步骤二:调配食物。四份容积的凉水,倒入一份容积的白糖,然后用筷子搅拌到完全溶解。我们这嘎达儿自来水可以饮用, 所以直接倒入。如果不行就用瓶装水。超市的普通白砂糖Pure Cane Granulated, white sugar即可。如果用面糖Cane Powdered sugar,发现不太容易完全溶解。也可以购买蜂鸟专用糖,里面参合了矿物质等营养物,但是价格上去了。
2/20/2023更新:根据网友留言提醒,注意经常换水,清洗,以免细菌滋生,伤害小鸟。比如一开始可以从少量起步,1/4cup白糖配1cup的水。住在北方寒冷地区的,可以等春暖花开时节再开始。换的太勤了可能不易持续,所以最好是在清洁和劳力之间达到一个可持续的平衡点,reaching a sustainable balance point among cleaness, labor output and hapiness, :-)。
12. 一直想拍一张高速飞行的,但是总是不成功。这张照片算是提供了一个clue,速度快的几乎看不到翅膀。"The Anna's hummingbird, now believed to be the fastest bird in the world relative to its size, can reach speeds of 50mph, or nearly 385 body lengths per second."
回复 'qiu123' 的评论 : 非常感谢您的警示留言!对每个人都是很好的提醒。 引用一下文章的上一句是“Nectar feeders provide a food source for hummingbirds in winter, but they must be cleaned regularly and kept fresh and full. It’s important to take this commitment seriously!”。这里的关键是要定期清洗。另外,对于寒冷地区的爱好者,不让糖水冰冻住也是一个需要注意的地方。还有这一段:“If you’re not ready for this serious commitment, bring you nectar feeders in starting in September, before their fall migration. Hummingbirds are smart and adaptable, and this will give them time to find another food source before winter hits.”,像是针对寒冷的北方地区,比如加拿大。reference: https://spca.bc.ca/faqs/hummingbird-feeders/,第一次看到一个feeder居然同时吸引了这么多蜂鸟,几乎不可思议。
随易 发表评论于
回复 'pingtoronto' 的评论 : 试试吧。不过听到上面的警告还真是让人停步思考。
qiu123 发表评论于
Feeders often attract unusually large numbers of hummingbirds to one area – this can be a joy to watch, but also means any fungus or bacteria in the feeder will affect many birds. These infections can cause their tongues to swell and often result in death, a sad outcome for birds and bird lovers.