IU, 日3次
维生素C,激活和增强人体自身免疫,集聚在免疫细胞周围,保护它们免于过度自伤引起的多器官衰竭,和消除病毒引起的不适感 – 疲乏,酸痛,食欲不振,等等。
维生素 B3,用小鼠和人类血液进行的实验,发现,高剂量的维生素B3可使免疫细胞杀死细菌的能力提高1000倍,能够杀灭葡萄球菌,即所谓的“超级细菌”。免疫细胞自然能够杀死新冠状病毒。
维生素 D, 50 000 IU的剂量每天1次,或10,000 IU的剂量每天3次,持续2至3天。感冒症状可以在48至72小时内完全缓解症状。从未显示出毒性。
中药增强免疫力,保护身体各种器官,恢复身体健康。在2003 和 2019 冠状病毒肺炎的治疗中,显示出独特优势。
1.. 自制便携式消毒包,把浸满醋的手帕放在塑料袋里,随身携带。
2.. 用烧沸醋对室内进行消毒,避免共享餐桌和菜盘,个人分别放置消毒的碗筷。
3.. 现在,急需尽快做的事:
1.. 醋的杀病毒的效果,LD50,及其对细胞免疫等生理功能的作用。
2.. 维生素的体外细胞实验,确定维生素C、B3和D的实际效果和最佳剂量。
3.. 必须把全国所有的与中药生产有关的企业都动员起来,投入治疗新冠状病毒肺炎药物的生产。植物药的生产,是整体浓缩后萃取混合成分。单一成分,虽然有效,但是,不但疗效低,而且,还会有合成药物一样的副作用。
维生素与中药连用,用10 - 20毫升5%食用醋,500毫升水稀释后服药,然后,清水漱口和咽喉。
2019年8月11日,我写过文章《谢谢无锡正大王涛 自身实验 甘草提取物止咳胜过西药》,无锡正大现存许多可用原料。
风萧萧 礼 2020年2月13日 于加拿大滑铁卢市
治疗2019年新冠状病毒性肺炎的关键, 不是寻找新疗法,而是改善我们自身的免疫力。自身免疫的改善十分简单,不必等到身强体壮;只是简单的有助于提高免疫力饮食,就可以帮助我们快速实现这一目标。只需要20多分钟,等吃入食物被我们身体吸收,它的营养成分,立刻增强我们的免疫力,激发我们的免疫细胞对病毒进行反击。
1941年7月26日,马里兰大学细菌学系的 Raymond M. Young 和 L.H. James 发表《肠道微生物对抗坏血酸的作用》Action of Intestinal Microörganisms on Ascorbic Acid,指出,1936年,一位出血性坏血病患者,对富含维生素C的饮食没有反应;但是,肌肉注射维生素C溶液后,病人很快康复了。表明,食物中的维生素C,在被人体吸收之前,已经被胃肠道中的细菌破坏。
但是,在2020年2月11日,世界卫生组织网站文章《是否有任何预防或治疗2019-nCoV的特定药物?》Are there any specific medicines to prevent or treat 2019-nCoV? 还在说:“迄今为止,没有可推荐用于预防或治疗新型冠状病毒的特殊药物。”该文还指出,不特别推荐将“服用维生素C”“饮用传统草药茶”作为2019-nCoV疗法,因为它们不能有效地提供保护,甚至可能有害。
2020年2月22日,文章《武汉金银潭医院ICU29天,女护士照顾的8个病人5人去世》说,截止到2月22日29天,武汉金银滩医院30张病床的重症监护病房,共有18人死亡。 2020年2月17日,著名的神经外科医生,武汉武昌医院主任刘志明教授在50岁时死于感染新的冠状病毒性肺炎。我敢断言对这些死者的治疗,没有使用维生素C或中药的任何一种。
2019新冠状病毒肺炎,正在全球扩散,造成人们极度恐慌。这个病毒的可怕之处在于,一些感染者没有可直观感知的症状,但是,却能够强力传染他人,令人防不胜防。更可怕的是,2020年2月21日,文章《冠状病毒在体外可以存活多久》说,现有的数据表明,在低温或者室温条件下,冠状病毒是一种稳定的病毒。因此,很容易在短时间内造成传染的人太多,无法得到及时救治。 因而,迫切需要开发方便的药物,以帮助人们自助治疗和预防。
2020年02月08日,文章《新冠肺炎病患为什么前一天看起来还好好的 才过一天突然离世了?》,说:新冠肺炎有个特点,有些病人头两天是比较轻的,突然加重。如果不及时救治,可能就死掉了。这可能跟病人感染导致的“炎症风暴”有关。炎症风暴,就是感染激活了肌体的免疫细胞过度活跃,造成免疫细胞的损伤。正常的免疫是保护,过度的免疫是损伤,不但导致肺的损害,还会引起肾脏、肝脏、心肌等等损害,病人的病情往往会急转直下,很快都会出现神志不清、呼吸加快,然后出现血氧饱和度下降,甚至出现凝血功能障碍,少尿无尿,转氨酶升高,发生多器官衰竭。
2013年1月17日, 文章《补充维生素C的饲料对猪粪微生物菌群和血液形态的影响》Effect of Feed Supplemented With Vitamin C on Microbial Flora of Swine Faeces and Blood Morphology 报道:将产后6周的小母猪分配到对照组和实验组中。实验组以2.5g / 100kg b.w./天的剂量接受维生素C。在服用维生素C 6周后,显著减少了细菌种类的数量,沙门氏菌棒除外。大多数血液形态元素的数量没有统计学上的显着差异。仅粒细胞计数显著增加,而淋巴细胞数目下降。维生素C抑制病原性肠道菌群的生长,并减少胃肠道中的病原性和相对病原性细菌的数量,显着促进有益细菌的生长。
2016年,文章《维生素C对健康不活跃青年男性脑源性神经营养因子血清浓度的影响》Effect of Vitamin C on Serum Concentration of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor among Healthy Inactive Young Men:健康不活动的男性,每天服用500毫克维生素C,持续一周。以禁食模式抽取血液样本以测量BDNF浓度。结果:血清BDNF水平明显升高。结论:数据表明,摄入维生素C可以增加健康无运动能力的男性的BDNF血清浓度。
1941年7月26日,文章《肠道微生物对抗坏血酸的作用》Action of Intestinal Microörganisms on Ascorbic Acid: 马林(Marin,1936年)描述了纯细菌和混合细菌对Vc的影响:一例出血性坏血病患者,对富含维生素C的饮食没有反应。但是,肌肉注射维生素溶液后,病人很快康复了。说明,在被吸收之前,细菌会破坏胃肠道中的Vc。因而,注射或者静脉滴注是必要的。
2020年01月22日,文章《抗新型肺炎 醫師主張大量吃維C》说,”化學博士、前台大教授丁陳漢蓀埋首醫學院圖書館八年,研究過去百年來所有維生素C(Vitamin C)相關醫學報告、臨床實驗、治療報告,精選總結數十位醫師、六萬多件病例和阮建如醫師共同著書「維C是最好的藥」指出,「維生素C是最價廉物美、最能防治疾病、最能保持健康的維生素。」他以實際病例指出,流感再严重的人,只要服用足夠的維生素C达到腹泻,流感在一天之內就可以好轉。”
我在此文留言,请问林慶順教授,您凭借这么一点点搜索的信息,就胆敢批评化學博士、教授丁陳漢蓀埋首醫學院圖書館八年,研究過去百年來所有維生素C(Vitamin C)相關醫學報告、臨床實驗、治療報告,精選總結數十位醫師、六萬多件病例和阮建如醫師共同提出「維C是最好的藥」。请问,作为教授,作为学者,您这样做是否太唐突,那么,作为胆敢批评他人的饱学之士,您一定有比丁陳漢蓀埋首醫學院圖書館八年得来的方法更好的治病方法,能够立刻为全世界人民解决医学难题。如果,您没有更好的治病方法,那么,还是请闭上嘴,感谢他人真诚为大众着想。
风萧萧 礼 2020年2月9日 于加拿大滑铁卢市
然而,科学验证的西医对许多疾病的治疗失败了,不仅仅是2019新冠状病毒,还有那些没有致病源可供杀戮的疾病。所谓科学的贡献,就是帮助西药重复上演 - 上市 - 杀人 - 召回。
-- 风萧萧 礼 2020年1月29日 于加拿大滑铁卢市
西医为何衰落 中医为何崛起
2018年10月1日,《福布斯》刊登文章《世卫组织认可传统中药,期待死亡的上升》WHO Endorses Traditional Chinese Medicine. Expect Deaths To Ris,作者是史蒂文·萨尔茨伯格Steven Salzberg,他自称为约翰·霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University的杰出教授。在这篇文章中,这位杰出教授说:
《自然》杂志是对人们的医学认知具有决定性影响的医学出版物之一,史蒂文·萨尔茨贝格(Steven Salzberg)教授对中医的认知代表了全球大多数人的观点,其中包括中国的大多数人。由于史蒂芬·萨尔茨伯格(Steven Salzberg)自我介绍为杰出教授,因而,他说的话将对中医治疗方法的应用产生巨大的负面影响。
更糟糕的是,西医的合成药物不安全,其副作用已成为新的致命威胁。许多合成药物在上演可怕的游戏 – 上市 - 杀人 - 召回。
2019年,11月15日,文章《世界最长寿的人也许又超强版的免疫细胞》World's Oldest People May Have Supercharged Immune Cells,说:“活到110岁的秘密可能是血液中杀伤细胞多。”“日本大学的最新研究发现,“超百岁老人”(即超过110岁的人)的血液中特别罕见的T型辅助细胞的浓度高于典型值。 这些免疫细胞可以保护最年长的人免受病毒和肿瘤的侵害,使他们在整个生命周期中都处于非常健康的状态。”
2012年 8月 28日,文章《维生素B3 能够帮助杀灭超级虫》Vitamin B3 May Help Kill Superbugs,说,位于美国加利福尼亚洛杉矶希达西奈医学中心研究发现,在对小鼠和人类血液进行的实验室研究中,高剂量的维生素B3可使免疫细胞杀死细菌的能力提高1000倍。
分子生物学杂志,2019年,第34卷,第2期,发表《大剂量维生素C治疗流感:报告一例》High Dose Vitamin C and Influenza: A Case Report,一名25岁的波多黎各人,患有流感,躺在床上一周时间,发烧,发冷,肌肉酸痛,头痛和恶心。医生上门,为他静脉滴注50克抗坏血酸钠,3天共3次。一次滴注后,患者体力改善,头痛消失。二次滴注后,胃口好,饮食增加,一切回归正常,治愈,所有过程,没有发生明显的副作用。
还有,2003年,接受纯中药治疗的非典患者,平均退烧时间为3天,平均住院时间9天。可想而知,如果,当时同时用滴注Vc治疗, 患者的平均退烧时间可能为1天,平均住院时间可能不到3天。
2017年11月7日,文章《植物营养'鸡尾酒'杀死乳腺癌细胞》Plant Nutrient 'Cocktail' Kills Breast Cancer Cells 报道,路易斯安那州立大学的研究人员测试了五种已知的保护性化学营养素,它们来自姜黄,大豆,西兰花,葡萄和茶;如果,单独应用,他们都对癌症无效。但是,复合使用,能够抑制80%的乳腺癌细胞的生长,并最终触发了癌细胞死亡。
我早就开始用日常食物和普通药物为自己治病了。譬如,用一粒500 mg醋胶囊加4片500 mg 的Vc治疗感冒。
由此,我设想治疗2019新冠状病毒的配方:食用醋 + 维生素C + 维生素B3 + OTC中药片剂。参照LD50毒性实验结果,确保在应用剂量和长效后果都在安全的范围。这个配方安全、有效、方便。在家里服用,不必去医院。也减轻了医院的负担。
1.. 醋:有研究,醋以改变细菌和病毒的细胞结构来杀灭他们,因而,具有广谱性。此外,还有许多独特的治疗和保健功能。
2.. 维生素C:具有广泛的增强人体自身免疫的功能,在病毒感染早期,维生素C能促进人体产生I型干扰素,从而产生抗病毒免疫。同时,能够消除感冒引起的头痛和身体酸痛虚弱的感觉。我觉得,对于疲劳引起的乏力、头晕和身体酸痛也有立竿见影之效。
3.. 维生素B3:使血脂正常化,身体感觉好,例如更多的精力,更快的康复等。2012年,俄勒冈州立大学,加州大学洛杉矶分校等研究证明,维生素B3能提高人体自身免疫能力1000倍。
4.. 中药:2003年非典型肺炎,纯中医治疗,无死亡, 无后遗症,医护人员无感染。西医治疗,不但死亡,医护人员感染,大量患者还出现后遗症 - 肺部纤维化和股骨头坏死症。
双盲临床实验,其实是来自中国祖先,中医认为,三分治,七分养。这个养,就是心理自疗,是在强调心理因素对健康的作用。直到上个世纪50年代,西医亨利·比彻(Henry K. Beecher)发表《强大的安慰剂》(The Powerful Placebo,1955年)说,没有药物的安慰剂,取得了50-60%的临床治愈率。
后来,美国药品管理局,龟腚,药物上市,必须有双盲临床实验的数据支持,就是,设一组患者作为欺骗对象,告诉他们,给他们吃的是药物,其实是清水、或淀粉,总之没有任何药物。另一组,用新开发的药物的副作用进行伤害,然后,对比疗效。药物组的治愈率,必须超过安慰剂组。很多西药失败在这个环节。因为其疗效不如安慰剂。即使侥幸合格上市,其疗效比安慰剂强不了多少、而且,副作用杀人。一直在上演 - 上市 - 杀人 - 退市。
2008年,1月8日,文章《报告:压力导致一切》Report: Stress Causes Everything:“坦率地说,压力对您不利。实际上,它可以杀死您。一项跨心理学,医学,神经科学和遗传学等学科的研究表明,心理压力会导致从牙龈到心脏的所有器官的恶化,并使您更容易患上普通感冒和癌症。”
中药和维生素,在很大程度上,是在生理层面消除心理压力对身体的伤害。譬如,维生素C可以消除疾病造成的心理焦虑、倦怠、腰酸背痛、虚弱无力。上述被感冒击倒的25岁的波多黎各人,滴注50克维生素C ,立刻缓节虚弱状态,恢复了食欲和体能。
与人类面临的其它困境相同,医疗困境也是来自社会治理被愚昧绑架,令某些人的贪婪行为横行无阻,驱使医疗活动过度商业化,简单、有效,便宜的治疗方法被恶意贬低摒弃。用虚假舆论诱导、迫使人们接受越来越昂贵的合成药物,被迫参与上演–上市–杀人 - 召回的悲剧。
我的上述论断,有无可否认的证据,便宜的正分子医学的创始人和倡导者艾布拉姆·霍弗(Abram Hoffer)博士,莱纳斯·鲍林(Linus Pauling)博士及其他们追随者,都遭受了舆论的恶意攻击,并拒绝为他们申请的临床试验的提供资助。显然,这不是一个简单的学术争议,而是人类贪婪的本能驱使的行为,是有目的地消灭廉价药物的开发。
--- 风萧萧,2020年1月29日,于加拿大滑铁卢市
建议 新型冠状病毒治疗方法
匿名留言 l 578939 l 2020-01-23 04:05:11
食用醋 50公斤体重500毫克,日2次
维生素C 每50公斤体重3克,日6次
黄芪注射液 50公斤体重6克, 日6次
丹参注射液 按说明
血府逐瘀汤 50公斤体重3 - 5克 日4次
维生素C 调节免疫 消除身体的不适感,消除病毒引起的毒素性质的毒害。
《 收起
在上述组方,再增加维生素B3, 每50公斤体重1g, 日2次。把注射液改为同等剂量的OTC片剂。再增加何首乌,刺五加,六味地黄丸,根据说明书的剂量同时服用。
根据LD50, 食用醋 改为50公斤体重1克,日二次。(没有搜索到醋在人体内的半衰期,估计此剂量用一周没有问题。作为保健,我每天服用500毫克胶囊一颗,有时两颗,与一克Vc并服)。没有找到血府逐瘀汤的LD50.
