- managed care n. Any arrangement for health care in which an organization, such
as an HMO, another type of doctor-hospital network, or an insurance company,
acts an intermediate between the person seeking care and the physician.
- managed competition n. A theory of health care delivery services that holds
that the quality and efficiency of such services would improve if, in a market
controlled by the federal government, independent groups had to compete for
health care consumers.
- -mancy suff. Divination: bibliomancy.
- manatee n. Any of various herbivorous aquatic mammals of the genus Trichechus,
having paddlelike front flippers and a horizontally flattened tail and found
in warm coastal waters of Florida, northern South America, West Africa, and
the Caribbean.
- mandarin n. 1. A member of any of the nine ranks of high public officials in
the Chinese Empire. 2. A high government official or bureaucrat. 3. A member
of an elite group, especially a person having influence or high status in
intellectual or cultural circles. 4. Mandarin The official national standard
spoken in and around Beijing. 5. A mandarin orange. adj. 2. Marked by elaborate
and refined language or literary style.
- mandrel or mandril n. 1. A spindle or an axle used to secure or support
material being machined or milled. 2. A metal rod or bar around which
material, such as metal or glass, may be shaped. 3. A shaft on which a working
tool is mounted, as in a dental drill.
- mandrill n. A large fierce baboon (Papio sphix syn. Mandrillus sphinx) of
western Africa, having a beard, crest, and mane and brilliant blue, purple,
and scarlet facial markings in the adult male.
- mangabey n. Any of vaious forest-dwelling monkeys of the genus Cerocebus of
central Africa, having a long tail and a slender body.
- Manhattanize tr.v. To transform the appearance and character of (a city) by
constructing tall and densely situated buildings.
- manicure n. A cosmetic treatment of the fingernails, including shaping and
polishing. tr.v. manicurist n.
- manifest adj. tr.v. 3a. To record in a ship's manifest. b. To display or
present a manifest of (cargo). n. 1. A list of cargo or passengers carried on
a ship or plane. 2. An invoice of goods carried on a truck or train. 3. A list
of railroad cars according to owner and location.
- manifest destiny n. 1. A policy of imperialistic expansion defended as
necessary or benevolent. 2. often Manifest Destiny The 19th-century doctrine
that the United States had the right and duty to expand throughout the North
American continent.
- manikin n. 1. A man short in stature. 2. A mannequin. 3. An anatomical model
of the human body for use in teaching.
- man in the street n. The ordinary citizen.
- mano a mano n. pl. manos a manos 1. A bullfight in which two rival matadors
take turns fighting several bulls each. 2. A face-to-face confrontation or
competitive struggle: a mano a mano between the presidential candidates. adj.
Being or suggestive of a face-to-face encounter or contest: a mano a mano duel
between golf pros. adv. In direct competition: an industry gearing up to go
mano a mano with a rival.
- manque adj. Unfulfilled or frustrated in the realization of one's ambitions or
capabilities: an artist manque; a writer manque.
- manrope n. Nautical A rope rigged as a handrail on a gangplank or ladder.
- mansard n. The upper story formed by the lower slope of a mansard roof.
- mansard roof n. A four-sided roof having a double slope on all sides, with the
lower slope much steeper than the upper.
- manticore n. A legendary monster having the head of a man, the body of a lion,
and the tail of a dragon or scorpion.
- mantra n. 2. A commonly repeated word or phrase: "Today's edutainment software
comes shrinkwrapped in the magic mantra: 'makes learning fun.'"
- manquila n. A manquiladora.
- manquiladora n. An assembly plant in Mexico, especially one along the border
between the United States and Mexico, to which foreign materials and parts are
shipped and from which the finished product is returned to the original
- marc n. 1. The pulpy residue left after the juice has been pressed from
grapes, apples, and other fruits. 2. Brandy distilled from grape or apple