In 1958, the Bretton Woods system became fully functional as currencies became convertible. Countries settled international balances in dollars, and US dollars were convertible to gold at a fixed exchange rate of $35 an ounce. The United States had the responsibility of keeping the price of gold fixed and had to adjust the supply of dollars to maintain confidence in future gold convertibility. The Bretton Woods system was in place until persistent US balance-of-payments deficits led to foreign-held dollars exceeding the US gold stock, implying that the United States could not fulfill its obligation to redeem dollars for gold at the official price. In 1971, President Richard Nixon ended the dollar’s convertibility to gold.
回复 '雅歌1' 的评论 : GDP in US dollar can be misleading. If you look at the exchange rate between US dollar and Japanese yen, you would understand Japan GDP has been under estimated because of the devalued yen, from 1US$ to 110 yen to now 1US$ to 140 yen.
1. 作者用充分的事实论证了日本的失落,你却硬扯到中国上去,用贬低中国来衬托日本依旧“厉害”,请问和作者的文章有关系吗?
2. 你说我爱国,我爱国有错吗(多说一句,我不爱党)?100年前,旧中国那么落后,还有那么多热血中国人爱她,为了她而努力奋斗。而你呢?你却爱日本,恨中国。中国把你养大,讲中国话,用中国字,你却天天骂他。你爱干爹也就算了,何必这么狠生母呢?
3. 你口中的毕业于名校的、读了硕士博士的日本同僚,问他们问题,却说“这个不懂、那个不行,我什么也不知道、我根本就没看明白”,请问是谦虚还是虚伪?还是别人根本不愿意理你?不愿意告诉你答案?这也值得你赞扬?我觉得如果自己知道还不告诉你,那不是他有问题,就是你有问题。
4. 你既然那么爱日本,请你回答这几个问题:
a. 日本排核污水。既然日本高官说能喝,为啥不喝?倒到海里不浪费吗?
b. 日本前首相被刺杀,真相何在?国家的耻辱,你抨击了吗?
c. 日本每年大量捕杀鲸鱼,你呐喊了吗?
d. 日本的AV名满全世界,是体现了日本人的高素质吗?
e. 日本连独立的主权都没有,本土被外国驻军,美军犯了法日本还不能加以起诉,每年都有强奸案,请问尊严何在?
f. 安倍和川普合影,红地毯只能靠边,为了巴结川普,安倍一路小跑还摔跤,请问尊严何在?
g. 日本发动的侵略战争,给东南亚的国家带来了深重灾难,罪行罄竹难书,至今认罪了吗?中国不要求赔款,只要求日本有个正确的态度,过分吗?
h. 日本为了恶心中国,故意和中国抢印度和越南的高铁项目,十年了一点进展都没有。而中国和老挝的铁路建成了,和印尼的高铁也通车了,请问日本推崇的“质量和信誉”何在?
What Is the Lost Decade?
The Lost Decade is commonly used to describe the decade of the 1990s in Japan, a period of economic stagnation which became one of the longest-running economic crises in recorded history. Later decades are also included in some definitions, with the period from 1991-2011 (or even 1991-2021) sometimes also referred to as Japan's Lost Decades
雅歌1 发表评论于
The Lost Decade originally referred to an extended period of slow to negative economic growth, lasting almost ten years, in Japan's economy during the 1990s. Stagnant growth in subsequent years has led the period since 1991 to sometimes be referred to as Japan's Lost Decades (plural).,be%20referred%20to%20as%20Japan%27s%20Lost%20Decades%20%28plural%29.