2019年9月30日,研究报告《三种常用药物的组合将果蝇的寿命延长了48%》 triple commonly used drugs combination has extended the lifespan of fruit flies by 48% 认为,联合用药可能有助于预防与年龄有关的疾病,其他研究也证明,植物药联合使用可产生协同作用,并减少副作用。
1999年10月,文章《德国的植物药研究》Phytomedicine research in Germany说:多项比较临床试验表明,植物药物与化学疗法具有完全的治疗等效性,并且具有避免任何不良反应的优势。在许多方面与合成药物或单一物质不同,草药及其提取物制剂的作用机理可以被描述为多价作用,并可以解释为叠加和、或在某些情况下,是增强作用。在许多情况下,总体药理作用和治疗功效并非源自单一化合物,而是源自产生叠加和或协同药理作用的几种化合物。
1.. 正如中药复方的原理一样,缺乏更多生物活性成分来增强协同作用,需要添加更多其它植物药。
2.. 药物剂量不足。许多天然药物无毒且不依赖剂量,因此,可以使用更高的剂量。
3.. 天然药物的治疗机制是调节性的,因此,其作用仅在将总体身体状况调节回归正常之后,才会出现。这一点也是天然药物的独特优势。
为保证醋、Vc、B-3和有关中药的使用的安全性和有效性,搜索依据,尤其是毒性实验 50%动物致死量。
1.. 醋的毒性与药理
LD50是3,320 mg/kg, 50公斤体重是165克。
2018年1月11日,文章《醋真的能杀死家庭细菌吗?》Does vinegar really kill household germs?说,醋可以通过化学方式改变蛋白质和脂肪的结构来破坏细菌和病毒的细胞结构,杀死他们。(我觉额,醋的这个手段高明,不需要对症,所有毒害物一扫光)。
醋的功效 医学百科
2002年10月,文章《食醋腐蚀损伤食道》Corrosive oesophageal injury following vinegar ingestion,说,一名39岁的妇女,怀疑一小片蟹壳滞留在其喉咙,喝了一汤匙家用米醋,希望软化蟹壳,但是,她仍然感觉到异物和疼痛。
该患者第二天去了一家普通的门诊,并被转诊到急诊科。内窥镜检查发现口咽部发炎和食道和胃贲门二级烧伤约22至30 cm。 没有证据表明有异物。 胃和十二指肠正常。给她抗酸药物,出院。
一周后的随访,她完全没有不适症状,因此,没做内镜检查。 4个月后随访,她没有出现任何不适症状。自愈,好了。
LD50是11900 mg (11.9 g) /kg,50公斤体重是595克。美国毒物控制中心协会报告说,维生素C导致的死亡为零。
1. VC缺乏,胶原蛋白不能正常合成,导致细胞连接障碍。人体由细胞组成,细胞靠细胞间质把它们联系起来,细胞间质的关键成分是胶原蛋白。胶原蛋白占身体蛋白质的1/3,生成结缔组织,构成身体骨架。如骨骼、血管、韧带等,决定了皮肤的弹性,保护大脑,并且有助于人体创伤的愈合。
维生素C可能对若干慢性疾病有保护作用。然而,从前瞻性的研究结果来看,维生素C与心血管病或癌症的关系,并非始终如一。为了评估血浆维生素C的水平与所有原因(心血管病、缺血性心脏病和癌症)死亡率之间的关系,英国剑桥大学临床医学院Khaw等,对19496名45~79岁成人,进行了4年的前瞻性调查。(Lancet 2001,357∶657)
结果显示,血浆维生素C浓度,与男女两性所有原因(包括心血管病和缺血性心脏病等)的死亡率呈负相关。位于维生素C最高5分位组的死亡危险,为最低5 分位组的一半(P< 0.0001)。整个维生素C浓度分布,与死亡率连续相关。血浆维生素C浓度每上升20μmol/L(约相当于每天增加水果或蔬菜摄入量50克),所有原因死亡危险下降约20%(P< 0.0001),且不受年龄、收缩压、血胆固醇、吸烟习惯、糖尿病和补充剂应用等的影响。在男性中,维生素C水平与癌症死亡率呈负相关;但在女性则不然。
俄勒冈州立大学的Linus Pauling研究所
约翰·威尔逊 美国纽约州布法罗市布法罗大学运动与营养科学系,jxwilson @ buffalo.edu
约翰·威尔逊(John Wilson)生物因子。 2009年1月-2月; 35(1)
《大高剂量维生素C和流感:一例报告》High Dose Vitamin C and Influenza: A Case Report
波多黎各庞塞的25岁法医心理学家M.G. 在佛罗里达州的奥兰休假旅行期间,感染流感,发烧,发冷,肌肉酸痛,头痛,恶心。通过尝试继续休假活动,他与这些症状作斗争了一周。但是,后来,他只有躺在床上的精力。接下来的五天,他躺在床上,无法自理。他持续的头痛和身体疼痛。从最初评估和治疗开始,他的体重已经从大约170磅下降到155磅。
我们用含有50克抗坏血酸钠sodium ascorbate的1,000 cc乳酸林格氏溶液lactated Ringer’s solution对他进行了静脉滴注治疗。抗坏血酸钠是一种pH中性形式的维生素C。滴注时间持续一个半小时。持续3天,共输注3次。所有的输注在临床上都没有问题,没有明显的副作用。
所有的IVC输液都是在患者家中进行的。在第四天,他感觉自己已经正常了,但继续口服维生素C 2g/3次/天, 还有 100mg高效能的多种维生素和矿物质。
LD50 是 4.5 g/kg,50公斤体重是225g.
B3能使血脂正常化,身体感觉好,例如更多的精力,更快的康复等。B3降低C反应蛋白, 这是炎症的标志物之一。他汀类药物也可以用来降低C反应蛋白,但是,有毒,而B3无毒。
2.2.1..维生素B3可能有助于杀死超级细菌Vitamin B3 May Help Kill Superbugs
位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶希达西奈医学中心(Cedars Sinai Medical Center)研究表明,维生素B3,可以帮助先天免疫系统杀死具有抗药性的葡萄球菌,即所谓的“超级细菌”。在对小鼠和人类血液进行的实验室研究中,研究人员发现,高剂量的维生素B3可使免疫细胞杀死细菌的能力提高1000倍。
对于这个“高剂量”,究竟有多高,报道没有说。我找到发表在《临床研究杂志》上的原文《C /EBPε介导烟酰胺对小鼠金黄色葡萄球菌的清除作用》 C/EBPε mediates nicotinamide-enhanced clearance of Staphylococcus aureus in mice,也没有找到。
为求证其安全耐受性,2020年1月25日,我特意买了一瓶B-3 (Niacin),以70kg体重亲自体验。见下面手机拍摄的照片。
12:10,500 mg x 2服下,
12:27, 开始有感,轻微的热,痒....
12:38, 脸、额头、脖子后、手臂外侧,明显地热,痒....
12:48, 大腿外侧热、痒。有欲望想挠手臂外侧。
12:50, 挠后背,肚两侧。大腿热、痒、胀极其明显。
01:05, 热、痒开始减退。
03:39, 大腿、小腿皮肤好像处于稍稍过热的水中。
05:19, 大腿、小腿皮肤还有热感,脸面热感。
毒理学试验:大鼠90 d经口毒性试验, LD50>62.0 g/kg BW, 3项遗传毒性试验均为阴性,亚慢性毒性试验各项指标均为阴性。结论黄芪在此次试验条件下未见急性毒性、遗传毒性以及亚慢性毒性。
黄芪对机体Thl/Th2细胞因子的失衡状态有明显的调节作用,且能预防其反复发作?。黄芪能通过增加免疫球蛋白IgGl和IgG3的水平,增强体液免疫,诱导干扰素生成,增强巨噬细胞吞噬功能等一系列免疫调节作用来改变患儿暂时的免疫功能低下状态,以减少RRI的发作,缩短病程心J。黄芪注射液不良反应小,所含生物碱和苷类等成分均有直接抑杀病毒作用。而黄芪注射液加入培养体系可促进体外培养HCMV(人类巨细胞病毒)感染CFU—G M(粒一单系祖细胞)增殖,对小儿病毒感染性疾病所致外周血白细胞减少有一定治疗作用。
聂紫雯,魏强华 (上海交通大学附属第一人民医院,上海 200080)
黄芪为多年生草本植物蒙古黄芪 Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.) Bge.var.Mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao 及膜荚黄芪Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bge.的根,主产于山西、黑龙江、内蒙古。黄芪味甘,性微温,入脾、肺经,生用能益卫固表、托毒生肌、利水消肿;炙用能补中益气、升阳举陷。黄芪含有多种皂苷、黄酮、多糖,以及氨基酸、亚油酸、生物碱、胆碱等化学成分,其中皂苷、黄酮、多糖等成分有免疫调节作用。笔者现就近年黄芪免疫调节机制的研究进展作一综述。
1 免疫增强作用
黄芪可增加脾脏及胸腺重量,提高机体免疫功能。如给予小鼠 1 年生黄芪中的黄芪多糖,可明显提高经环磷酰胺处理后其脾脏及胸腺指数,并提示不同质量浓度乙醇提取的黄芪多糖
1.1 非特异性免疫
1.1.1 巨噬细胞 黄芪多糖能诱导和激活巨噬细胞表达一氧化氮合成酶并产生一氧化氮(NO),从而促进巨噬细胞对靶细胞的作用[3],还可促进巨噬细胞的吞噬作用。宁氏等[4]研究表明, 黄芪不同剂量、不同途径给药对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬能力均有不同程度的增强作用,并能对抗地塞米松对其的抑制作用。
蒋氏等[5]研究也表明,应用黄芪组患者透出液巨噬细胞吞噬能力明显高于对照组,用药后患者巨噬细胞经脂多糖(LPS)刺激, 其上清液中 NO 和肿瘤坏死因子 α(TNF-α)含量显著高于用药前(P <0.01),提示用药后巨噬细胞细胞因子分泌作用增强。而黄芪多糖及黄芪甲苷可以使 γ 干扰素(IFN-γ)、白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)的浓度升高从而使巨噬细胞活化吞噬能力增强[6]。黄芪还可提高小鼠巨噬细胞 C3b 受体和 FcR 活性,其机理可能是黄芪多糖通过 NO 介导信号传递通路,调节脾淋巴细胞内游离钙离子的浓度,升高细胞蛋白激酶活性而影响机体免疫细胞的信号转导,发挥其免疫调节作用[7]。
1.1.2 自然杀伤细胞
黄芪可以提高自然杀伤细胞(NK 细胞)活性及杀伤作用。赵氏等[8]研究表明,黄芪能提高急性病毒性心肌炎患者 NK 细胞的活性。黄芪多糖粉针剂(APS-P)具有增强S180 荷瘤小鼠 NK 细胞杀伤靶细胞能力的作用。在对老年肺炎患者的研究中发现,黄芪治疗组静脉血中的 NK 细胞免疫功能较对照组升高,说明黄芪可直接或通过刺激自然杀伤细胞毒因子释放促进外周血单核细胞的 NK 细胞活性[9]。
1.1.3 树突状细胞
黄芪多糖体外可诱导脐血单核细胞(树突状细胞前体细胞)定向分化为功能性(成熟)树突状细胞(DCs);黄芪多糖诱生的 DCs 具有明显刺激同种异体 T 淋巴细胞增殖的能力,且随 DCs 细胞数量的增加而作用增强[10]。
1.2 特异性免疫
1.2.1 细胞因子
黄芪总苷(10、20 mg/L)呈浓度依赖性地降低血吸虫虫卵抗原(10 mg/L),刺激大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞 TNF-α信使核糖核酸(mRNA)表达及上清液中 TNF-α 含量。提示黄芪总苷可降低抗原活化的 TNF-α mRNA 表达及上清液中 TNF-α 含量[11]。黄芪能使单纯性肾病综合征患儿血清和尿中可溶性白细胞介素 2 受体(sIL-2R)水平降低[12]。另有研究表明,黄芪可以
促进白细胞介素-1α(IL-1α)、白细胞介素-12p40(IL-12p40)mRNA 及脾细胞的有丝分裂的作用来对抗免疫抑制[13]。在对急性肺损伤大鼠模型的修复研究中,发现黄芪组 IL-1β 和 TNF-α的表达水平低于模型组(急性肺损伤大鼠,未用任何治疗药物),说明黄芪可抑制 IL-1β 和 TNF-α 等前炎性因子的表达[14]。在对哮喘小鼠的研究中发现,黄芪能提高哮喘小鼠体内的 IFN-γ 含量,使哮喘小鼠 Th1 反应增强,Th1/Th2 比例失衡得到部分扭转,从而在哮喘的治疗中发挥作用,但对哮喘小鼠脾单个核细胞产生白细胞介素-4(IL-4)无明显影响[15]。
1.2.2 细胞免疫
黄芪对正常小鼠胸腺具有显著增重作用,并能使刀豆蛋白 A 激发的 T 淋巴细胞增殖反应明显增强[16]。刘氏等[17]研究表明,黄芪注射液对患儿过敏性紫癜的初步治疗结果显示黄芪不仅有提高 Th1 细胞因子的作用,同时还有降低Th2 细胞因子的作用。其机理可能与黄芪能促进淋巴细胞中IL-2 mRNA 的表达,降低抑制性 T 细胞(Ts)对淋巴细胞 IL-2mRNA 的抑制,并对 IFN-γ 较明确的诱生有关。谭氏等[18]研究表明,急性脑梗死患者黄芪注射液组治疗后 CD3+、CD4+、CD4+/CD8+水平较对照组显著增高,CD8+水平则明显减低,提示黄芪可通过对脑梗死发病后存在不同程度的淋巴细胞免疫功能紊乱的免疫调控,减轻梗死急性期免疫反应所致神经细胞的病理损伤。
1.2.3 体液免疫
对小鼠抵抗单核细胞增生李斯特菌能力的研究中,用黄芪多糖注射后的小鼠产生的血清免疫球蛋白 G(IgG)滴度明显高于生理盐水对照组[19]。口服黄芪可使 IgG 亚类缺陷病患儿血清中 IgG1、IgG3 较治疗前明显提高[20]。徐氏等[21]将 80 例患儿随机分为黄芪液口服组(激素+黄芪)和激素组,6 个月及 1 年后患儿血清 IgG 明显升高。
2 免疫抑制和双向调节作用
黄芪水煎剂不但可以促进正常小鼠淋巴细胞转化,减轻小鼠脾脏 B 细胞的破坏,诱生 IL-2 水平,但高浓度黄芪却抑制·104· Chinese Journal of Information on TCM Aug.2009 Vol.16 No.8IL-2 诱生,表明黄芪具有免疫调节的双向性[22]。有研究表明,复方黄芪提取物在一定浓度范围内可以抑制大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞产生的 TNF-α、IL-l 与 NO[23]。李氏等[24]通过对小鼠皮肤移植模型的研究,观察到高剂量黄芪注射液(60 g/kg)组移植片存活时间明显延长,CD4+CD25+T 细胞数量及转录因子叉头状蛋白 P3(Foxp3)的相对表达量比生理盐水组显著增多,这说明黄芪可以通过提高 Foxp3+ CD4+ CD25+调节 T 细胞拮抗移植排斥反应。但在创伤或心理应激后的小鼠模型中,黄芪多糖可使免疫功能受到抑制小鼠的 CD4+ CD25+ T 细胞水平降低,从而增强了机体免疫力[25]。
3 临床应用
3.1 免疫力低下
姚氏等[26]对 29 例慢性肾功能衰竭维持性血透患者进行对照研究,发现应用黄芪注射液的治疗组患者血液中的血红蛋白、血细胞压积有明显改善,血清 IgG、IgA 含量及 CD4、CD4/CD8值升高,明显提高患者免疫力。慢性支气管炎多为本虚,对其肺虚型患者的研究中,将 71 例患者随机分成治疗组(黄芪注射液)和对照组(未用药),观察其支气管肺泡灌洗液的免疫指标,20 d后,发现 CD3、CD4、CD4/CD8、IgG、分泌型免疫球蛋白 A 均较对照组明显提高[27]。
3.2 自身免疫病
有小样本的研究表明,在停用其他抗风湿西药后,单用黄芪总苷治疗类风湿性关节炎,4、6、8 周的总有效率分别为45.5%、54.5%、55.6%,8 周时能明显改善患者的休息痛、晨僵、
舌质淡、脉象细、肿胀关节数和指数等指标而无明显不良反应;蔡氏等[28]通过对 80 例初发的系统性红斑狼疮患者的研究表明,加用黄芪注射液组的疗效较常规治疗组显著,机制可能是通过下调 Fas 抗原的表达,CD4+及 CD4+/CD8+比值的上升,增加激素及免疫抑制剂对细胞凋亡的抑制作用,并调节 T 细胞亚群及比例恢复正常。苏氏等[29]对 43 例狼疮肾炎患者进行研究,治疗组用环磷酰胺联合大剂量黄芪注射液,对照组单用环磷酰胺治疗,经过 3 个疗程(30 d 为 1 个疗程)治疗后,治疗组的感染率明显低于对照组,且在 24 h 尿蛋白、CD8、红细胞、白蛋白等生化指标的改善方面与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。说明环磷酰胺联合大剂量黄芪注射液不仅可以有效治疗狼疮肾炎,而且可改善患者免疫功能,减轻环磷酰胺导致的免疫力低下。
小鼠单次静脉和腹腔注射给药 LD50是3.2g/kg和6.3g/kg。死亡小鼠毒性症状主要表现为俯卧不动、抽搐、呼吸困难、昏迷、尿失禁继而死亡。 结论: 丹参注射液大剂量腹腔和静脉注射可致小鼠全部死亡。但其半数致死量分别为临床用药剂量的 65 和 129 倍,安全范围较大。
作者: 胡佩芳,雷玉丹,谢金凤,苏新豪,胡 宜,李春艳:吉首大学,湖南 吉首
1. 引言
丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge)为多年生直立草本植物,具有促进血液循环,缓解血瘀,消瘀的功效 [1]。《名医名方》:消疮饮中它具有强健脾气,补气,调节气血,生机的作用 [2]。妇炎净合剂中提及它有化淤和血液循环,清除积累的代谢废物,消除热量和排毒,减少疼痛的作用等 [3]。含有多种有效成分,能诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡、保护心血管系统、清除氧自由基等,目前临床上多用于治疗冠心病、消化性溃疡和抗肝纤维化等。现代药理显示应用广泛 [14] - [26]。
2. 化学成分研究分析
2.1. 民间用法
2.2. 中药典籍记载
丹参是唇形科植物丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge)的干燥根和根茎,始载于《神农本草经》,列为上品,味苦,性微寒,归心、肝经。
2.3. 现代医学研究出的主要成分类别
2.3.1. 二萜醌类
