Only 5 married husband-wife pairs won Nobel Prizes

宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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married husband-wife pairs who have both won Nobel Prizes the samer year:

  1. Pierre Curie and Marie Curie (Physics, 1903 and Chemistry, 1911)
    • Pierre and Marie Curie were a married couple who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903, which they shared with Henri Becquerel, and Marie went on to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.
  2. Irène Joliot-Curie and Frédéric Joliot-Curie (Chemistry, 1935)
    • Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie were a married couple who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1935 for their work on the synthesis of new radioactive elements.
  3. Carl Cori and Gerty Cori (Physiology or Medicine, 1947)
    • Carl and Gerty Cori were a married couple who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1947 for their discovery of how glycogen is broken down and resynthesized in the body.
  4. May-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser (Physiology or Medicine, 2014)
    • May-Britt and Edvard Moser are a married couple who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2014 for their discovery of grid cells, which are responsible for our ability to orient ourselves in space.
  5. Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo (Economic Sciences, 2019)
    • Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo are a married couple who won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2019 for their experimental approach to alleviating global poverty.
Please note that this list only includes couples who were married to each other at the time they won their respective Nobel Prizes.
