Let me make a few observations challenging the long blog below.
西岸-影 made a few bold statements/predictions that appear not being able to stand the test of time.
1. "本来这场战争美国的目的也不是击垮俄国." The war was instigated by Russia, not the U.S. The initial reaction of the United States in last February was that Ukraine was not a NATO country, so it would not worth NATO involvement. Remember? Things changed later when the battlefield offered new assessment, but that was after the fact thoughts. Starting out discussing aims, if any, of the United States is inappropriate. U.S. reacted to what Russia started.
2. "目的是挑起战争危机,打压欧元." Who did that and whose aim was to provoke the crisis of war? On February 24, 2022, the whole world was in shock. Go back to YouTube to see the videos on Putin's speech.
3. "可以肯定西方知道赢不了这场战争." Do not be too certain. If that is the case, why the West, the NATO members, increased their stake in the war gradually over time, so much so the latest move was to provide modern tanks, the epitome of aggressive weapons? Why tanks if not for the purpose of taking territory?
4. "而且俄国背后有中国,中国绝对不会允许俄国输了战争." No, that is not China's official position nor the reality, for whatever reason that is. Maybe Chinese government think likewise, but it has not committed itself by action. What has China done aiding Russia for the past 11 months to prevent the defeat of Russia? Is China an ally of Russia? After all, what can China do now to "绝对不会允许俄国输了战争." Neither Iran nor Serbia has admitted that they are allies of Russia on this war, much less China.
5. "这次北约支援乌克兰的坦克,上了战场可能也就是支撑一天时间就都完蛋了." This is about the most outlandish predictions that the author has made. We will see?!
6."如果土耳其退出北约,俄国获得黑海出海口..." No, please study a little more of the Crimea War of the 19th century before talking about Turkey quitting NATO. That is impossible. The most that Turkey does not want to see is Russia wins this war after taking Crimea in 2014. We will see.