目前已从丹参中发现二萜醌类化合物43个,根据其化合物结构骨架可分为两类,即邻醌型的丹参酮类(Tanshinone)和对醌型的罗列酮类。丹参酮类化合物是丹参中的脂溶性有效成分,对光不稳定,属于二萜类化合物,主要包括丹参酮IIA、隐丹参酮、二氢丹参酮、丹参酮I等。曾敬其等 [4] 通过HPLC法测定丹参中的丹参酮I、丹参酮IIA、隐丹参酮的含量发现,丹参酮IIA的含量最高,隐丹参酮含量次之。
2.3.2. 酚酸类
丹参中水溶性主要成分为酚酸类物质,是丹参抗心血管疾病的活性成分之一。Xingchu Gong等报道,丹酚酸B经加热后降解为丹酚酸A、丹酚酸C、丹参素、咖啡酸、原儿茶醛、紫草酸、迷迭香酸、丹酚酸F甲酯等。这些降解得到的产物可作为以丹酚酸B为指标对含有丹参成分的中药制剂进行质量分析的物质基础。L. Zhang等报道,超声辅助提取法是目前丹酚酸提取方法中条件比较温和、价格低廉、有效的一种方法,应用此法能得到更多的产物 [5]。
2.3.3. 其它
马亚兵等报道中药材中所含有的微量元素是划分中药归经、药性的物质基础,在人体内起着调控生物分子活性的作用 [6]。陶杨 [7] 用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定被微波消解后的丹参,结果显示,丹参中含有丰富的无机元素,主要为Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn,其中以Ca含量最高。
3. 主要药理作用
3.1. 诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡
邹月 [8] 等人发现复方丹参滴丸在肿瘤转移方面具有一定作用。复方丹参滴丸中的有效成分丹参具有诱导、杀灭肿瘤细胞的作用,可抑制肿瘤细胞增殖、生长。另外,复方丹参滴丸具有一定的协同作用,可最大限度减小由化疗所致的心脏毒性。丹参主要成分丹参酮属菲醌结构,可有效对抗肿瘤,其菲环结构与DNA分子结合后,可有效调节肿瘤细胞基因表达,诱导肿瘤细胞不断分化最终死亡。
3.2. 心血管系统
宋琼涛 [9] 研究表明丹参酸A通过抑制氧化应激、血管炎症、调节细胞内Ca2+浓度发挥其缺血性心肌病保护作用;曹慧敏 [10] 等人研究表明丹参酮IIA是丹参主要的有效活性成分,丹参酮IIA具有心脏保护、扩张冠脉、抗动脉粥样硬化、抗血小板,抗凝,抗血栓形成及抑制心肌肥厚作用。
3.3. 降血糖作用
姜雪 [11] 等人研究表明丹酚酸A给药组能够显著升高DM模型组的SOD,降低MDA水平,提示丹酚酸A具有减轻氧自由基损伤、提高机体抗脂质过氧化的作用。
3.4. 对机体钙离子代谢调节作用
郑云霞 [12] 等人研究表明再灌注损伤和心肌细胞缺血发生的一个关键机制,即为钙离子符合,而细胞中钙离子的进出可经丹参酮等有效成分予以调节,这样即可促使钙离子负荷减轻,进而对心肌以及细胞等起到良好的保护作用。
3.5. 抑制炎症反应、抗氧化,清除氧自由基
丹参等成分可对氧自由基的形成加以抑制,且可将自由基清除,这样即可降低丙二醛和过氧化氢含量,并促使超氧化物歧化酶活性提升,从而稳定细胞膜,抑制脂质过氧化,因此其既能避免炎症损伤内皮细胞,又能促使白细胞介素减少,进而实现对炎症反应的有效抑制 [13]。
4. 临床应用
4.1. 冠心病心绞痛
向南竹等 [14] 将300例心绞痛患者分为两组,对照组给予消心痛,治疗组给予复方丹参滴丸,经治疗,心绞痛、心电图总有效率治疗组优于对照组,治疗组的血流动力学有显著改善(P < 0.01)。复方丹参滴丸在改善缺血性心电图方面明显优于消心痛,且有降低高脂血症患者血脂水平作用;胡振波 [15] 等用复方丹参饮治疗慢性稳定性心绞痛伴高脂血症的临床观察。治疗组用复方丹参饮,对照组用通心络胶囊,一个疗程后进行临床疗效评定,结果治疗组临床疗效总有效率为90.00%高于对照组的53.33%;尤燕等 [16] 采用异丙肾上腺素致小鼠急性心肌缺氧模型考察了复方丹参片与生脉饮合用对小鼠存活时问的影响,并初步观察量效时效关系,结果证明,复方丹参片与生脉散合用对急性心肌缺氧缺血有明显保护作用,具有起效较缓、作用持久的特点。
4.2. 消化性溃疡
张向荣等 [17] 给患者口服丹参水溶液,6周后胃溃疡治愈率达86.7%。丹参与白芪、大黄配伍使用,对难治性溃疡疗效显著,治愈率分别可达97.3%和80%;乔培堂等 [18] 临床研究报道:临床治疗消化性溃疡患者,主要采取煎熬服用方式,首先用200 ml和50 g生丹参浸泡15 min之后再加水300 ml进行温水煎,最后将其浓缩成150 ml,口服分早、晚各1次;还可联合20 mg法莫替丁同时服用,分早、晚各1次。治疗消化性溃疡均取得良好疗效。
4.3. 瘢痕疙瘩
张盘根等 [19] 用复方丹参注射液治疗瘢痕疙瘩34例,小的瘢痕疙瘩单用外敷法,大的采用外敷法和局部封闭法,结果21例痊愈,7例显效,4例好转,仅2例无效。杨卫 [20] 用丹参注射液外敷法和局封法治疗各种原因形成的瘢痕疙瘩40例,其中男10例,女30例。外敷法治疗20例,结果13例痊愈,4例显效,2例好转,仅1例无效,总有效率为95%。局封法治疗20例,结果12例痊愈,4例显效,3例好转,仅1例无效,总有效率为95%。
4.4. 肾脏疾病
吴玉生等 [21] 对24例慢性肾炎患者行肌内注射复方丹参注射液,轻症者,2 ml/次,2次/d;较重者采取静脉滴注复方丹参注射液并加入10%的250 ml葡萄糖注射液,10 d~25 d,22例患者中治愈率为91.7%;王群等将住院的53例糖尿病肾病患者,随机分为3组,对照组接受糖尿病肾病的标准治疗方案:糖尿病饮食、控制血糖、血压与血脂;前列地尔组在对照组的基础上加用20 μg前列地尔静脉滴注;联合治疗组在前列地尔组治疗的基础上再加用丹参注射液20 ml静脉滴注。每日1次,连续14 d。结果显示联合治疗组与前列地尔组较治疗前β2微球蛋白、24 h尿微量白蛋白水、甘油三酯与胆固醇水平均下降更明显(P < 0.01)。
4.5. 糖尿病并发末梢神经炎
庞德意等 [22] 将12例糖尿病周围神经病变患者,采取口服复方丹参滴丸治疗,10粒/次,3次/d,10 d,而在治疗期间可对患者的饮食、运动以及降糖药进行适当的调整经治疗均取得良好疗效。
4.6. 呼吸系统
吴道荣 [23] 采用复方丹参注射液辅助治疗小儿肺炎,能有效缩短咳嗽消失时间、气促缓解时间、哮鸣音消失时间、治疗时间等,改善患儿临床症状及肺功能;安玉良将慢性阻塞性肺病(急性加重期)住院患者78例随机分为治疗组和对照组,观察并记录咳嗽、咳痰、喘息、肺部啰音及胸片阴影的消失时间,结果治疗组在这方面均较对照组差异有统计学意义(P < 0.01)。得到了丹参对慢性阻塞性肺病具有辅助治疗作用的结论 [24]。
4.7. 安胎
通过王丽娜等 [25] 临床观察发现,复方丹参注射液能有效改善滋养细胞和黄体功能,调节免疫,能有效治愈抗心磷脂抗体阳性导致的反复性流产及不明原因的反复性流产。杨鉴冰等 [26] 采用以丹参为主要成分的化瘀安胎药治疗血瘀型胎漏、胎动不安,总有效率为96%,方中丹参通过活血化瘀起到安胎的效果。
4.8. 肝脏疾病
彭安林等 [27] 观察黄芪注射液与丹参注射液抗肝纤维化的疗效,将96例早期肝硬化患者分为2组,治疗组52例,给予黄芪注射液、丹参注射液,对照组44例,治疗后治疗组肝纤维化指标较治疗前有明显改善,与对照组相比。有极显著性差异;陈秀清 [28] 将慢性乙肝肝纤维化患者共136例随机均分为对照组和治疗组。对照组口服恩替卡韦片0.5 mg,1次/d。治疗组在对照组治疗的基础上静脉滴注丹参注射液,30 mL加入5%葡萄糖注射液250 mL中,1次/d,均连续治疗3个月。结果治疗后,对照组、治疗组总有效率分别为82.4%、94.1%,两组总有效率比较差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。且治疗组血清透明质酸(HA)、IV型胶原(CIV)、I型前胶原肽(PIINP)和层黏连蛋白(LN)、TGF-β1水平降低程度明显优于对照组,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。因此丹参注射液联合恩替卡韦片能够改善肝脏纤维化,降低血清TGF-β1水平,具有一定的临床推广应用价值。
5. 展望
但是,由于人体是一个复杂的系统,各个器官紧密相连,相互依存,相互作用,因此影响疾病发展的因素可能很多,尤其是心理因素。2008年,一份心理学+医学+神经科学+遗传学的跨学科研究报告《心理压力引起一切疾病》Report: Stress Causes Everything说:“心理压力会导致身机能恶化,无论是牙龈还是心脏,并导致人们对各种疾病敏感,无论是普通感冒还是癌症。”这意味着心理压力在疾病诱因中起决定性作用。许多客观事实证明,在机械还原论的指导下的西医途径是不可持续的,例如:
俄亥俄州立大学的学者们曾经做过印证道家哲学的实验。2010年7月8日,《优化居住环境使小鼠的肿瘤缩小》Housing upgrade shrinks tumors in mice with cancer ,2010年7月28日,《活跃的社交活动环境可以帮助肿瘤缩小甚至消失》 Socially active environment can cause cancer tumors to shrink and even disappear。
来源: http://www.engineeringarchives.com/les_chem_atom.html
中药可以减轻心理压力的负面影响。因为中药可以促进释放内啡肽,减少应激激素皮质醇,消除氧自由基,降低血压,降低心率,放松肌肉组织,改善消化和睡眠。通过改善血液和淋巴液的循环来改善人体组织。良好的血液循环能为身体带来更多新鲜的氧气,从而缓解心理压力。血液流量的增加将消除体内的废物,并增加营养供应,以加快康复速度。 由于,减轻心理压力,从而,减少了疾病的诱发,因此可以用于预防许多疾病。
2 ..一个英国脑卒中男子,除了眼球外,都不能动,被医生放在一边等死,但是,他不想死,于是用意念驱动身体活动,从大脚趾开始,然后身体的其他部位。如此六个月,他自己站起来了。
2011年12月21日,我写了 Chinese Medicine - A Promising Therapeutic Approach 一文,后来持续更新。此文介绍了中医的哲学理念,诊断和治疗的方法,尤其是中药药理研究和临床效果,以及治愈的病例。下面的照片是我自己买的书籍和复印自中医期刊的资料。
照片1的书名是《中药药理与临床应用》; B5纸752页,1999年发行3, 000册。是一本应用现代西药生物技术对1070种天然中药进行药理学和临床应用的现代研究结果的合集。照片2的书名为《微量元素与中医药》;B5纸483页,1993年发行6, 000册。是天然中药中微量化学元素的现代研究结果的合集。
谈到中药中微量化学元素,必须谈谈正分子医学。上世纪,美国两次诺贝尔奖获得者Linus Pauling博士提出正分子医学(Orthomolecular)概念,用调节体内化学元素来治疗和保持健康,微量元素Vitamins和矿物质minerals是其的重要组成部分,这也是现代营养补充剂巨大市场的由来。
文章《中医治疗非典事迹》说,2003年1月28日早上, 87岁高龄的邓铁涛的弟子邹旭,接邓老到省中医院二沙岛分院,会诊心脏病患者和一-位患有侧索硬化肌肉萎缩的俄罗斯患者。在路上,邹旭忧心忡忡地告诉邓老,他的妻子(急诊科护士长)感染了“非典型肺炎”已经3天了,高热不退。邓老根据所报告的病情症状,提出处理的意见并强调必须停用抗生素与激素。
广州中医药大学第一附属医院在临床治疗非典型肺炎的过程中,采取西医确诊,中医药治疗的方法,取得显著疗效,到4月14日,一附院共收治非典患者36例,无一例死亡 ,绝大多数已痊愈出院,没有留下任何后遗症,患者平均退烧时间为3天,平均住院时间不到9天,医护人员无一人受到感染。
同样值得提及的,接受中医治疗的病人没有后遗症,而接受西医治疗的病人则大量出现肺部纤维化和股骨头坏死症。治疗费用对比也极其明显。北京小汤山医院的西医治疗调集了亚洲地区各国的呼吸机,每台呼吸机用完后就被焚烧销毁,仅此- -项每人花费即达上万元。
亚伯兰·霍弗(Abram Hoffer)是加拿大生物化学家,医师和精神科医生。他与著名遗传学家恩斯特·梅耶(Ernst Mayer)共同发现了一种有效的降脂剂维生素B3(烟酸),然后,在加拿大萨斯喀彻温省,由本地人,第一次进行受控临床精神病学试验。通过合理的营养,适当的药物治疗和大剂量水溶性维生素的治疗,得出了治疗急性精神分裂症的方法。
由于霍弗的观点不被接受,本人受到排挤。他辞职成立私人诊所,并于1967年创刊《精神分裂症杂志》Journal of Schizophrenia。1986年,由于营养疗法广泛适用于身体和精神疾病,该出版物最终定名为《正分子医学杂志》(Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine)。
为帮助他人戒酒,美国酒鬼比尔.威尔逊(Bill Wilson)与他人合作成立匿名戒酒互助会-AA。1960年,霍弗在纽约认识并向他介绍大剂量维生素疗法的概念,告诉他某些精神分裂症病人也是嗜酒者。
由于推崇B-3,比尔受到国际戒酒互助会成员的排挤。这些比尔亲自任命的医生成员觉得没有理由把维生素作为治疗手段。他们不认为维生素B-3像比尔发现的那样,具有治疗作用。因为这个原因,1965年12月,Bill Wilson用B-3为名写了小册子《维生素B-3疗法:精神分裂症的有希望的疗法-与酒精中毒领域高度相关》The Vitamin B-3 Therapy: A Promising Treatment for Schizophrenia – and its high relevance to the field of alcoholism,在戒酒互助会的委员会之外向互助会的成员分发。
莱纳斯·鲍林Linus Pauling读过这本小册子,受到启发,提出了正分子医学的概念。
这里,必须对Linus Paulin博士提出正分子医学(Orthomolecular)概念的原始动因和过程加以说明。
莱纳斯·鲍林(Linus Pauling,1901年2月28日-1994年8月19日),美国著名化学家,量子化学和结构生物学的先驱者之一。1930年代开始致力于化学键的研究, 1939年出版了在化学史上有划时代意义的《化学键的本质》一书。
鲍林还把化学研究推向生物学,他实际上是分子生物学的奠基人之一。他花了很多时间研究生物大分子,特别是蛋白质的分子结构,本世纪40年代初,他开始研究氨基酸和多肽链,发现多肽链分子内可能形成两种螺旋体,一种是a -螺旋体,一种是g -螺旋体。他指出:一个螺旋是依靠氢键连接而保持其形状的,也就是长的肽键螺旋缠绕,是因为在氨基酸长链中,某些氢原子形成氢键的结果。
作为蛋白质二级结构的一种重要形式,a -螺旋体,已在晶体衍射图上得到证实,这一发现为蛋白质空间构像打下了理论基础。由此,在1954年,鲍林荣获诺贝尔化学奖的项目。
在鲍林博客The Pauling Blog 有一篇文章《纪念亚伯兰·霍弗》Remembering Abram Hoffer, 介绍了亚伯兰·霍弗(Abram Hoffer)。
2003年,我到多伦多的Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, CAMH 图书馆, 复制了这个小册了。封面如下。
文章《Vc拯救生命》Vitamin C Saves Lives说,自从莱纳斯·鲍林在1970年写了有关维生素C的书后,美国的心脏病死亡率降低了30-40%。到1986年,每年的死亡人数从约741,000例下降到不足500,000。
英国哲学家和诺贝尔奖获得者伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell,1872-1970年)曾说过:“我们这个时代的痛苦事情之一,是那些感到信心十足的人,恰恰是愚蠢的,那些具有想象力和理解力的人,却充满了怀疑和犹豫。”
邓宁-克鲁格效应Dunning-Kruger effect研究表明,那些能力低的人,往往自我评价过高,认为比其他人更聪明和更有能力。
下面是我搜集的英文资料,用以证明维生素治疗2019新型冠状病毒肺炎是可行的。不翻译了,越来越多的有关国内新型冠状病毒肺炎发病的报道,武汉医疗系统全崩溃上海传惊人病死数据- 万维读者网, 令我揪心啊,现在就设法把此文传到国内。
Vitamin C (vitamin) for treatment of Pneumonia in Adults with Pneumonia
Treatment with Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid tablets). Allows faster recovery for 20% of the patients, according to the only study conducted with 140 adults with Pneumonia. More research is needed. Seems safe.
Consider this treatment: Only one research was done, showing faster recovery in 1 in 5 patients. Although more research is needed, since side effects seem negligible, this treatment combined with traditional treatment seems reasonable.
Any excess of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is evacuated from our body through the urine. This makes vitamin C pretty safe even in high dosages.
