listen to your cues making more time for yoga

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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I feel like I have just clambered out of a very dark, damp cave after months of a heavy, long winter. I don't know why this winter has felt particularly hard. But today, I'm relieved that the Spring Equinox is finally upon us. The light is equal to the darkness - hallelujah!

One thing that I've learned from this past winter is I need more time to rest, to recuperate. That could possibly be why I feel like a grumpy old bear climbing out of that cave. I didn't use winter in the way that nature intends us to - hibernation, rest, recovery, dreaming and planning. Did you? When you look back on your winter, is there anything you would change about how you approached it? How you lived it?

Maybe today, on this beautiful Spring Equinox we could take just a moment to pinky promise to ourselves that we will take some time next winter to slow down as mother nature so desperately wants us to. She hands us all the tools to do so, dimming the light, dialling down the energy, sending us Jack Frost but we have become too good at ignoring her.

Apologies mother nature. I vow to listen more closely to your cues and your care from now on. So next winter, for me, it will be about making more time for yoga, more time for rest and recovery. So hopefully next year, I will come bounding, refreshed, renewed out of that warm, snuggly cave ready to embrace the new season ahead.

I'd love to hear what you would like to welcome into your winter this year. So please feel free to leave a comment below.

Namaste, Laura x

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Photo by Mark Basarab
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Feed post number 3

God Did This One Make Sense Today!!!

Today was one of the hardest days of my life.

I was completely betrayed by the #1 person I have trusted and been completely honest and loyal too...

Takes Alot Not To Turn Into A Monster In Eye Awakening Moments Like This Morning...

The Universe always reveals The Truth and Karma does its work for me...

I chose to be compassionate, kind and a Lady when most would have ripped the room apart...

A moment of patience to reflect before reacting goes along way.

Today I get to start The Rest of My New Life free from people who cannot even be honest with themselves.

Patience in a moment of Anger Pays off and Allows Your Soul to Mourn without Guilt ?