"华尔街之狼" 伊坎:美国经济正在崩溃,企业治理是全球最糟之一
2023年03月15日 06:52 环球市场播报

著名投资家、「华尔街狼王」卡尔伊坎(Carl Icahn)表示,由于企业治理不力以及顽固的高通胀,美国经济正陷入困境。
伊坎说:“我认为鲍威尔真的必须迟早加息。通胀是经济中最糟糕的事情……我觉得你别无选择。如果你不继续下去,我真的相信通胀问题会变得非常、非常难以摆脱。” 2月份通货膨胀率再次上升,消费者价格指数(CPI)环比上升0.4%。年通率目前为6%,这可能会促使美联储下周再次加息,尽管最近银行业出现动荡。
Inflation And Poor Corporate Leadership Are Causing Our Economy To Break Down, Says Renowned Investor Carl Icahn
Inflation and poor corporate leadership are to blame for the U.S. economy's troubles, according to renowned investor Carl Icahn.
“Across all sectors of our economy, we are experiencing a major problem today due to the failure of the system," Icahn said on Trade Algo on Tuesday.” It has been reported that this country is among the worst in the world when it comes to corporate governance.”
It is well known that Carl Icahn has been an activist investor and a corporate raider for a long time, making profits by forcing changes to corporate policies. His success was attributed to the fact that he was able to take advantage of a questionable corporate governance regime to his benefit.
“Leadership is worse than mediocrity. Our success is a result of that. Not because we're geniuses, but because today when you walk into a company... What you see is horrifying," Icahn said.
As Icahn pointed out, another major issue facing the economy right now is surging inflation and the Federal Reserve has no choice but to keep raising rates in order to combat it.
“I believe that Powell needs to raise interest rates sooner rather than later,” Icahn said in a statement. “Inflation is one of the worst things that can happen to an economy... There doesn't seem to be any other option for you. I really believe that if you don't keep pursuing the problem of inflation, I really believe that you will find that it is very, very difficult to find a way out of it as long as you don't keep going on."
It appears that inflation rose again in February, with the consumer price index rising 0.4% from the previous month. With the annual inflation rate now at 6%, the Fed is likely to keep raising interest rates next week, despite recent turmoil in the banking industry, as a result of the current inflation rate.
Carl Icahn says our economy is breaking because of inflation and poor corporate leadership
in World Economy News 16/03/2023
Famed investor Carl Icahn believes the U.S. economy is in trouble because of poor corporate leadership and stubbornly high inflation.
“The system is breaking down, and we absolutely have a major problem in our economy today,” Icahn said on CNBC’s “Closing Bell” Tuesday. “One of the worst countries in the world as far as corporate governance.”
Icahn has been a longtime activist investor and corporate raider, making profit from forcing changes to corporate policy. He credited his success to his ability to take advantage of questionable governance at the corporate level.
“Leadership is worse than mediocre. And that’s why we’re so successful. I mean, not because we’re geniuses, but because you go into a company today … It’s really horrible what you find,” Icahn said.
Meanwhile, Icahn said another major issue in the economy right now is surging inflation and the Federal Reserve has no choice but keep raising rates to squash it.
I think Powell really has to raise interest rates sooner than later,” Icahn said. Inflation is the worst thing the economy can have…. I don’t think you have a choice. If you don’t keep going on, I really believe that the problem of inflation can become such that it’s very, very difficult to get out of it.”
Inflation rose again in February with the consumer price index increasing 0.4%. The annual inflation rate is now at 6%, which will likely keep the Fed on track for another interest rate hike next week, despite recent banking industry turmoil.
Source: CNBC
Carl Icahn: The American Economy Is Breaking Down, Bank Failures Are A Manifestation Of Terrible Corporate Governance
By Tim Hains March 14, 2023
Investor Carl Icahn sounded alarms about "major problems" with the U.S. economy amid record inflation and a renewed banking crisis. Icahn blamed "the system breaking down" on the U.S. having "the worst" corporate governance in the world and warned that "if you look at history, every hegemony has been destroyed by inflation," during a phone call Tuesday afternoon with CNBC.
"I won't get in politics, but I think you do feel that in Washington, nobody knows what's really going on. But forgetting that, in the corporations... leadership is worse than mediocre," he said.