Vitamin C and Community-acquired Pneumonia
https://doi.org/10.1164/ajrccm.184.5.621a PubMed: 21885641
Waterer and colleagues considered that nutrition may affect the severity of community-acquired pneumonia, and suggested that further studies are needed to find out which patients with pneumonia are at highest risk of delayed mortality (1). I would like to point out that the possible role of vitamin C on pneumonia should be studied.
Several studies have documented reduced levels of vitamin C in patients with pneumonia (2, 3). Dozens of animal studies found that vitamin C protected against bacterial and viral infections, including pneumonia, indicating that the physiological effects of this vitamin are not limited to preventing overt deficiency (2). Therefore, we performed a systematic review on the effect of vitamin C in the prevention and treatment of pneumonia (4) and found three prophylactic trials and two treatment trials, reporting significant benefit of vitamin C against pneumonia. The randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled treatment trial by Hunt and coworkers (3) is particularly interesting.
Hunt and colleagues studied the effect of 0.2 g/day vitamin C on 66- to 94-year-old patients who were taken into the hospital because of pneumonia or acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis (3). Vitamin C or placebo was administered in addition to the normal medication. Vitamin C significantly improved the “total respiratory score” in the most severely ill patients, but had no effect on the less ill patients (3). Moreover, there were six deaths during the trial—all among the most severely ill patients. Five of the deaths occurred in the placebo group, but only one in the vitamin C group.
In a study using a combination of vitamins C and E, Nathens and coworkers (5) found no effect on the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia in critically ill surgical patients, but days of mechanical ventilation (−0.9; −0.6 to −1.2) were significantly reduced in the antioxidant group. Although this study is not specific to vitamin C, it suggests that antioxidants may affect pulmonary morbidity. More research on vitamin C and other antioxidants seems to be warranted.
Vitamin C may affect lung infections
每天约10毫克的维生素C可预防坏血病,但安全剂量范围可扩展至每天数克。在美国的营养建议中,成人的“容许摄入量上限”为每天2克。该上限的基础是腹泻的出现; 但是,这是一个很小的副作用,当摄入量降低时,该副作用会迅速消失。尽管有人猜测大剂量维生素C的潜在危害,但已证明是没有根据的。此外,已有研究表明,肺炎患者每天最多可服用100克维生素C。腹泻的发生可能是由于严重感染引起的维生素C代谢变化所致。最后,在最近的药代动力学研究中,参与者在数小时内静脉内服用了100 g维生素C,未见任何不良反应,表明如此高剂量对健康人的安全性。
Vitamin C for preventing and treating pneumonia
Pneumonia is one of the most common serious infections, causing two million deaths annually among young children in low‐income countries. In high‐income countries pneumonia is most significantly a problem of the elderly.
To assess the prophylactic and therapeutic effects of vitamin C on pneumonia.
Search methods
We searched CENTRAL 2013, Issue 3, MEDLINE (1950 to March week 4, 2013), EMBASE (1974 to April 2013) and Web of Science (1955 to April 2013).
Selection criteria
To assess the therapeutic effects of vitamin C, we selected placebo‐controlled trials. To assess prophylactic effects, we selected controlled trials with or without a placebo.
Data collection and analysis
Two review authors independently read the trial reports and extracted data.
Main results
We identified three prophylactic trials which recorded 37 cases of community‐acquired pneumonia in 2335 people. Only one was satisfactorily randomised, double‐blind and placebo‐controlled. Two trials examined military recruits and the third studied boys from "lower wage‐earning classes" attending a boarding school in the UK during World War II. Each of these three trials found a statistically significant (80% or greater) reduction in pneumonia incidence in the vitamin C group. We identified two therapeutic trials involving 197 community‐acquired pneumonia patients. Only one was satisfactorily randomised, double‐blind and placebo‐controlled. That trial studied elderly patients in the UK and found lower mortality and reduced severity in the vitamin C group; however, the benefit was restricted to the most ill patients. The other therapeutic trial studied adults with a wide age range in the former Soviet Union and found a dose‐dependent reduction in the duration of pneumonia with two vitamin C doses. We identified one prophylactic trial recording 13 cases of hospital‐acquired pneumonia in 37 severely burned patients; one‐day administration of vitamin C had no effect on pneumonia incidence. The identified studies are clinically heterogeneous which limits their comparability. The included studies did not find adverse effects of vitamin C.
Authors' conclusions
The prophylactic use of vitamin C to prevent pneumonia should be further investigated in populations who have a high incidence of pneumonia, especially if dietary vitamin C intake is low. Similarly, the therapeutic effects of vitamin C should be studied, especially in patients with low plasma vitamin C levels. The current evidence is too weak to advocate prophylactic use of vitamin C to prevent pneumonia in the general population. Nevertheless, therapeutic vitamin C supplementation may be reasonable for pneumonia patients who have low vitamin C plasma levels because its cost and risks are low.
2020年1月23日文章, 《美国流感大爆发:16岁中国养女 染病三天殒命》。
出生在中国长沙的蕾丝(Lacie Rian Fisher,音译),15年前被来自美国北卡罗来纳州(North Carolina)的费舍尔夫妇收养。她不仅是一名全优生,还在学校的篮球队内担任拉拉队长,但她在去年12月染上B型流感病毒,病情在三天内恶化,引发败血病,最终抢救无效在新年前夕突然离世,是该州首例因流感而死亡的未成年人。
The approaches for enhancing the social cornerstones of Canada
2.4.. Human body has magic capacity in self-healing and adaptive self-restoration
2.4.1.. Brain is always in dynamic functional redistribution with the physical needs
2.4.2.. A man who live in a normal life after damaged-half-brain was fully removed
2.4.3.. A stroke man who has been left to die, but himself stood up by will
2.4.4.. A man live a normal life with a skull only has thin sheet of brain tissue
2.4.5.. A boy who recovers and lives a normal life after lost a large part of brain
2.4.6.. A girl with half a brain becomes fluent in two languages
2.4.7.. A girl's heart grew back after a third was removed when she was in 4 months old
2.4.8.. The transplanted-cancer of rats disappeared by group socially activities
2.5.. It is 60,000 miles’ blood vessels in supporting self-healing and self-restoration
2.6.. The Gut-brain-axis triggered the revolution in philosophy and diseases treatment
2.6.1.. How gastrointestinal tract works as a part of nerve system?
2.6.2.. Nutritional medicine is developing as mainstream in psychiatry
2.7.. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a magic health promoter in easy controllable
2.7.1.. Lifestyles affect health condition through affecting the expression of BDNF
2.10.. Vinegar is magic versatile medicine with safest, handy and most affordable
2.11.. Cabbage is a magic medicine that can cure many diseases especially gastritis
2.12.. Ginger is the best brain booster than that of tea and coffee
2.13.. The best therapies is to integrate use of Chinese medicinalsand Western medicine
The approaches for enhancing the social cornerstones of Canada
Frank Li June 26, 2018 - April 6, June 19, 26, 2019 in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Abstract: The social cornerstones of Canada should be the healthcare system, manufacturing industry and Canada Pension Plan - CPP. This article aims at radically improve healthcare system and revive manufacturing industry, at the same time find opportunity for enhancing CPP by reverse thinking and philosophical updating, rather than simply appeals for Gov-investment.
