上个月,来自费城的39岁的特雷西·麦肯(Tracey McCann),其毒品注射处附近突然出现xylazine特异性伤口。在接受采访时她表示:“我早上会哭着醒来,因为我的胳膊快不行了。”
NGO“减少国家危害联盟”资深医生艾玛(Emma Roberts)描述自己在波多黎各见识过的患者病况,最大伤口面积遍及整个前臂。另外也有吸食者接受媒体采访,透露这种毒品将“人们的身体变成殭尸”,自己吸食后腿部都出现伤口。
洛杉矶郡卫生部药物滥用预防及管制部主任盖瑞(Dr. Gary Tsai)也忧心美国正处于“史上最严重的用药过量危机之中”,而新兴毒品只是更让情况恶化。从2022年某份相关报告透露“赛拉嗪”现踪全美36州,且旧金山卫生部指出,曾在4名用药过量患者体内验出低浓度的“赛拉嗪”,不排除人们在不知情状况下服用潜藏在其他药物里的赛拉嗪。>>>>>
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NGO「减少国家危害联盟」资深医师艾玛(Emma Roberts)曾在波多黎各治疗「赛拉嗪」患者,她看过最大的伤口范围扩及整个前臂,「我们看到的是非常大型的病变,有时在注射部位,有时在体内。如果放着不管,(患处)可能直接切开,你可以看到人们的骨头和肌腱。」组织护士也表示,那看起来就像某种东西「从内到外吃掉你的血肉」。
39岁患者特蕾西(Tracey McCann)向《纽约时报》表示,她的注射部位上个月突然出现「赛拉嗪」特有伤口,「我早上会哭着醒来,因为我的手臂快要不行了。」28岁患者山姆(Sam)向《天空新闻》说,这种药物「基本上就是把人们的身体变成殭尸。直到9个月前,我从来没有伤口。现在,我的腿和脚都有洞了。」
洛杉矶郡卫生部药物滥用预防及管制部主任盖瑞(Dr. Gary Tsai)指出,美国已经陷入「史上最严重的用药过量危机之中」,「赛拉嗪」的流行恐怕使得情况雪上加霜。
Skin-Rotting 'Zombie Drug' Xylazine Tied to Increase in US Drug Overdoses
Clinical Relevance: Be on the lookout for use of xylazine, a new animal sedative often used in conjunction with opioids
- Xylazine is a fast-spreading, deadly new street drug often cut into other drugs or used used to extend the effects of fentanyl and mimic the high of heroin.
- The drug can cause sedative-like symptoms and severe skin rot.
- Although approved for use in veterinary medicine, the drug is unsafe for humans and overdoses cannot be reversed by the opioid antidote, naloxone.
There is a deadly new street drug to worry about. It acts as a sedative, analgesic, and muscle relaxant. Oh, and it also causes severe skin rot.
Xylazine–which goes by the street names “tranq,” “tranq dope,” and “zombie drug”–is approved for use in horses, cattle, and other non-human mammals. In the past couple of years, opioid users have started taking it to extend the effects of fentanyl and mimic the high of heroin.
However, some users may not intentionally seek out xylazine. In many cases, people are not aware that it has been cut into the other drugs they are buying and using, according to an urgent warning from Philadelphia’s Department of Public Health.
The tranq trend appears to have begun in Puerto Rico in the early 2000s, a study published in the journal Injury Prevention suggested. Philly was the first US city to document its use around 2006. Since then, it has quickly spread across the country to at least 36 states, with xylazine-related overdose deaths recorded in Ohio, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Texas. Other public health warnings about the drug have been issued by New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
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FDA-approved for use in veterinary medicine, xylazine is considered unsafe for humans. It’s not an opioid, so users who overdose on the drug can’t be saved by naloxone (Narcan), the opioid OD reversal injection recently recommended by a government panel for over the counter sales. But because xylazine is now almost always found in combination with opioids, including fentanyl, the Philadelphia warning recommended administering Narcan anyway for any suspected opioid overdose.
The drug causes excessive sleepiness and respiratory depression. But its most distressing symptom is raw, crusty skin ulcers that spread out from the injection site. The skin wounds decompensate quickly and can be so severe that the infected body part may require amputation if left untreated.
Research has yet to definitively prove a connection between xylazine and the open sores, but the Philadelphia report noted that there does appear to be an association between the two. Since xylazine came onto the city’s drug scene, local hospital systems have reported a rise in skin and soft tissue infections among drug users.
Xylazine is not on the list of controlled substances under the federal Controlled Substances Act. Currently, there is no way to test for the drug in the system. A person who has overdosed on the drug will likely be unresponsive, the Philadelphia report noted. When a person overdoses on xylazine in combination with fentanyl, symptoms can include blue-to-grayish skin, as well as slowed breathing and heart rate.