牛津辩论社 “与龙共舞,中国,是敌是友?”



Dancing With The Dragon - China: Friend or Foe?


China has increasingly dominated headlines as a growing economic superpower whose growth and foreign policy are rapidly restructuring international politics.
This head-to-head debate will consider China’s place in the world, whether the balance of global power has tilted towards China, and what the true nature of Sino-British and Sino-American relations are. Has China won?

What does winning actually mean for China? Our two speakers will consider these questions and more as we explore how China is remaking the modern world.
1. Rt. Hon. Sir Vince Cable
Sir Vince Cable is a British Liberal Democrat Politician who served as Party Leader and spent five years in the coalition cabinet as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills. He authored The Chinese Conundrum, which explores relations between China and the West.

2. Dr Michael Pillsbury
Dr Michael Pillsbury is Director of the Center on Chinese Strategy at the Hudson Institute. He has held numerous defence and foreign policy advisory positions in the US Government and is considered the architect of Trump’s China policy.

3. Professor Rana Mitter (Moderator)
Professor Mitter is a Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China. He has served as the Director of the Oxford China Centre. He is the author of numerous books on China, including A Bitter Revolution: China’s Struggle with the Modern World.

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Rt. Hon. Sir Vince Cable
well thank you for inviting me back to
the union
um and it's an honor to speak after Dr
Pillsbury who is probably one of the two
or three people in the world who is most
authoritative on China and is a deep
um and many of the things he says and
writes about a wise and right
um but I I sort of part company
um in fact I I start to park company in
the leading article in the book where it
talks about China's secret strategy to
replace America as the global superpower
and then why why Secret
um in his book Dr Pillsbury describes an
episode where a Chinese Defector
comes to the United States and warns
that there is a secret plan to make the
Chinese economy as big as that of the
United States by the year 2020. that's a
big shock you know big secret
well I mean I have to tell him that 25
years ago I was sitting in a
multinational company in London uh armed
with a few statistics a calculator and a
bit of Common Sense
and you could work out on the back of an
envelope that China was almost certain
to become the biggest economy in the
world by 2020. it didn't require secrecy
to understand that and this simple
arithmetic actually
I mean there are four times as many
people in China you know when China gets
to a quarter of American living
standards by definition is going to be
equivalent in economic size I mean why
is that a problem I mean it should be
something we welcome actually and a lot
of very poor people getting a decent
living standards and you know it's a
basic arithmetic that when China has
continued to grow as it almost certainly
will and it reaches half American living
standards they will have an economy
twice as big
and they're going to have to get used to
it and we are and actually it's not just
China by the middle of this Century
India will also be a economic superpower
the bigger economy in the United States
very probably
so you know there is an issue about the
the current hegemon you know the
getting used to the idea that there is
another country which will have
comparable and potentially significantly
more economic heft
I mean you know Britain used to be
number one 100 years ago so we've had a
century to get used to sliding down the
league table I think we're now about
number eight we've just been overtaken
by Indonesia but you know we we get used
to these things and I I think the United
States the core of the problem in many
ways is an inability to get used to this
basic fact and to adapt to it and to
accept that China is going to have to be
integrated within the the rules of the
world system which the United States has
LED and led well to our to our benefit
for the last 70 years
now this whole idea of secrecy I think
cuts across the idea that many of the
features of modern China are hidden in
plain sight
you know it's very clear what they're


2022年02月17日 18:29 海外网

 最近,有着190多年历史的牛津辩论社举办了一场辩论,主题是“与龙共舞:中国,是敌是友?” 参与辩论的嘉宾都是大咖。一方是美国哈德逊研究所中国战略中心主任白邦瑞(Michael Pillsbury),他号称是西方世界的“中国通”,发言态度强硬,对中国充满猜忌;另一方是英国前商务大臣兼贸易委员会主席文斯·凯布尔(Sir Vince Cable),他从自己与中国打交道的经历发言,展现了对华理性务实的态度。



























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