1.. The improvement of healthcare system
Jan. 2010, the professor at Pennsylvania State University Rustum Roy who indicates that, in the US, there almost 20% of the average citizen's life spent chronically ill, many American live a poor quality of life in old age. Though medical science has won major extensions of lifespan, but these are negated by the failure to tackle the chronic disease. There about 75% of total social medical spending cost in chronic diseases, which is unnecessary due to that chronic diseases are preventable or reversible simply by diet and lifestyle.
In this regards, Canada should be similar with that of the US. Due to that chronic diseases are degenerative without pathogens for killing, so that western medicine is helpless, which caused by the limitation of its medical philosophy - Reductionism that views human body as a mechanical combination of inanimate parts in treatment by looking for killing, which ignored that human body is a psycho-emotion-driven organic whole, so that treatment should be mainly on promoting self-healing.
1955, the Western Medicine practitioner Henry K. Beecher, M.D. who published article The Powerful Placebo to have indicated that placebos are effective in 50 or 60 percent of subjects with certain conditions. In Jan. 2008, a study of crossing-disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience, and genetics reveals that Stress Causes Everything from gums to heart and make more susceptible to everything from the common cold to cancer, which proved TCM’s thousand years’ believe that treatment is seven-tenth in psychotherapy only three-tenth in medication with a joke of an funny clown is better than a dozen doctors in curative effect. Modern studies have convinced that a positive psychological state do can promote a healthy physiological state.
Many self-recovered cases, especially whom live a normal life after half brain removed from injury, show that human body has magic ability in self-recovering in large scale, and that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is in medicinal & nutritional integrated and in working at restoration of health balance (Yin and Yang), which is in treating diseases through promoting self-healing by nearly 100 thousands of experience-based formulas that cover almost all known diseases based on medicinally identified 11,146 plants, 1581 animals and 80 minerals and most of them were identified bioactive nutritional and medicinal components with LD50s in the level of molecular, protein and gene by modern bio-technologies.
Now, according to those experience-based formulas and the bio-technological findings on bioactive substances and their pharmacological effects, especially in consideration of LD50s, China has developed many OTC tablets in medicinal extracts, which is available in any pharmacy of Chinese Medicine in Canada and globally. According to my experience, the combo of the natural medicinal OTC tablets can make psychotic a convincing recovery in 3 to 5 days, and there was report that Chinese medicine can make Alzheimer’s patient a convincing recovery in months.
As the chronic diseases are the major cause of poor quality of people’s life with major social medical spending and TCM are good at curing chronic disease, so that the OTC tablets Chinese medicine will largely solve the dilemma in healthcare by helping people self-help in the treatment of chronic diseases and common diseases in private affordable and home handy, which will effectively help to unload the overloaded public healthcare. Also, according to the theory of TCM, we can develop the planting and processing of natural medicinal as industries with huge profit potential and the creation of employment and revenue.
The medical philosophy of TCM is Daoism, it is contrary with Reductionism and is similar with Holism and consistent with systems biology. Suppose that Reductionism focuses on a specific grass on the Himalayas, and then the Daoism is not only focusing on the entire grass, but also concerning the factors that would affect the growth of grass. The emergence of system biology and evidence-based medicine are showing that Western medicine is starting to step toward the Holistic way with enlarging the scope of medical analysis, which shows that Western medicine is turning its head from the philosophical root toward the ancient Daoism after hitting on the wall by misleading of Reductionism.
As my view, the cause of long waits for treatment in Canada is not due to underfunded or understaffed at all, but due to that has no effective treatment available in current health system. Suppose that we introduce new effective treatments to cure patients timely, and then there would be no patients long queued any more.
More significantly, the treatment for the most of thorny diseases is much easier by simply use of OTC tablets Chinese medicinals in private affordable, which can radically unload the overloaded healthcare system, and also we can develop profitable industries in the planting and processing of natural medicinals according to the theories Traditional Chinese Medicine that experience-develop-recorded continuously by trial and error in past thousands of years.
We must stop to irrationally look for critique to fight for ideological value in the delusional heaven, but, instead rationally look for solution to meet the needs of people’s life to strive for practical value in the actual earth.
1.1.. Introduce cancer treatment by injecting chemo into tumor within 10 minutes
The patented cancer treatment is to kill cancer by injecting chemo into tumor within 10 minutes without the need of medication and hospitalization and without harms the tissue or organ outside of tumor; patients can live in quality life as usual in comparison with the treatment in Radiation, Chemo and Surgery.
According to Cancer statistics at a glance - Canadian Cancer Society, in Canada 2017, an estimated 206,200 new cases of cancer, in average, 565 Canadians were diagnosed with cancer every day. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada and is responsible for 30% of all deaths.
The inventor Dr. Yu conceived the idea in 1990 when doctoral study in the United States, now, it has been nearly 30 years, Dr. Yu has never stop in perfecting the operation. In recent phone call, he said that he is in trying to use Robert for locating the accurate potion of injection needle into tumor. Obviously, the accurate potion of injection needle is very important and not easy to reach it.
We may have experience that there are many things that look simple, but once do it personally, we will find that the difficulty is far beyond our imagination. In this world, nothing is easy for doing. However, for those who are persistently striving toward determined goal, there nothing is difficult at all.
Thanks the hard work of Dr, Yu for creating an effective cancer treatment, so that we can help Canadian cancer patients to get treatment quickly with a quality life without suffer in unbearable medical burden, and the high efficiency of patented cancer treatment can largely save medical manpower in cancer treatment for the treatment of other diseases, thereby largely unload the overloaded healthcare system.
1.2.. Treat degenerative chronic diseases by OTC tablets Chinese medicinals
It said that in the U.S., there almost 20% of the average citizen's life spent chronically ill, and almost 75% of total social medical spending cost in chronic diseases, in Canada, it will be the same in the major.
Recent decades, China has developed large amount of OTC tablets Chinese medicinals based on TCM. people may find the bottled or boxed OTC tablets Chinese medicinals with instructions in any pharmacy of Chinese medicine world widely, and also if you tell the salesperson what kind of disease, he or she will quickly take the medicinal to you. The FDA, the EU and Canada were all legislated Chinese medicinals as nutrient supplements.
Modern studies revealed the mechanism of the magic effect of Chinese medicinals.
Nov. 7, 2017, article Plant Nutrient 'Cocktail' Kills Breast Cancer Cells reports that combined nutrients from daily foods turmeric, soybeans, broccoli, grapes and tea were ineffective against breast cancer cell growth; and the studies proved that Vitamin c and Vitamin E both showed inhibiting on tumors, which provided support for Chinese Medicine, since that Chinese Medicine is in rich such ingredients and is the base for taking therapeutic effect.
The natural Chinese medicinals are capable to improve gut microbiome and promote the expression of the nerve growth factor brain-derived neurotrophic factor - BDNF. Modern studies proved that human digestive system - Gut is second brain in producing 95% of Serotonin, neurons and most neurotransmitters, which means that we can treat diseases by improving the Gut-microbiome and thus there was reports that Nutrition Psychiatry is the future of mental health treatment.
Modern studies and clinical practice have also proved that OTC tablets Chinese medicinals can cure degenerative chronic diseases by the promotion of patients’ self-restoration.
Sep. 30, 2019, study reported that triple commonly used drugs combination has extended the lifespan of fruit flies by 48%. The researchers suggest that a combination drug treatment may be helpful at preventing age-related diseases in people and other studies have proved that combination of botanicals can produce synergistic effects with reducing side effects.
The age-related diseases are caused by degeneration in the physical function, as my view that the most of diseases are caused by degeneration in the physical function in all of ages, which mean that improving physical function is an approach for disease treatment and the treatment of Chinese medicinals are just focusing at this point.
The combo that combined by many OTC tablets Chinese medicinals together in keeping their own doses showed magic curative effect in thorny disease treatment.
Even though, those evidenced-based OTC tablets were compound formula on certain diseases, but, as my experience, the most powerful curative is at selecting many of them together as new combo in much more pharmaceuticals-integrated has showed more powerful synergetic effect in more less side effects, which is as that a weaker grenade is enhanced as hydrogen bomb, which is a magic to cure specific diseases with quick convincing recovery, such as:
The ischemic heart disease in one or two doses;
The Schizophrenia in days, and
The Alzheimer’s diseases in weeks;
According to Heart disease in Canada: Highlights from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System in 2017 on the website of government of Canada, the heart disease is the leading cause of hospitalization and the ischemic heart disease is the most common form of heart disease, is the first cause of premature mortality and the second leading cause of ill-health, disability or early death.
According to March-2008 report Stays in Canadian acute care hospitals costly: report: the costs of patient stays in acute care hospitals account for 47 per cent of hospital expenditures with biggest share of hospital spending. The average cost of an acute care hospital stay per patient is $7,000. Heart attacks and strokes were the most costly to treat in acute care hospitals, accounting for 19 per cent of inpatient costs in 2004 and 2005. A cardiac or stroke patient costs the hospital an average of $11,260 per stay.
Then please look at the burden of mental diseases
May 10, 2018, Ontario’s growing mental health demands have strained hospitals, such as Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket, in ways healthcare officials here haven’t seen before - a overcrowding with patients sleeping in meeting rooms, and three people squeezed into a room designed for one.
Wait times at Ontario hospitals climbed to record high this summer, data shows.
The Schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s diseases are both most thorny one for treatment with big burden socially, and OTC tablets Chinese medicine is just able to treat them.
In views that the treatment of Western medicine by looking pathogens for killing has hit on the wall, we must reset the direction of disease treatment towards the natural way of the Creator has prepared for humans at the time in busy creating human being; and the people of China has prepared them ready for enjoyment.
The evidence is clear, the use of OTC tablets Chinese medicinals will be largely improve the life quality of people. By good use of OTC tablets Chinese medicinals, we can treat chronic diseases by patients self-helping in self spending; thus, at the time, the patients are able to enjoy a healthy life, we are also able to unload the overloaded healthcare system radically.
Indeed, some daily foods can cure some thorny diseases. The key is at properly promote them.
1.. Vinegar: Dec. 1, 2019, the report Improved oral hygiene care is associated with decreased risk of occurrence for atrial fibrillation and heart failure: A nationwide population-based cohort study suggests that "Improved oral hygiene care was associated with decreased risk of atrial fibrillation and heart failure. Healthier oral hygiene by frequent tooth brushing and professional dental cleaning may reduce risk of atrial fibrillation and heart failure."
I feel that just brushing teeth with a toothbrush does not guarantee cleanliness, especially calculus. Dental diseases mainly come from calculus, which destroys the connection between the gingiva and teeth. My three teeth have been exposed, and I can't stand, and tried to gargle my mouth with water diluted 0.2% vinegar. it was not only no pain on my teeth, but also the decayed and sunken gingiva have grown again, and the black roots of teeth have disappeared.
2.. Cabbage: I have an ulcer on stomach by B-ultrasound and I always is in bloating. As long as I eat cabbage, the bloating will disappear. Googled found that cabbage is rich in vitamin K1 and vitamin U, which is conducive to healing and repair of gastric ulcers, and can also promote the activation of gastric cells and reduce the incidence of disease.
1.3.. By general hospital or Walk-in-Clinics replaces family doctor system
For the problem of long wait for treatment, that improper medical procedure was also one of the causes, in which, patients have to wander between scatter located family doctors, specialists, and laboratories, in most of time, the family doctors and specialists work as nurse to send patients to continue wandering somewhere else. In this process, each step needs a long time to wait.
The best way is by general hospital or Walk-in-Clinics replacing family doctor system (it was born in the Era of poor transportation) along with the natural retirement. Also we may attract family doctors to work in the Walk-in-Clinics by increasing their real incomes from sharing their saved in cutting off pays for self clinic rental, medical equipments and medical assistants, which will increase efficiency and avoid improper medical charging on government when services separately.
2.. The revival of manufacturing industry
A team of uOttawa studied Nortel's activities from 1997 to 2009 to conclude that Nortel failed amid 'culture of arrogance and hubris’, according to my experience, in daily production of many businesses, there were large amount of wastes that are easy preventable by simply improving equipments and I have made suggestions to the managements in all level, but failed due to their arrogance and hubris. The fact that 3M Canada saves energy 30% by the accountability of ISO50001 revealed that there is huge profit potential hides in low productivity and indicted effective means - accountability to easily excavate them out as enjoyable. The accountability integrates incentive can radically revive Canada’s manufacturing industry with about 10% profit gains with lesser spending.
3.. The strategy of CPP investment
In viewing that Japan’s Pension Fund Loses $52 Billion as Stocks Slump in April-June 2016 and Norway's Government Pension Fund in Oil Makes Every Norwegian a Millionaire, Canada pension Plan must retarget investment towards real economy of Canada by taking over all available wealth, especially, the farmland to develop in kind base and as key body of state-owned economy to make profit for all Canadians at the juncture of baby boomer generation farmers retiring.
4.. A nonpartisan assistant of government
We should develop Business Council of Canada as assistant in social governance with the advantage of political neutrally to avoid the harm of democratic opposition.
2.10.. Vinegar is magic versatile medicine with safest, handy and most affordable
The experiences of myself inspired me to dig the therapeutic effect of vinegar.
2.10.1.. Cured periodontal inflammation
Year ago, my teeth pain, I use vinegar to gargle mouth, the teeth pain was gone immediately, then I gargle mouth with vinegar every day.
Now, it was nearly one year, every day, I use toothpick brush to dip in vinegar and then brush the gaps between teeth one by one, see follow photo.
The enamel of my up left teeth nearby middle one has corrosion hole for over a year, but after gargling mouth with vinegar, it was not only not pain, but also covered by white hard objects, see follow photo.
The toothpick brush
The corrosion hole
Now, my periodontal inflammation eliminated, the local atrophy of the gums grew up again, and the loose teeth also stabled again, there was no periodontal inflammation and loose teeth any more.
No doubt, no any medications in Western pharmaceuticals can achieve such a curative results.
Suppose that I have gone to see dentist, he would help several of my teeth to enjoy in new place.
2.10.2.. Knee pain
I have been suffering from my right knee pain for years, it was not a persistent pain, but, in some cloudy day. It was cured after dinking vinegar entirely.
2.10.3.. Cured eczema
In the sweating summer, sometimes I have eczema behind my ears. The mucus of eczema was easily to stand on the finger and to be transmitted to other parts of the body. Any area once being touched, immediately infected without exception. I once used expensive prescription ointment and the effect is not satisfactory.
You may imagine the funny that smear sticky ointment on the sticky mucus of eczema, even if it can take effect, it may last at least a week.
Later, I smeared the area of eczema by 1-2 % of vinegar in volume, only within a few minutes; the area of eczema was dried up and healed entirely.
Indeed, the time of healing was just a time of the wet skin dried up. When smearing vinegar, there was slight feeling of stinging, but, it disappeared immediately without any feeling of uncomfortable.
Whether in East or West, the Vinegar was earlier as medicinally used.
The curative experiences accumulated to this day, vinegar has recognized as magic pharmaceutical with most broad-spectrum in the diseases treatment with safest. It shows curative effect almost on any conditions, which is unmatched by any known pharmaceuticals.
