Stan Dewulf ofAG2R Citroen had an extremely shitty day.
昨天在Grand Prix de Denain比赛中,他在左转弯时失去控制,车子偏离鹅卵石路面,撞上了一座名副其实的“粪山”。
平时这些小型比赛很少引起注意,但是Dewulf rode into shit mountain 这个新闻却在互联网上引起了轰动。各大媒体都争相报道,真的是不缺吃瓜群众啊。呵呵。
Grand Prix de Denain是法国历史悠久的一日赛,全长 194.7 公里,起点和终点都在Denain。 虽然最后比赛是由Juan Sebastián Molano赢得。但是各大媒体却都focus在了这个粪山事故上,哈哈。
- I'd pegged him as Number Two in the sprint...
- Not often the rider gets the pressure wash before the bike….
- Well, he already had brown shorts.
- Someone's not getting on the team bus!