Word List 11 (marcel - masochism)

- marcel n. A hairstyle characterized by deep regular waves made by a heated

  curling iron. v. tr. & intr.


- on the march: Advancing steadily; progressing: Technology is on the march.


- steal a march on: To get ahead of, especially by quiet enterprise.


- march2 n. 1. The border or boundary of a country or an area of land; a

  frontier. 2. A tract of land bordering on two countries and claimed by both.

  intr.v. To have a common boundary: England marches with Scotland. [see marcher2]


- mare's nest n. 1. A hoax or fraud. 2. An extraordinarily complicated situation.


- marginalia pl.n. Notes in the margin or margins of a book.


- mariachi n. 1. A street band in Mexico.


- Mariolatry n. Excessive veneration or worship of the Virgin Mary.

  --Mariolater n. --Mariolatrous adj.


- marionette n. A jointed puppet manipulated from above by strings or wires

  attached to its limbs.


- mark n. 13. Slang A person who is the intended victim of a swindler; a dupe.


- maroon1 tr.v. 1. To put ashore on a deserted island or coast and intentionally

  abandon. 2. To abandon or isolate with little hope of ready rescue or escape:

  The travelers were marooned by the blizzard. n.


- maroon2 n. A dark reddish brown to dark purplish red.


- marplot n. an officious meddler whose interference compromises the success of

  an undertaking. [After Marplot, a character in The Busy Body, a play by

  Susannah Centlivre (1669-1723)]


- marquee n. 1. A large tent, often with open sides, used chiefly for outdoor

  entertainment. 2. A rooflike structure, often bearing a signboard, projecting

  over an entrance, as to a theater or hotel. Also called marquise. adj. Being

  an athlete of exceptional skill and popularity: The team is hoping to sign a

  marquee player.


- marsh hen n. Any of various marsh birds of the family Rallidae, which includes

  the gallinules, coots, and rails.


- marshmallow n. 3. Slang A timid, cowardly, or ineffective person

 --marshmallowy adj.


- Martha's Vineyard An island of southeast Massachusetts off the southwest coast

  of Cape Cod. Settled in 1642, it was a whaling and fishing center in the 18th

  and early 19th centuries and is now a resort area.


- martin n. Any of several swallows, such as the house martin and the purple



- martingale n. 3. Games A method of gambling in which one doubles the stakes

  after each loss.


- martyrium n. A church or other edifice built at a site, especially a tomb,

  associated with a Christian martyr or saint.


- Mary I or Mary Tudor 1516-1558 Queen of England and Ireland (1553-1558) who

  reestablished Roman Catholicism (1555). Her persecution of Protestants earned

  her the nickname "Bloody Mary."


- Mary Jane n. Slang Marijunana.


- Mary Janes A trademark used for patent leather shoes for girls, usually having

  a low heel and a single strap that fastens at the side.


- masa n. Dough made of dried corn that has been soaked in limewater then rinsed

  and ground, used especially in tortillas and tamales.


- masher n. 1. A kitchen utensil for mashing vegetables or fruit. 2. Slang A man

  who attempts to force his attentions on a woman. (See mash n.6 & v.5)


- masochism n. 3. A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or

  trying experience. [After Leopold von Sacher-Masoch(1836-1895), Austrian novelist.]


7grizzly 发表评论于
回复 '暖冬cool夏' 的评论 : Thank you, 暖冬, for reading. Most of them were new and all are interesting to me. Just Friday, I heard the word 'mariachi' on the radio and isn't it wonderful to know martin and to start to be able to tell those busy little chicks in the marsh?

It's been so much fun, like collecting coins.
暖冬cool夏 发表评论于
More than half the words are new to me, and those that are old have new meanings or usages, like "march (border)", "steal a march", "maroon v.(2)", "marshmallow"(a person). And it's good to know "Martha's Vineyard". Thanks for sharing.