The medicinal use of vinegar in TCM
In China, the vinegar used as medicine for a long time and with a most wide range of treated diseases among all medicinal materials in TCM.
The treated disease by using vinegar in TCM, which summarized by Googling on Internet
Vinegar tastes sour and non-toxic
1. Eliminate blood stasis, 2. Stop bleeding, 3. Detoxification, 4. Insecticide, 5. Postpartum bleeding, 6. Phlegm, 7. Jaundice, 8. Yellow sweat, 9. Vomiting blood, 10. Blood stasis, 11. Blood in the stool, 12. Itching of the genitals, 13. Hemorrhoids, 14. Elimination of fish poison, 15. Kill vicious, 16. Joint pain, 17. Get rid of gas, 18. Cure heartache, 19. Enhance the efficacy of various drugs, 20. Benefit blood, 21. Treat sore throat, 22. Improve appetite, 23. Cure the fainting, 24. Treat the sleep dream; 25. Enhance lung, 26. Cure the diarrhea, 27. Nourish liver, 28. Strengthen the ribs, 29. Strengthen the bones, 30. Sober up, 31.Digest the food, 32. Tuberculosis, 33. Night sweats, 34. Antiperspirant; 35. Intestinal bleeding of typhoid fever, 36. Cure biliary ascariasis, 37. Elimination of cellulitis, 38. Elimination of erysipelas, 39. Elimination of abscess, 40. Cure mumps, 41. Cure mastitis, 42. Relieve chronic pain, 43. Cure Varicose Veins, 44. Cure irritable bowel syndrome, 45. Stop a cold, 46. Improve brain function, and so on.
Treating lime burns, soaking the affected area with 5% vinegar solution, the burning sting of the affected area and the symptoms of facial flushing can be immediately relieved; if a corrosive ulcer is formed, it can also be healed.
Some of the clinical studies in Western medicine
The curative effect on varicosity symptoms
Jan. 3, 2016, article The Effect of External Apple Vinegar Application on Varicosity Symptoms, Pain, and Social Appearance Anxiety: A Randomized Controlled Trial reports that:
There 120 patients were planned as an experimental, randomized, and controlled study on external apple vinegar application to evaluate with regard to cramps, pain, leg fatigue perception, edema, itching, pigmentation, and weight feelings in the leg, VAS, and SAAS averages.
The control group had a decrease in such symptoms (p > 0.05) although the decrease in the application group was higher and statistically meaningful (p < 0.05).
Conclusion, the result determined that the external application of apple vinegar on varicosity patients, which is a very easy application, increased the positive effects of conservative treatment.
An Alternate Natural Remedy for Symptomatic Relief of Helicobacter pylori Dyspepsia
Abdullah M Nasrat1*, Salwa AM Nasrat2, Randa M Nasrat3 and Mohammad M Nasrat4
1Department of Surgery, Balghsoon Clinic, Jeddah, KSA
2Department of Physical Therapy, Cardiac Surgery Academy, Cairo, Egypt
3Department of Internal Medicine, Helwan General Hospital, Helwan, Egypt
4Department of Internal Medicine, Helwan General Hospital, Helwan, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Abdullah M Nasrat, Department of Surgery, Balghsoon Clinic, Jeddah, PO Box 5261, KSA-21573; Tel: + 966 (012) 667 3645; E-mail:abdullahalnasrat@yahoo.com
Rec date: June 25, 2015 Acc date: July 22, 2015 Pub date: July 30, 2015
This study aimed at introducing a simple natural remedy for adequate clinical symptomatic relief of Helicobacter pylori dyspepsia.
Helicobacter pylori remains a challenging worldwide medical problem due to its extreme widespread prevalence, the lost quality of life of patients, the economic burden associated with its upper gastrointestinal symptoms and its close relation to acid peptic disease, gastric carcinoma and lymphoma. A massive knowledge has lately evolved concerning rediscovery and treatment of H. pylori; in fact, most of this information is exceedingly in need of re-assessment and redetermination. As acetate exists among the end products in the metabolism of H. pylori; therefore, vinegar could interfere with the energy metabolism and the respiratory chain of the bacterium according to the rules of feedback regulation and product inhibition.
Patients and Methods:
100 Patients were included in this study according to their clinical symptoms and serology testing. Their age ranged between 35-50 years, 11 patients were newly diagnosed. All were given a vinegar-mixed food or salad during meals for 10 days.
90 patients showed complete disappearance of their clinical symptoms. 7 patients showed incomplete relief of symptoms; their symptoms were relieved after revision of treatment. Recurrence occurred in 3 patients which were easily treated. Disappearance of clinical symptom was considered a clinical cure of symptoms with no need for further testing.
The natural remedy used in this study, acetic acid (dietary vinegar), proved to be simple, costless and effective, even the relief of clinical symptoms was immediate and rather dramatic. It constitutes a simple and decisive solution for the economic burden and the lost patient’s quality of life caused by H. pylori.
An Alternative Approach for the Rising Challenge of Hypertensive Illness via Helicobacter pylori Eradication
Salwa A. M. Nasrata and Abdullah M. Nasratb,c,d,e
Cardiol Res. 2015 Feb; 6(1): 221–225.
Published online 2015 Feb 9. doi: 10.14740/cr382e
The aim of the study was to demonstrate the effect of natural Helicobacter pylori eradication on blood pressure values. The prevalence of hypertension in developing countries has been considered by some reports a consequence of progress and life style changes. In spite of that, traditional risk factors do not appear fully sufficient to explain the rising figures of hypertensive illness which further indicates that attempts to control the problem depending upon traditional measures can never be adequate or decisive. H. pylori could migrate or get forced to migrate to the colon; it will continue producing ammonia for a reason or no reason leading to accumulation of profuse toxic amounts of ammonia, unopposed or buffered by any acidity, which could lead to multiple colonic and a high rectal spasm. A colonic re-absorptive error is established with excessive fluid and salt retention in the body that would definitely lead to hypertension which is supposed to remain inadequately controlled without correction of the underlying etiologic pathological error. It is a prospective study, conducted at Balghsoon Polyclinic, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Patients and Methods
A prospective study was held in Balghsoon Polyclinic, Saudi Arabia during the period from May 2011 to October 2013. The study included 99 different nationality male patients living in Saudi Arabia. The age of patients ranged between 25 and 55 years and they were receiving different groups of antihypertensive medications.
All patients followed a natural remedy for gastric and colon care to complete eradication of abnormal behavior H. pylori strains; 20 cc of dietary white vinegar 5-6% mixed with a food staff (white cheese, mashed potato or yoghurt which is the best preferred food stuff for the vinegar to be mixed with), two times daily during meals for 7 - 10 days [21]. Confirmation of H. pylori eradication by urea breath test and H. pylori fecal antigen was done at end of natural therapy [20]. All individuals included in the study were treated as outpatients.
Ninety patients were able to resume normal blood pressure (BP) values and quit their medications.
The concept of the colonic re-absorptive error considered in this study is not just hypothetical as upon its basis, most patients of the study (90.9%) were able to quit medications and maintain normal BP values.
The concept of the colonic re-absorptive error considered in this study is not just hypothetical as upon the basis of this concept; most of the patients of the study (90.9%) were able to quit their medications and maintain normal BP values by mere natural eradication of H. pylori, colon care and colon clear, although they were inadequately controlled in spite of regular follow-up of medications and extreme carefulness about their style of life.
Revision of the current guidelines of H. pylori eradication and management of hypertension may be needed. Therapy with dietary vinegar and natural senna purge is a promising remedy and is worthy of further accurate determination and wider practical applications.
The safety of vinegar
Toxicity Data Acetic Acid Glacial 99%
• Oral Rat LD50 3310 mg/kg • Intravenous Mouse LD50 525 mg/kg
• Skin Rabbit LD50 1060 mg/kg • Inhalation Mouse LC50 5620 ppm
A self recovered case of vinegar seriously injured throat
Oct. 2002, the report Corrosive oesophageal injury following vinegar ingestion introduced that A 39-year-old woman suspected a small piece of crab shell lodged in her throat. She drank one tablespoon of household rice vinegar in the belief that it would dissolve the shell, but, the sensation of foreign body and pain persisted.
The patient attended a general out-patient clinic in the next day and was referred to an emergency department.
The endoscopic check found the inflammation of the oropharynx and second-degree caustic injury of the oesophagus (Fig 1) and the cardia (Fig 2) about 22 to 30 cm. There was no evidence of a foreign body. The stomach and duodenum were normal. She was discharged with antacids.
She was entirely symptom-free at the follow-up visit in week later, endoscopy was not repeated. At another follow-up visit in 4 months later, she remained symptom-free.
A self-recovered case of vinegar injured throat and esophago-gastric
January 1991, a report Esophago-gastric mucosal injury following vinegar ingestion introduced that, a 62 year-old woman was endoscopied for odynophagia and investigation of a foreign body in the esophagus. She mistakenly swallowed a fish bone 4 days prior to endoscopy and she drank 50 CCs of rice vinegar (acetic acid, 4.2%) in order to soften the ingested bone.
The panendoscopy revealed diffuse reddish swollen mucosa with scattered erosions and ulcerations from the oropharynx level down to the esophago-gastric junction of the esophagus. Acute erosive gastritis excepting the antro-pyloric region was observed. The duodenal bulb was not affected and no foreign body was discovered.
A follow-up endoscopy after 3 weeks of antacid therapy revealed no gastric lesions other than minimal esophagitis. The patient presented with no symptoms.
Apple cider vinegar can cure Psoriasis
There were reports that Apple Cider Vinegar can cure Psoriasis.
Medicinal uses of vinegar introduced by articles in English
1.. Weight loss. 2. Teeth whitening. 3. Constipation. 4. Cardiovascular Disease. 5. Diabetes. 6. Cognitive effects. 7. Blood Sugar. 8. Cancer. 9. Skin. 10. Oral Health, 11. Antibacterial. 11. Allergies. 12. Inflammation. 13. Fertility. 14. Detoxification. 15. pH Balance. 16. reduced acid reflux. 17. osteoporosis prevention. 18. dandruff treatment. 19. energy booster. 20. a reduction in cramps. 21. hiccups. 22. Allergies. 23. reduce acid reflux. 24. osteoporosis prevention. 25. energy booster. 26. hiccups. 27. Arthritis. 29. Eczema.
Vinegar will be the best therapy that will largely reduce the load of universal healthcare
Vinegar will be the most affordable medication with most wide range of therapeutic effects for helping people self-help in diseases treatment and health keeping, as a best way out for the plight of universal healthcare in Canada to reduce long waits for treatment and over hospitalized.
New version antibiotic on the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections will be no better than Vinegar
Sept 21, 2018, there was report that FDA approved infectious disease product (QIDP) of MicuRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc., for the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections.
I have confidence for Vinegar will be much better in quick curative than that of above new version antibiotic, besides no bad side effect and lesser expensive as same as free in comparison with those synthetics.
Vinegar can control the estrus of sows.
Some sows may be estrus in 3 to 6 days after delivery, but because the ovarian function has not fully recovered, they cannot be pregnant or have a low pregnancy rate. At this time, if fed the sow with 500 ml of vinegar, in the next day, the sow can be quiet down; then in following two days, fed 500 ml of vinegar in each day, the sows can be returned to normal. For sows that do not estrus for a long time after weaning, fed 500 ml of vinegar. After 3 days, the sows will be estrus.
2.11.. Cabbage is a magic medicine that can cure many diseases, especially gastritis
Years ago, B-ultrasound once found a stomach ulcer, I often suffer stomach bloating for years. I once took Western drug prescribed by doctors. Google found that the drug only inhibits the secretion of the gastric acid with has side effects, of course, without a better curative.
Later I found that, many times, after eating cabbage, the bloating feeling disappeared. Google and was surprised, the cabbage is one of the health foods recommended by the World Health Organization, and even there is article called it a stomach medicine.
Now, the Cabbage in my daily diet, and of course, I have no feeling of bloating.
As my view, the Cabbage is No. 1 curative medication for stomach problems, any drug can't be compared.
2.11.1.. The medicinal use of Cabbage in China
In China, there were records of Cabbage as medicinal use in 1400 years ago in the book of Essential Formulas for Emergencies that listed about 5300 recipes, in which described Cabbage as: sweet, non-toxic; nourish internal organs, long-term diet benefits the kidneys, benefits the marrow and brain. The seeds can cure sleepy.
The writer was Sun Simiao (541 or 581 - 682) who was a famous doctor in TCM and was titled as China's King of Medicine with tremendous care to his patients.
The book Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica (Author Zhao Xuemin 1719 –1805) was also mentioned that Cabbage can nourish bone marrow, enhance internal organs, dredge meridians, improve ears and eyes, fitness, sober brain, enhance heart, strengthen bones, cure jaundice, cure digestive ulcers and pain, cure arthritis; long-term diet benefit kidney.
2.11.2.. Modern pharmaceutical studies
On the website of www.webmd.com there are systematic introduction about medicinal use of Cabbage, I reproduce as follow.
Cabbage is used for stomach pain, stomach and intestinal ulcers, acid reflux (GERD), a stomach condition called Roemheld syndrome, and high cholesterol. Cabbage is also used to treat asthma and morning sickness. It is also used to prevent weak bones (osteoporosis), as well as cancer of the lung, stomach, colon, breast and other types of cancer.
Insufficient Evidence for
Bladder cancer: There is some evidence that people who eat large amounts of cabbage and related vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, have a lower risk of developing bladder cancer.
Colorectal cancer: There is some evidence that people who eat large amounts of cabbage and related vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, have a lower risk of developing colorectal cancer.
Stomach cancer: There is some evidence that people who eat large amounts of cabbage and related vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, have a lower risk of developing stomach cancer.
High cholesterol. Early research suggests that adding cabbage and broccoli to a beverage containing fruit and other vegetables for 3-9 weeks might lower "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in people with high cholesterol.
Lung cancer: There is some evidence that people who eat large amounts of cabbage and related vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, have a lower risk of developing lung cancer.
Osteoarthritis: Early research shows that applying cabbage leaf wraps to the knees for at least 2 hours per day for 4 weeks reduces pain in people with knee osteoarthritis. The cabbage leaf wraps seem to work as effectively as applying gel containing the medicine diclofenac.
Pancreatic cancer: There is some evidence that people who eat large amounts of cabbage have a lower risk of developing pancreatic cancer.
Prostate cancer: Some evidence shows that people who eat large amounts of cabbage and related vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. However, other evidence shows no benefit.
Stomach pain; Stomach and intestinal ulcers; Excess stomach acid; Asthma; Morning sickness; Preventing osteoporosis.
Applied to skin: For enlarged and painful breasts during breast-feeding: Cabbage leaves are prepared by stripping out the large vein of the cabbage leaf, cutting a hole for the nipple, and then rinsing and chilling the leaf. The chilled cabbage leaf is worn inside the bra or as a compress under a cool towel until the cabbage leaf reaches body temperature (approximately 20 minutes). This procedure is repeated 1-4 times daily for 1-3 days.