CARL ICAHN: I don't think it is "the last few days," necessarily, I think we have some major problems in our economy. Maybe they'll be fixed, but just look at many, many factors. We've been on a little bit of a spending spree. The rising tide lifts all ships, but a lot of people in our economy are not doing well, obviously. The net worth of the median household is nothing, basically, and you just look at what is going on.
I think [Fed Chairman] Powell really has to raise interest rates sooner or later. I can't talk about next week or even next month. But, inflation is the worst thing an economy can have. And I think people underrate that. If you look at history, every hegemony has been destroyed by inflation -- or almost every one. Just go back to Rome, that's what happens.
And one of our major problems, I think, in this economy right now is there is no leadership on the corporate level. Forget politically, I won't get in politics, but I think you do feel that in Washington, nobody knows what's really going on. But forgetting that, in the corporations. I've lived with that all my life basically, and companies today really have -- with many exceptions, many, many exceptions, leadership is worse than mediocre. And that's why we are so successful. not because we're geniuses, but you go to a company today, that's what we have done over and over and over again. And it is really horrible what you find in many of them.
In a way they go together. Bank failure is the leadership in our companies and the way they spend money and really you have a moral hazard if you just keep bailing them out. I won't opine on trying to save some poor people, although the depositors of Silicon Valley Bank weren't exactly poor people. But that's not the issue, the issue is you have to stop inflation. So you say, do we keep going on? I don't think you have a choice. If you don't keep going on, I really believe that the problem with inflation can become such that it is very difficult to get out of it. Hey, maybe there is something we can do about it. Maybe there is some miracle, but you do have inflation look. If you stop -- if they don't raise rates next week, next month, I don't know, but I don't -- I really don't think there is a choice. I think you can't have inflation in this country. You pay the price. You have gone out on a binge, you have spent the family wealth and you just keep spending. At the end, you pay the price for it.
CNBC HOST: I want your reaction to what Citadel's Ken Griffin told the [Financial Times] about this very issue in which he suggested that the government should not have bailed out all of the depositors he said, quote, "The U.S. is supposed to be a capitalist economy and that's breaking down before our eyes. There has been a lot of financial discipline with the government bailing out depositors in full." What do you make of that statement? He also goes after the regulators, about what do you think about that
CARL ICAHN: I can't opine on what Griffin is saying there. Because I don't quite understand where it goes. But I am saying that he's right that our system is breaking down, and that we absolutely have a major problem in our economy today.
I'm not going to opine on whether or not you bail out a bank or something like that. But you can't have the country feeling that it doesn't matter if they save, it doesn't matter, because they can spend all the money they want, do whatever they want, because the government will bail you out. He's right about that. You can't have that.
Should you bail this bank out? I don't know. I don't like to opine on things that I'm not really that conversant in.
But I do agree that the system is breaking down. One of the major reasons, not the only reason obviously, but one of the major reasons is that you don't have good corporate leadership. So you say, so what? I'll tell you so what. If you don't have good corporate leadership at companies, when the tide is high and things are great, it doesn't matter and all these guys are running these companies, partying and having a good time and giving themselves bonuses.
But that it is different than the people who invest with them, they're looking to get bonuses. I live it. I go into it and there is a reason that we make so much money... But why? Because we go into companies and clean them up. And there is so much to clean up and it is getting much worse now.
[The U.S. is] one of the worst countries in the world as far as corporate governance goes. I could go on and on about that. The whole economy is breaking down, Griffin is right. I don't think it is right because you bailed out some investors, but I do say he's right in the sense that our economy is breaking down. How do you define capitalistic system?
CNBC HOST: I know you have been fairly negative on the market for a while, you've been hedged, I think you had given us an idea of how your positioning looked. I had a guest come on and suggest that we're not out of the woods quite yet. The stock market had a nice gain today, a bit of a relief rally, giving a lot of that up. Do you feel like, you know, we still have some tough sledding ahead in the market? How are you positioned as we're having this conversation today?
CARL ICAHN: Yeah, my book is very -- I try to keep hedged. I don't, you know, I try not to bet on the market or pick the markets going down tomorrow. Sometimes I do talk about what I think is going to happen over a period of six months, a year, or two years.
I remember being on your show, the last couple of times, a year ago, six months ago, eight months ago, I said the same thing this market is going to get hurt. And I was right on that. But big deal, you know, you really can't make a living picking the market, you know, day to day, month to month. But if you ask me how I'm hedged, the book is more short than long.