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Systematic Education and Integrated Training of Quality Writing
----The Way to Learn

Many students don’t know how to begin, develop, and finish when facing a writing assignment. Dr. Joe’s engineered classes will help them solve this no-clue problem in a scientifically designed and artistically oriented flowchart procedure. The BFB theory invented by Dr. Joe is the integral part of this process.

Teaching Guidelines:  Dr. Joe’s English Writing Classes are custom-made, result-oriented, and highly intensive. Our classes are designed for the students from elementary school to high school. Our students will lead their peers by at least one year in writing, reading, and public speaking. They will stand out in assignments, tests, contests, presentations, communication, and high school and university applications.

Class Coverage:  1. Vocabulary  2. Sentences  3. Paragraphs  4. Composition  5. Writing Types  6. Parts of Speech  7. Punctuation  8. Format   9. Spelling  10. Diction  11. Research and Writing  12. Writing Exercises 13. Classic Appreciation  14. Student Writing Sample Analysis 15. Critical Reading and Critical Writing 16. Creative Writing

Dr. Joe英语精品写作课介绍

我们独特有效的英语写作课从词汇、造句、段落构造、篇章设计,到写作风格与创意,到语法、英文传统习惯及新趋势(包括写作与引述格式),到文学及写作历史、名家介绍,到学生作文评讲,再到精品与经典作品赏析、模仿和借 鉴, 涉及informative, persuasive, entertaining (narrative, persuasive, expository, descriptive) 等写作类型的系统练习,结合 老师原创的写作教育理论。我们的写作课是最系统、最根本性地解决学生不知道怎么写好文章的问题,使得我们的学 生经过系统完整的训练,成为高(整体写作水平高)、宽(知识面宽)、厚(文化素养功底厚)、精(精于个性化的写作风格)、快(在有限的时间内快速完成合格作文)、准(根据要求写出有着激光制导炸弹般准确定位的好文)多能一体的写作好手, 养成Critical Reading and Critical Writing的良好思维、阅读、写作习惯,并在Creative Writing, Public Speaking和Debating中脱颖而出。