Side Effects & Safety
Cabbage is LIKELY SAFE when consumed in food amounts. It is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people when taken by mouth in medicinal amounts or when applied to the skin, short-term. Some people have reported pain and burning sensations when applying cabbage to the skin. But this is uncommon.
Rapid Healing of Peptic Ulcers in Patients Receiving - Fresh Cabbage Juice
GARNETT CHENEY, M.D., San Francisco January,1949
Thirteen patients with peptic ulcer were treated with fresh cabbage juice, which, experiments have indicated, contains an antipeptic ulcer factor. This factor (vitamin U) prevents the development of histamin-induced peptic ulcers in guinea pigs.
The average crater healing time for seven of these patients who had duodenal ulcer was only 10.4 days, while the average time as reported in the literature, in 62 patients treated by standard therapy, was 37 days.
The average crater healing time for six patients with -gastric ulcer treated with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, ompared with 42 days, as reported in the literature, for six patients treated by standard therapy.
The rapid healing of peptic ulcers observed radiologically and gastroscopically in 13 patients treated with fresh cabbage juice indicates that the anti-peptic ulcer dietary factor may play an important role in the genesis of peptic ulcer in man.
The Use Of Vitamin U For Gastric Ulcer Recovery
The ulcer-healing factor of cabbage (S-methylmethionine) is often referred to as “vitamin U”. The initial study used a litre of raw, cabbage juice that was consumed throughout each day. Based upon the results of the studies, the authors appear to suggest a protocol lasting 10-13 days.
Use of Cabbage Juice (vitamin U)
Early studies recognized the effectiveness of raw cabbage juice in normalizing gastric and intestinal functioning. Glutamine and methionine derivatives present in the juice are believed to be the active principals. Specific attention has been focused on methionine S-methyl sulfonium (MMS) in the chlorinated form. Traditionally, this compound (MMS) has been referred to as “Vitamin U”, although it does not meet the classic definition of a vitamin. MMS has a variety of documented effects including stimulating the formation of gastric mucous, serving as an antioxidant, and acting as a methyl donor for a variety of acceptors. One study concluded that MMS supported the normal healing process of the stomach following exposure to non steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDS). Due to the high turnover rate of the gastrointestinal mucosa, vitamin A need is significantly.
Vitamin U, administered as raw cabbage juice to 100 patients with peptic ulcer, was apparently effective in promoting the rapid healing of uncomplicated peptic ulcers. The evidence of therapeutic benefit was;
1.. the rapid relief of the symptom, pain, without the use of any set plan of symptomatic treatment, and
2.. ulcer crater healing time (determined roentgenographically) considerably shorter than in groups of cases, reported in the literature, in which “standard” types of diet and drug therapy were employed.
“The average crater healing time for seven of these patients who had duodenal ulcer was only 10.4 days, while the average time as reported in the literature, in 62 patients treated by standard therapy, was 37 days… The average crater healing time for six patients with gastric ulcer treated with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, compared with 42 days, as reported in the literature, for six patients treated by standard therapy.”
The initial study, entitled “Rapid Healing of Peptic Ulcers in Patients Receiving Fresh Cabbage Juice” was considered of inadequate interest by the medical establishment to make these experiences better known. The primary author further demonstrated with 2 more studies done in 1952 and 1956, with identical outcomes that vitamin U, is an effective treatment, and this was before the idea that bacteria may be deterministic causal factor.
Other report about the pharmaceutical effect of Cabbage
The Mandarin article Cabbage: thrombus plaque cleaner, natural medicine for stomach introduces Cabbage medicinal effects in many aspects. Cabbage is a magic stomach medicine
Cabbage contains a large amount of vitamins B1, B2, C, U, cellulose, carbohydrates and various minerals, of which vitamin U has a repairing effect on gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer lesions. Cabbage is also known as a natural "stomach", which not only prevents gastric ulcer, protects and repairs the gastric mucosa, but also maintains the normal function of the stomach cells and reduces the chance of disease. Liver protection
In the field of international medicine, cabbage is an important liver-protecting drug, mainly for common liver diseases such as fatty liver, alcoholic liver and liver dysfunction. The chemical composition of cabbage is rich in cysteine and high-quality protein, which are important elements in assisting liver detoxification. Anti-Cancer
Cabbage is rich in sulforaphane. This substance stimulates the body's cells to produce enzymes that are beneficial to the body, thereby forming a protective film against the erosion of foreign carcinogens. Sulforaphane is the strongest anti-cancer ingredient among the vegetables found so far.
Cabbage is rich in propyl isothiocyanate derivatives, which can kill abnormal cells that cause leukemia in humans. thrombus plaque cleaner
Cabbage ranks third among the best foods recommended by the World Health Organization and is rich in water-soluble vitamin C. Its rich dietary fiber and carotene can lower cholesterol, help blood pressure to be more stable, and prevent atherosclerosis. It is an auxiliary diet for patients with arteriosclerosis and obesity. Therefore, cabbage is the cleanup worker for wastes in blood. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
Fresh cabbage has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. When you have sore throat, traumatic pain, stomach pain, or toothache, you can drink or apply the cabbage to the affected area. Prevent anemia and fetal malformations
Cabbage is rich in folic acid, and folic acid has a good preventive effect on megaloblastic anemia and fetal malformation. Therefore, pregnant women, anemia patients, and children and adolescents should eat more. Anti-aging, anti-oxidation
Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, etc. The total vitamin content is three times higher than that of tomato. Therefore, it has strong anti-oxidation and anti-aging effects. Japanese scientists believe that the anti-aging and anti-oxidation effects of cabbage are also at a high level with asparagus and cauliflower. Enhance heart
As mentioned above, ancient records of China indicates that Cabbage can sober brain, modern study show that Cabbage helps maintain healthy blood pressure and heart.
The cabbage contains potassium that is a vasodilator, which means it opens up the arteries and veins and facilitates easy flow of blood. This simple expansion of arteries helps protect against high blood pressure and also decreases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Because of its ability to open up blood vessels, cabbage will also help prevent varicose veins and leg ulcers.
Cabbage Is The Secret Weapon Against Heart Disease - YouTube. Cabbage can keep brain sober and healthy
As mentioned above, ancient China records that Cabbage can sober brain. Modern studies show that anthocyanins and vitamin K within cabbage can provide a strong boost to concentration levels and overall mental functioning. Red cabbage contains even higher levels of these important brain-fueling components, and that is why it's recommended for sufferers of dementia and neural degeneration.
2.4.. Human body has magic capacity in self-healing and adaptive self-restoration
The article Neuroplasticity explained the capacity of the nervous system to change its structure and its function over a lifetime, in reaction to environmental diversity.
Follow was some excerpt.
For a long time the notion of continued neuronal birth in the adult brain was considered heretic. Scientists believed that neurons died and were never substituted by new ones. Since 1944, but mostly in recent years, the existence of neurogenesis has become scientifically established.
Brain neuroplasticity is the ability for the brain to recover and restructure itself. This adaptive potential of the nervous system allows the brain to recover after disorders or injuries and to reduce the effects of altered structures due to pathologies such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, cognitive deterioration, Alzheimer's, dyslexia, ADHD, insomnia, etc.
The neurobiological decline accompanies aging; the older adults perform worse than young adults on tests of neurocognitive performance. However, not all older adults exhibit lower performance. Some do as well as their younger counterparts.
This unexpected behavioral advantage for a sub-group of aging individuals has been scientifically investigated and it was found that, when processing new information, higher performing older adults recruit the same brain regions as do the younger adults, but, also recruit additional brain regions that young and low performing older adults do not activate.
Researchers have pondered on this over-recruitment of brain regions in high performing older adults and have generally reached the conclusion that recruitment of additional cognitive resources reflects a compensatory strategy. In the presence of age-related deficits and decreased synaptic plasticity which accompany aging, the brain, once again manifests its multi-source plasticity by re-organizing its neurocognitive networks.
Studies show that the brain reaches this functional solution through the activation of alternative neural pathways, which most often activate regions in both hemispheres (when only one is activated in the younger adults).
The discussion of article Neuroplasticity is limited in the brain. However, many recovered cases show that the capacity of adaptive changes in structure and function over lifetime in reaction to environmental diversity is not limited in the brain, but happened in the other part of body, even, harmful transplanted-cancer on rats self-disappeared or shrunk under positive psychology from larger group socially activities.
May 7, 2015, the article The body can heal itself, but sometimes it needs help indicates that “Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal. It is one of the most important bodily functions, right up there with regulating blood pressure and digesting our food. From recovering after falls and injuries to dealing with bacteria, viruses, bad food and toxins, we have ancient, built-in mechanisms designed to defend and repair ourselves.” “But we don’t often think of engaging our healing capacity when we are sick. We just assume it failed us, and the best option is to attack the disease, typically with a medication or, in more severe cases, surgery.
“Most of us are not even aware that there is another way to approach health and illness.” “Our bodies can heal almost anything. When they don’t, it often isn’t because the disease is too powerful. The problem is that the body’s own healing mechanism is impaired. The best approach is to restore this natural mechanism. It typically does not need to be “supercharged” or ramped up — just allowed to do its work.”
“One very common area where our healing gets blocked is at the joints and muscles. This makes sense when you read that joint and muscle problems cause the most disability and are the single most expensive category of health care problems.”
“Spinal manipulation — the treatment doctors of chiropractic and osteopathy specialize in — helps the healing process by releasing joints that have become immobile, stiff, dysfunctional and out of alignment. This not only helps ease local pain but improves overall body function.”
“Manipulation has been shown to help improve vertigo, migraines, digestion, breathing, even circulation. Patients accept that manipulation can improve overall health, especially when they experience it themselves. There is an obvious physical treatment, sometimes with an audible “click” and often immediate relief.”
“Acupuncture, on the other hand, takes a little more explaining. I explain it to my patients by saying it restores the energy flow in the body, similar to how an electrician can find and fix a blown circuit in your home. Once the power is turned on, things start running again, including your internal repairs. The treatment is very subtle, but it can release the most powerful healing force of all: your own body.”
“It’s no wonder our first impulse is to take on the disease instead of engage our innate healing powers. We have been programmed by thousands of drug ads, as well as news reports of some new miracle drug or surgery. We can see how pervasive this way of thinking is when we read that nearly 50 percent of the U.S. population is on at least one prescription drug; when you include over-the-counter medications, that number swells to 80 percent. Last year, U.S. drug stores filled more than 4 billion prescriptions — not including medications given while in the hospital. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2010 there were 51.4 million inpatient procedures, mostly surgeries and invasive testing such as cardiac catheterizations or colonoscopies.”
“Besides the financial costs, this reliance on drugs and surgery has a downside. Prescription medications have been estimated to be the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. One study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that 25 percent of patients were harmed during their hospital stay.” “With numbers like this, we could use a little more treatment aimed at restoring health and a little less focus on disease.”
2.4.1.. Brain is always in dynamic functional redistribution with the physical needs
Follow is an experiment of the redistribution of functional areas in monkey brain with the changes of external environment from a video Lecture about brain and learning on Youtube.
The speaker is the Prof. Daisy L. Hung, the Ph.D., experimental psychology at the University of California, and a brain scientist. Currently she is the Director and Chair Professor, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, College of Science, National Central University, Taiwan.
The monkey's five fingers from the thumb to little thumb numbered as 1- 5, which controlled by the population of brain cells in the regions 1- 5 in the brain respectively.
After the middle finger was removed for three months, the region 3 of the brain that originally controls the middle finger disappeared, and was divided into the brain regions that control neighboring fingers.
Follow is the video screenshot of the lecture.
Photo source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf_dAGlDRWI&t=200s
Prof. Daisy L. Hung explained that human brain is staying in the process of dynamic balancing; it only can develop when using frequently. The increase of the brain regions 2 and 4 also shows the increase of the physiological functions of fingers 3 and 4 in taking more daily physical tasks.
Follow are some real cases in self-recovered.
2.4.2.. A man who live in a normal life after damaged-half-brain was fully removed,
MRI scan found that some areas on right brain have developed as the function of being removed brain.
Follow was his photo.
2.4.3.. A British stroke man who has been 'left to die” by doctors, but himself stood up in 6 months through moving bodies by will, which started from a big toe, then other areas of body.
Follow was his photo.
2.4.4.. A man live an entirely normal life as a married civil servant with two children despite his brain with a huge fluid-filled chamber called a ventricle taking up most of the room in his skull, leaving little more than a thin sheet of actual brain tissue. Follow was the photo that article provided.
The man went to a hospital after he had mild weakness in his left leg. When Feuillet’s staff took his medical history, they learned he had had a shunt inserted into his head to drain away hydrocephalus — water on the brain — as an infant. The shunt was removed when he was 14.
So the researchers did a computed tomography (CT) scan and another type of scan called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). They were astonished to see “massive enlargement” of the lateral ventricles — usually tiny chambers that hold the cerebrospinal fluid that cushions the brain.
Intelligence tests showed the man had an IQ of 75, below the average score of 100 but not considered mentally retarded or disabled, either.
2.4.5.. A boy who lost a large part of his brain to a brain tumor has recovered to a remarkable degree, the rest of his brain having rewired itself to compensate. Follow was the photo of the boy.
Surgeons removed a third of one entire lobe of Tanner Collins’ brain to stop seizures caused by a benign brain tumor when he was 6. With it went the entire visual processing center for his left eye. But the remaining part of his brain has adjusted.
Although he lost the part of his brain that normally processes face recognition, Tanner, now 12, says he recognizes people normally.
2.4.6.. A girl with half a brain becomes fluent in two languages
May 23, 2002, article Girl with half a brain becomes fluent in two languages
The remaining half of Busra's brain has compensated for the missing speech centre
A girl of seven who had half her brain removed, including its speech centre, has astonished doctors by becoming fluent in two languages.
Her doctor said her recovery highlighted the flexibility of the brain, even after the most traumatic surgery.
Busra was diagnosed with Rasmussen syndrome, a rare, progressive disorder that affects just one side of the brain, at the age of three.
Surgeons at Utrecht University Hospital in Holland decided that the left hemisphere, which included the speech centre, had to be removed. The gap was filled with marrow fluid during the hemispherectomy.
Earlier this year, Dr Johannes Borgstein, an ear, nose and throat specialist at Rotterdam Hospital was treating Busra for tonsillitis.
"She was fairly well and we had decided not to take out her tonsils but realised that she had this enormous case file," he said.
"We generally have just seven minutes for each patient but I thought I had to take a look through it. The word hemispheric kept occurring and we then came across an MRI brain scan and that is when we saw that there was only half of her brain left.
"Apart from a slightly awkward handshake the first impression was unremarkable. Fluently bilingual, she had been arguing with her little sister in perfectly-constructed Dutch, then turned to answer her mother in Turkish."
Dr Borgstein said Busra's sight was impaired but that she could hear perfectly with both ears, the right side of her brain having compensated completely for the lack of the left side.
"It was amazing. I had to tell my students to forget all the neurophysiological theory they were learning," he said. "If this little girl could achieve so much with only half a brain what could we not do with a complete one?" Children will often recover well from a hemispherectomy up until the age of 10. If the operation is carried out before the age of eight, they will usually recover language.
