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哥哥Josuua在密执根州荣获蝶泳冠军,信心倍增,今年8月即代表密执根州参加了美国中部 15个州的大型游泳比赛。Joshua不负众望,终于荣获美国中部大区游泳比赛蝶泳100米第3名和200米蝶泳第3名。

哥哥游泳成绩突出,喜讯传来, 当地报纸立即报道了Joshua 游泳比赛为当地争光的突出事迹

【 美国中部长距离游泳比赛】


代表密执根州St. Clair 市的有两位游泳小将,12岁的Joshua 获得11-12岁男孩组100米和200米蝶泳第3名。







华东学区监督执行助理 Kelly Vavgo


华东学区官方Facebook主页刊登 Joshua 出色游泳事迹


Over the summer, St Clair Middle School 6th grader Josh Zexter, attended the 2015 MI 14 and Under LCM State Meet, which was held in Holland, MI in July. He won 1st place for the 100 Fly in the 11-12 boys group, along with 2nd place for the 200 IM (Individual Medley) and the 200 Butterfly

in the state meet.

With 6 zone qualified times, Josh represented Team Michigan and attended the Central Zone Meet which was held in Minneapolis, MN in August, with top young swimmers from 15 states, Josh performed well and placed third in the 11 -12 boys division in both the 100 and 200 butterfly

stroke. Josh also was on the 11-12 division MI 400 medley relay team and he also placed fifth,

while the 200 medley relay team also finished seventh.

Josh’s little brother, Colin Zexter, a 3rd grader in Eddy Elementary School is following in Josh’s footsteps. In the 2015 MI 14 and under LCM state meet, as a 9 year old in the 10 and under group, he placed # 6 in the 50 meter backstroke, and # 8 in the 100 meter backstroke.

The Zexter brothers swim with Coach Ilso of USA Swimming.They practice hard and want to become National and Olympic swimmers when they grow up.

Congratulations boys! ECSD is proud of your accomplishments! Keep up the good work.


美国 密执根州圣克来依尔市Saint Clair MI华东学区 为Zexter 兄弟俩感到骄傲

今夏,圣克来依尔中学6年级学生 Joshua Zexter 参加了今年7月在 Holland/ 荷兰举行的2015年密执根州游泳比赛。在11-12岁男孩组获得100米蝶泳第一名和200米蝶泳第二名。

Joshua代表密执根州游泳队参加了今年8月在明尼苏达州明那珀利索市举行的美国中部 15个州青年游泳比赛。表现出色,在11-12男孩组中分获100米蝶泳第3名,200米蝶泳第3名,州400米接力赛第5名和200米接力赛第7名。

Joshua的弟弟 Colin 是阿的也/Eddy小学二年级学生,他才9岁,以哥哥为榜样也参加了2015年密执根州10岁组游泳比赛。在50米仰游中获得第6名,在100米仰游中获得第8名。

Zexter兄弟俩的教练是Liso , 兄弟俩训练刻苦,爭取长大时成为国家级及奥林匹克运动员。

祝贺你们兄弟俩! 华东学区为你们的成绩感到骄傲!希望你们继续前进!