Before the operation Busra had had problems with co-ordination of her right side and some difficulties with language, a result of the epilepsy which accompanies Rasmussen syndrome.
Dr Borgstein said: "We should see the brain as a dynamic system fully capable of functional reorganisation to re-establish the most essential functions for independent survival, rather than the somewhat static collection of neurons it is often made out to be."
2.4.7.. A 10 years old British girl Kirsty Collier's heart grew back after a third was removed when she was in 4 months old due to heart attack.
Follow was her photo.
2.4.8.. The transplanted-cancer of rats disappeared or shrunk by group socially activities with large group of 20 in a larger room, but, has no changes for those rats were in small group of 5.
Above cases revealed that human body has magic capability in self-healing and adaptive self-restoration, which subverted our traditional cognition. It inspired us to recognize the nature of human diseases and the way of treatment.
2.5.. It is 60,000 miles of blood vessels in supporting self-healing and self-restoration
The article 10 Amazing Facts About Your Blood Vessels on the website Everyday Health: Human blood vessels are amazingly long, if they were laid out in a line, they would measure more than 60,000 miles in length; the U.S. National Institute on Aging (NIA) calculates.
The article Anatomy and Ultrastructure - The Cerebral Circulation on the website NCBI Bookshelf: The capillary bed of the brain is comprised of a dense network of intercommunicating vessels that total length is ~400 miles. In the brain, all capillaries are perfused with blood at all times, and it has been estimated that nearly every neuron in the brain has its own capillary, demonstrating the critical relationship between the neuronal and vascular compartments.
Now, we have clear that it is the 60,000 miles of blood vessels in supporting oxygen and nutrient exchange by red blood cells to nourish our surviving.
2.6.. The Gut-brain-axis triggered the revolution in medical philosophy and diseases treatment
The new finding of Gut–brain axis triggered the updating of medical Philosophy from Reductionism to Holism with the revolution in the way of diseases treatment, such as, nutritional psychiatry will be the future of mental health treatment.
What is Gut-Brain Axis?
June 27, 2017, the article The Simplified Guide to the Gut-Brain Axis – How the Gut and The Brain Talk to Each Other provides a good explanation, follow is the excerpt.
The gut-brain axis (GBA) is a bidirectional link between the central nervous system (CNS) and the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the body. It involves direct and indirect pathways between cognitive and emotional centres in the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. The GBA involves complex crosstalk between the endocrine (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis), immune (cytokine and chemokines) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
The GBA primarily combines the sympathetic and parasympathetic arms of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which drives both afferent and efferent neural signals between the gut and the brain, respectively. The HPA axis meanwhile coordinates adaptive responses against stress including activation of memory and emotional centres in the limbic system of the brain.
The neuro-immuno-endocrine mediators of the GBA allow the brain to influence intestinal function (immune cells, epithelial cells, enteric neurons, and smooth muscle cells). Moreover, the cells of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are also under the influence of the gut microbiota and recent evidence suggests that there is an emerging concept whereby the microbiome plays an important role in the GBA structure.
Within the gut, there are approximately 1014 microorganisms, which is around 10 fold more cells than there are cells in the human body. Collectively, the genetic material of the microbiome is approximately 150 times greater than the human genome.
This is particularly important given the rise in modern antimicrobial treatments, disinfectant use and harsh cleaning products that are frequently marketed and sold as necessary for good human health.
Within the gut, the bacterial phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes are approximately 75% of the gut microbiota and both of these phyla are very sensitive to change. [2]
Disruptions to the microbiome are increasingly becoming associated with the prevalence of allergies, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders and neuropsychiatric disorders that affect today’s society.
Above is the excerpt.
Dec. 12, 2016, the article The gut bone is connected to the brain bone provides a picture that is a better intuitive description about the Gut–brain axis, I reproduce as follow.
Source: https://illawarraathletic.com.au/gut-brain-axis/
2.6.1.. How gastrointestinal tract works as a part of nerve system?
Nov. 16, 2015, Harvard Health Blog posts article Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food to have well pointed out the work mechanism of Gut–brain axis or Nutrition Psychiatry that nutrition is in affecting emotion, I excerpt main point as follow.
Our brain is always “on.” It takes care of our thoughts and movements, our breathing and heartbeat, our senses. This means our brain requires a constant supply of fuel. That “fuel” comes from the foods you eat — and what’s in that fuel makes all the difference in directly affecting the structure and function of our brain and, ultimately, our mood.
Today, fortunately, the burgeoning field of nutritional psychiatry is finding there are many consequences and correlations between not only what you eat, how you feel, and how you ultimately behave, but also the kinds of bacteria that live in your gut.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate sleep and appetite, mediate moods, and inhibit pain. Since about 95% of your serotonin is produced in your gastrointestinal tract, and your gastrointestinal tract is lined with a hundred million nerve cells, or neurons, it makes sense that the inner workings of your digestive system don’t just help you digest food, but also guide your emotions.
What’s more, the function of these neurons — and the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin — is highly influenced by the billions of “good” bacteria that make up your intestinal microbiome. These bacteria play an essential role in your health. They protect the lining of your intestines and ensure they provide a strong barrier against toxins and “bad” bacteria; they limit inflammation; they improve how well you absorb nutrients from your food; and they activate neural pathways that travel directly between the gut and the brain.
Studies have shown that when people take probiotics (supplements containing the good bacteria), their anxiety levels, perception of stress, and mental outlook improve, compared with people who did not take probiotics.
Other studies have compared “traditional” diets, like the Mediterranean diet and the traditional Japanese diet, to a typical “Western” diet and have shown that the risk of depression is 25% to 35% lower in those who eat a traditional diet. Scientists account for this difference because these traditional diets tend to be high in vegetables, fruits, unprocessed grains, and fish and seafood, and to contain only modest amounts of lean meats and dairy.
They are also void of processed and refined foods and sugars, which are staples of the “Western” dietary pattern. In addition, many of these unprocessed foods are fermented, and therefore act as natural probiotics. Fermentation uses bacteria and yeast to convert sugar in food to carbon dioxide, alcohol, and lactic acid. It is used to protect food from spoiling and can add a pleasant taste and texture.
This may sound implausible to you, but the notion that good bacteria not only influence what your gut digests and absorbs, but that they also affect the degree of inflammation throughout your body, as well as your mood and energy level, is gaining traction among researchers. The results so far have been quite amazing.
2.6.2.. Nutritional medicine is developing as mainstream in psychiatry
July 2015, the Lancet Psychiatry published article Nutritional medicine as mainstream in psychiatry with a summary: “Psychiatry is at an important juncture, with the current pharmacologically focused model having achieved modest benefits in addressing the burden of poor mental health worldwide. Although the determinants of mental health are complex, the emerging and compelling evidence for nutrition as a crucial factor in the high prevalence and incidence of mental disorders suggests that diet is as important to psychiatry as it is to cardiology, endocrinology, and gastroenterology.”
“Evidence is steadily growing for the relation between dietary quality (and potential nutritional deficiencies) and mental health, and for the select use of nutrient-based supplements to address deficiencies, or as monotherapies or augmentation therapies. We present a viewpoint from an international collaboration of academics (members of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research), in which we provide a context and overview of the current evidence in this emerging field of research, and discuss the future direction. We advocate recognition of diet and nutrition as central determinants of both physical and mental health.”
Mar. 1, 2018, article Why nutritional psychiatry is the future of mental health treatment indicates that, Nutritional psychiatry is a growing discipline that focuses on the use of food and supplements to provide these essential nutrients as part of an integrated or alternative treatment for mental health disorders.
June 13, 2018, article Nutritional Psychiatry’s Growing Importance in the Treatment of Mood Disorders discussed about the link of the probiotics with mental health, I excerpt main point as follow.
One of the most important power-players in mental health and wellbeing is the neurotransmitter serotonin. It allows the body and mind to manage mood, regulate sleep, appetite and even reduces physical pain. However, there 95 percent of the body’s serotonin is produced not in the brain, but in the gastrointestinal tract.
More and more research is linking a healthy digestive system directly to an individual’s mental health. Now, dietary interventions for the treatment of common mental disorders, like anxiety and depression, are gaining momentum. Today, the burgeoning field of Nutritional Psychiatry is finding there are many consequences and correlations between not only what you eat, how you feel and ultimately behave, but also the kinds of bacteria that live in your gut.
March 1, 2018, article Why nutritional psychiatry is the future of mental health treatment talked about Nutritional psychiatry, I excerpt main point as follow.
A lack of essential nutrients is known to contribute to the onset of poor mental health in people suffering from anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and ADHD. Nutritional psychiatry is a growing discipline that focuses on the use of food and supplements to provide these essential nutrients as part of an integrated or alternative treatment for mental health disorders.
The role of probiotics – the beneficial live bacteria in your digestive system – in improving mental health has also been explored by psychiatrists and nutritionists, who found that taking them daily was associated with a significant reduction in depression and anxiety.
The field of Nutritional Psychiatry is relatively new, however there are observational data regarding the association between diet quality and mental health across countries, cultures and age groups – depression in particular. Here are links to some systematic reviews and meta-analyses:
There are also now two interventions suggesting that dietary improvement can prevent depression:
Diet during early life is also linked to mental health outcomes in children (very important from public health perspective):
Extensive animal data show that dietary manipulation affects brain plasticity and there are now data from humans to suggest the same:
Finally, while there are yet to be published RCTs testing dietary improvement as a treatment strategy for depression, the first of these is underway and results will be published within six months:
2.7.. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a magic health promoter in easy controllable
In 1951, Nerve growth factor (NGF) was discovered due to its trophic (survival- and growth-promoting) effects on sensory and sympathetic neurons, In 1982, the second member of the “neurotrophic” family of neurotrophic factors, the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was discovered with promoting survival of a subpopulation of dorsal root ganglion neurons.
Dec 10, 2015, article Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and its clinical implications introduces that: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is widely expressed in the Central nervous system, gut and other tissues. it plays an important role in neuronal survival and growth, serves as a neurotransmitter modulator, and participates in neuronal plasticity, which is essential for learning and memory. BDNF regulates glucose and energy metabolism and prevents exhaustion of β cells. Decreased levels of BDNF are associated with neurodegenerative diseases with neuronal loss, such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Huntington's disease, and bipolar disease; thus, BDNF may be useful in the prevention and management of several diseases.
Above introduction regarding the physiological function of the BDNF seems not enough. Recent years, more and more studies show that the development of various diseases associated with the expression of BDNF. The occurrence of many diseases was shown the decrease of its expression, and the cure of many diseases is through the increase of its expression.
2.7.1.. Lifestyles affect health condition through affecting the expression of BDNF
Many findings have shown that lifestyles are decisively affect health condition through affecting the expression of BDNF. Follow is some the reports. Social isolation harms health through the decrease in the expression of BDNF
May 31, 2017, the article The Evidence for Altered BDNF Expression in the Brain of Rats Reared or Housed in Social Isolation: A Systematic Review reports that “social isolation of rats elicits chronic stress and is widely used as an animal model of mental disorders such as schizophrenia and depression. We carried out a systematic search of published studies to review current evidence for an altered expression of BDNF in the brain of rats reared or housed in social isolation. Across all age groups (post-weaning, adolescent, adult), majority of the identified studies (16/21) reported a decreased expression of BDNF in the hippocampus.”
November 29, 2015, article Loneliness May Warp Our Genes, And Our Immune Systems said that: Loneliness has been linked to everything from heart disease to Alzheimer's disease. Depression is common among the lonely. Cancers tear through their bodies more rapidly, and viruses hit them harder and more frequently. In the short term, it feels like the loneliness will kill you. A study suggests that's because the pain of loneliness activates the immune pattern of a primordial response commonly known as fight or flight.
There were many related reports.
Longitudinal Study of Loneliness and Depression as Predictors of Health in Mid- to Later Life
Loneliness triggers unhealthy immune response, study finds | UCLA
Loneliness Can Literally Suppress Your Immune System
Loneliness May Warp Our Genes, And Our Immune Systems - NPR
Loneliness alters the immune system to cause illness, study finds ...
Loneliness Affects Our Immune System & Loneliness and health
Loneliness 'may affect the immune system' - Health News - NHS Choices
Loneliness triggers biological changes which cause illness and early ...
Loneliness Is Bad for Your Health, Study Suggests - Live Science
Loneliness triggers cellular changes that can cause illness, study ...
Loneliness changes the behavior of your immune system – Liver Doctor Social supports reduce the risk of dementia and stroke through increase of BDNF levels
Mar. 2017, article Associations between social relationship measures, serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and risk of stroke and dementia reports that among 3294 participants, controlling for age and sex, isolation trended with lower BDNF, the participants with more companionship had reduced risk for stroke and dementia. Greater emotional support was associated with higher BDNF, reduced dementia risk. Availability of social support appears to be associated with increased BDNF levels and, in certain subsets, reduce risk of subsequent dementia and stroke. The mental activities are the best means for avoiding Alzheimer's disease
Sept 28, 2012, article The Best Means of Avoiding Alzheimer's Is Dance? Reports that a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the neurologist Dr. Joe Verghese at Albert Einstein College of Medicine followed elderly subjects over an impressive 21-year period to determine which activities most improved their sharpness of mind, and thus staved off the debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s disease. The results are as follow.
Dancing frequently – 76%
Doing crossword puzzles at least four days a week – 47%
Reading – 35% reduced risk of dementia
Bicycling and swimming – 0%
Playing golf – 0%
Above results show that only metal activities without physical activity involved can improve metal health, but only physical activities with lesser mental efforts involved is no help for mental health.
Why would dancing have such a profound effect on aging brains?
The researchers say when the aging process causes our brain cells to begin to die off, the key to avoiding this, in the researchers’ opinion, is to continually forge new neural pathways. And the way to do this is to constantly challenge the mind and force it to make split-second, rapid-fire decisions. Each of these decisions has the effect of creating greater cognitive reserve and a more complex network of neuronal synapses. In short, the more pathways your brain has to the information stored in it, the more accessible that information becomes, and the less likely you are to forget it.
Dance, especially ballroom dance and other forms that involve cooperation between two partners – one leading and the other following, or both following not just preset steps but having the ability to improvise – causes the very rapid-fire decision-making that forges new neural pathways.
The researchers emphasize that not all forms of dancing will accomplish this; for example, types of dance that rely on retracing the same memorized steps will form no new connections in the brain.
In the 21-year study, seniors who danced regularly showed more resistance to dementia than those who only danced occasionally; just as with doing crossword puzzles, more is better. Those who “changed partners” more often benefitted more than those who stuck with the same dance partner, possibly because they had to adjust to the new partner and make more split-second decisions to adapt to their different style.
Interestingly enough, women may benefit slightly more than men from social dancing, because they follow their male partner’s lead, and thus are constantly having to make rapid-fire decisions. But this piece of information can help the men, too. By becoming more attentive to your partner’s style and constantly adjusting your own to insure their comfort and continuity of motion, you can become not only a better dancer, but improve your brain’s cognitive abilities as well.
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